Ayurvedic Remedies, Medicines for Skin Glow, Radiance

Having a clean, lustrous and attractive skin is the dream of many people and aim of many youngsters.  But, hereditary factors, pollutants, hormones have their say in this matter.  People are more dependent on the cosmetics, most of which are  more hazardous than helpful. Many contain allergic ingredients and others carcinogenic.  So, there is an immediate need of safe and effective, natural herbal complexion enhancers.

Are soaps and shampoos really needed? A Reader’s words of experience

Skin and Pitta Dosha

Skin, blood and Pitta are inter-related. Many of the blood vitiation disorders are exhibited as skin disorders. Impaired Pitta (increase / decrease) causes vitiation of blood tissue, leading to skin disorders.
We have learnt that there are five types of Pitta. Among them, Bhrajaka Pitta controls skin quality and complexion. Bhrajaka Pitta balancing is required to maintain lustrous healthy skin.

Ayurveda emphasizes the utility of various complexion enhancers  (Kanti Vardhaka). Kanti means lustre/complexion and Vardhaka means enhancer / promoter.

Ayurveda refers another set of medicaments – Blood soothers  – Rakta Prasadaka herbs. Rakta means blood and Prasadakara means soothers.

beautiful woman with healthy skin

Blood detoxifiers, soothers

Blood detoxifiers (Rakta Shodhaka) – Blood soothers (Rakta Prasadaka)  and complexion enhancers (Kanti Vardhaka) inter-relation:
Complexion enhancers are directly linked with the effects of blood cleansers or blood purifiers. So, before proceeding to the Kantivardhaka drugs, it will be essential to consume the blood cleansers (Rakta Shodhaka)  or blood soothers (Rakta Prasadaka) herbs.

Blood cleanser and soother herbs are usually bitter or astringent (Tikta-Kashaya) in taste, light-cold-soft and slow (Laghu-Sheeta-Mridu and Manda) in quality. Opposite to these are blood vitiators with spicy, oily salty and deep penetrating corrosive and irritant quality substances.

So, as a first step towards having a beautiful skin, you need to get rid of the skin disease.
Thereafter, the Kantivardhaka – complexion enhancers can be prescribed.

Understanding Blood Functions, Vitiation And Treatment As Per Ayurveda
Ayurvedic treatment for pimple: Cause, Herbs, Home Remedies

Kanti vardhaka drugs

Qualities of complexion boosters – Kanti vardhaka drugs:
Such drugs are always mild and cooling in nature with bitter and astringent tastes. But there are a few exceptions for this rule.

Single herbs

Single drugs used to enhance the complexion/lustre;-
Turmeric – Curcuma longa
Tree turmeric – Daru Haridra – Berberis aristata
Indian Sarsaparilla – Sariva – Hemidesmus indicus
Saffron – Kumkuma
Sandalwood – Chandana Santalum album
Red sandalwood – Raktachandana
Aloe vera  – Kumari
Cardamom – Ela – Elatteria cardamomum
Manjista – Rubia cardifolia
Yashtimadhu-Indian liquorice-Glyccirrhiza glabra
Lodhra-Symplocos racemosa

Ayurvedic medicines

Ayurvedic medicines to enhance the complexion/lustre:
Haridrakhanda rasayana – widely in the treatment of allergic skin diseases, itching skin. There is a line in the description of this product which says – regular consumption of this, for long term (2 – 4 months) makes the skin as lustrous as gold.
Drakshasavam – used in the treatment of piles, fistula, indigestion, bleeding diseases, intestinal worms, injury, wounds.
Mukta Bhasma – Calx prepared from pearl. Excellent to balance Pitta dosha. It improves skin complexion, eye power, digestion power and nourishment.
Nalikerasavam – It improves skin quality, complexion and beauty. This medicine is also used for longevity and rejuvenation treatment.
Shankha Bhasma – Calx prepared from Conch shell. It is coolant, improves skin quality and complexion.
Saraswatarishta – An excellent fermented anti ageing liquid product, useful for skin health, memory and immunity
Gandhaka Rasayana – used in the treatment of skin diseases, itching, chronic fever, urinary tract disorders etc.
Praval Bhasma – Calx prepared from coral, also used in Ayurvedic treatment of cough, asthma, bleeding disorders etc.

Oil massage for beautiful skin:
Kumkumadi taila –
used for face massage. It helps in improving  skin texture, complexion and also to relieve skin problems such as acne, scars etc
Eladi oil – 
used in treatment for skin diseases like allergic dermatitis, ring worm infection, urticaria.  Improves skin complexion and texture. It is applied once or twice a day.
Nalpamaradi Oil – A baby and face massage oil, used in the treatment of skin diseases, Herpes, Eczema, Dermatitis, allergic skin disorders such as ring worm infestation etc.

How to apply these oils?
Any one of these oils can be applied once or twice a day. If you are concerned about the oil being sticky and causing discomfort, consider applying the oil 1 hour before bath. In the evening, it can be applied, left on the skin surface and then washed off after 1 hour.

These oils also act as a safe covering against hot sun. If sun burn is the cause of lack of glow, then a thin layer of few drops of Shatadhauta ghrita, plain ghee or coconut oil or Kumkumadi taila can be applied before going out under hot Sun.

The above-mentioned oils are also useful against skin issues faced by swimmers.

Ayurvedic home remedies

Simple home remedies for a healthy glowing skin:
1. Aloe Vera pulp – 20 grams is added with half a teaspoon (3 grams) turmeric powder and heated for a minute and this is applied externally. Left for 20 minutes, washed off with water.

2. Nutmeg and root of Sariva are rubbed well with the fresh juice of Aloe Vera and made into a fine paste. This is applied to the face daily. This is much useful in black and white heads.
Article by Dr Krishnamurthy and Dr Hebbar.

Ayurvedic Herbs

How to use Khadira powder for external application in case of skin ailments such as Eczema?
It can be made into an oil / cream and applied.
1 tablespoon of Khadira is added with one bucket of hot water. it is used for bathing.

Aloe Vera – gel application on skin, creams such as aloederm
Sandalwood – Red and white sandalwood cream and oral intake
Turmeric, Tree Turmeric – to ward of allergic rashes and to improve skin health


  • indra

    Its awsome sir. But how to know which bhasam is to be used.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, first up, any Bhasma preparation should only be used only if prescribed by a qualified Ayurvedic doctor.
      There are many tests for Bhasmas. two famous ones are – the particles should be minute enough to settle between the fine creases of fingers. It should float on water, when put smoothly.

      • indra

        But sir how to determine sankha/praval/mukta bhasma to be used. Sir is their any side effect.

        • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

          Hi, the decision on choice of Bhasma has to be made by your Ayurvedic doctor.

  • Gargi Chauhan

    Hello sir , can you pls tell me which medicines are blood purifier and soother…. as you mention complexion enhancing medicines in your article from which we have to take one medicine or all of them and also in which amount and duration.

  • chitti Sekhar

    Very good and educative article

  • deepakbohraphotography

    Awesome suggestion ! Kindly advise about Face pimples etc.

    Heeralal A Bohra Jain.

  • Gargi Chauhan

    Hello sir, How to use turmeric for enhancing complexion or luster of skin.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Take a teaspoon (~ 5 grams) of turmeric powder, mix it with 100 ml ghee or coconut water. Mix it well. Apply a thin layer of it, on face, 10 minutes before facewash, everyday.

  • Sudha

    Thank you Dr! For enlightening us on Ayurvedic method of skin care!

  • tanishqa

    Thank you very nice and helpful article, Dr what is HARIDRAKAND RASAYAN IS IT DIFFERENT FROM HARIDRAKAND
    i had peachy pink skin but now its no longer, also my HB is always low only after supplements its comes to normal,


  • medha athavale

    What is home remedy for unwanted hair on the face

  • rachana

    sir , Very informative. a regular reader.

  • Gargi Chauhan

    Hello sir, sir can you pls tell me which are blood soother and cleansing medicines in ayurveda …. you have mentioned medicine for enhancing complexion in your article so pls tell me we have to take one from them or all of them for glowing clear complexion…. pls pls reply me sir…

  • Mageswari

    Dear Doctor,
    Thanks for writing this article and it is very informative.

  • Sreedevi

    Hello Sir, Can you please guide us on treatment and prevention of blackheads and whiteheads.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Bascially skin cleansing and detoxing treatments are required. Will write about them.

  • pinky

    thankyou sir,

  • roshni

    Hello sir, I have dull and dark skin.I also have prominent dark circles. What should I try. Please suggest. Would be a help.

  • Radhakrishna P M

    Dear Sir,
    I have read about use of centella asiatica extract for scar removal and enhancement of skin glow. Is there is any ayurvedic reference supporting this?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Can you tell me where exactly I have mentioned it?

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Hi, you can apply Kumkumadi tailam 10 minutes before applying the lemon peel. The Lemon would help to get rid of Kumkumadi oil from face/

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Nothing to worry. It will improve. No medicine or oil is required as of now.

  • Saru

    Thank you sir.. Could u pls tell me when shall I start applying oil?? much worried about his dark complexion. . And also please advise me to put on some weight for me… Thanks

  • anjali

    Sir i have wheatish and dull complexion,even after following the CTM routine two times in a day my skin looks tanned and lifeless,plz suggest me a skin care routine for flawless and glowing skin.

  • Saru

    Sir.. please suggest to have glowing skin all over the body and not only face. Because my hands and legs are so dark compared to other parts.. so please advice for whole body to glow. Thanks..

    • Dr Malini Bhat

      Dear Madam,

      Hands and legs are exposed to the Sun during the day which might have resulted in the darkness of the skin. Would like to suggest you to eat a lot of fruits and veggies and have a balanced diet with the right amount of exercise and yoga.

      You can use the above said treatments under the guidance of a ayurvedic physician.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Hi, Single herbs that are listed abouve – like sandalwood, aloevera etc are the Kantivardhaka (lustre enhancing) herbs.

  • Saru

    Hello Sir please how to get glowing skin all over the body. Most of the tips for face only but I have dark hands and legs. So please suggest to have good looking skin for whole body. Thank u so much.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, most of the advice above cover whole body. Have food rich in Vitamin E –

    • Dr Malini Bhat

      Dear Madam, Hands and legs are exposed to the Sun during the day which might have resulted in the darkness of the skin. Would like to suggest you to eat a lot of fruits and veggies and have a balanced diet with the right amount of exercise and yoga. You can use the above said treatments under the guidance of a ayurvedic physician.

  • shree

    sir have you prepared any hair products for hair loss and hair growth, hair wash it seems

  • silvea

    Kesari kalp is good for skin glow? Will it reduce acne?

  • Saru

    Sir I have open pores on my face.. how to get it clear and have flawless skin? Please suggest as my face have little holes due to open pores.

  • madhusmita sahoo

    Hi sir, i need treatment for loss of hair n also for acne ?

  • Dr Malini Bhat

    Madam, These are some home remedies you can inculcate:
    • Crush 2 washed tomatoes into a puree. Add 4 tbsp lemon juice. Mix well. Apply on the tanned skin. Leave it for 20 min. Wash off with cold water. Do this for 15 days
    • Take 6 tbsp lemon juice. Add 2 tsp turmeric powder. Mix well to make paste.Apply on the tanned skin.Leave it for 30 min.Wash off with water
    • In a bowl add equal quantities of rose water, lemon juice and cucumber juice. Stir well and prepare a homogenous mixture. Apply it and wash off after 15 minutes.
    • Add half a lemon (juice) and 1 tablespoon of honey in a bowl and mix it properly. Once the mixture is ready, apply tanned areas. Let it dry for 20minutes and wash off.
    • Mix 4tsp sesame seed oil, 1tsp olive oil and 1tsp almond oil and apply it on your skin and wash it off after 20 minutes with warm water using gram flour as a scrub.
    • Mix mashed papaya and milk. Make a thick paste and apply the paste onto the affected areas of the skin. Keep the paste on your faceuntil it dries out and wash off with cold water.
    • The pulp inside the leaves of Aloe Vera plant is an excellent remedy to remove the tan. You can take out the pulp or gel from the leaves and can apply it on the tanned areas.
    • Mix a tablespoon of gram flour with one tablespoon of rose water and make a thin paste. You can use curd or plain water if rose water is not available. Apply it on face, hands and other affected areas of the body. Wash with lukewarm water after 20 minutes.

  • siri

    Hi, sir. How long i use the kanti vardhaka herb for glowing skin. if i stop using it after some months is there any side effects? plz reply sir

    • Dr Malini Bhat

      No madam, There would not be any side effects.

  • mazeena

    plz send heel pain treatment

    • Dr Malini Bhat

      Hello madam, There are many causes of Heel pain would advise you to rule out that with the help of a Ayurvedic Physician. Some of the cause being:
      > Plantar fasciitis
      > Heel bursitis
      > Heel bumps
      > Chronic inflammation of the heel pad etc.,

      If we know the cause the treatment can be set accordingly.

  • Alex Joseph

    Dear doctor, could you please prescribe some tailam for tightening the sagging skin near the jaw line due to weight loss. thank you

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Balaswagandhadi tailam.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Hi, you can use Haridra Khanda – 1 teaspoon at night after food with milk for 1 month time. For detailed advice, please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.

  • sumesh

    respected sir ,
    any arishta for skin whitening ?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Aragwadharishta, Mahamanjishtadi Kada, Saraswatarishta are useful to improve skin tone. But whitening cannot be promised. Consult an Ayurveda doctor.

  • puja

    if the dark circles are hereditry then will the above medications work.

  • puja

    Do these remidies work for hereditry case of dark circles.

    • Dr Malini Bhat

      Hello Madam, Heredity Dark Circles cannot be prevented but they can be treatable.

  • puja

    please tell me a good herbal face pack available in market or online for clearing pimple spots and clear complexion.

    • Dr Malini Bhat

      Hello madam, You can use any neem, aloevera and tulsi based herbal face pack.

      • puja

        will himalaya neem face pack do any good to clear pimple spot.

  • Dr Malini Bhat

    Nalapamaradi taila.

  • Dr Malini Bhat

    Namaste Madam, You can use Nalapamaradi taila.

  • dr.kamla r nagar

    very nice & informative article

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Thank you. Thanks to Krishnamurthy sir.

  • Anusha

    I would like to know if Gold and Silver bhasma can be used for getting a glowing skin all over.If this can be used in abhyanga and recipe for the same please.And can you also tell where to get pure gold and silver bhasma?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, Gold and Silver Bhasmas are used for oral intake only. Its external application is not recommended due to poor absorption through skin.

  • Anamika

    Hii sir……whether kottakal eladi cream good for acne and increasing skin tone

  • Priya

    Thank you so much for the valuable advice, doctor!
    Will definitely do it.

  • Raghvendra tripathi

    Thank you so much sir..For your prompt reply..is kumkumadi tailam effective in blackheads also. One more question I wanted to ask ..my mother experience extreme pain in her legs and she is very weak..plz advise some ayurvedic medicines if possible.

  • Neetu

    Hello doctor,i hv dark circles for past 12yrs.tried everything but nothing works.left eye has a bigger and darker patch while right eye has lighter one.read somewhere that licorice powder helps but taking it internally has many side effects.not sure how to use it.can you suggest some remedy for this?

  • Sritam


    Is kumkumadi oil ok for Rosacea, since it has sesame and kesar, so I was concerned. Also can you massage this oil if you have rosacea, because massage is not supposed to be good for people with rosacea. If not massage, can we just apply it.

  • deepa

    Hello Doc, your articles are so informative and complete. May I request a clarification. I have hyper pigmentation in and around my lips and chin area. Would you recommend eladi kea thailam or kumkumadi thailam or nalpamadi thailam. Can these be combined? When would you recommend eladi over the other two? I live in Canada and it is very cold in winter. So I want to use for both dry skin (below knees) and hyper pigmentation on face. with gratitude, deepa

  • kiran

    Hello Dr. Is there any treatment to clear the stretch marks.
    I have stretch marks at underarms so how could I get relief from it??

  • Swathi

    Dear doctor my skin is very sensitive and had hyperpigmentation which oil or which cream should be used please suggest me thank you swathi

  • Deepika Vivek

    Hi sir…can u plz tell me if i can continue using nalikerasava even after 2months ;because i have read can be taken for 1- 2months…


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