Ashwagandha – Withania somnifera is a powerful gift of nature and Ayurveda. Talk about Ayurveda treatment for anxiety, leucoderma, depression, insomnia, weight gain, weight loss, immunity, muscle strength, bodybuilding, anti oxidants, sexual stimulants and so on. The herb does it all and more.
Botanical Name: Withania Somnifera Dunal
Family- SOLANACEAE (Kantakari Kula)
Table of Contents
Ashwagandha with Chyawanprash
Can Chyavanprash be taken along with Ashwagandha?
Dr JV Hebbar.
Chyawanprash itself contains Ashwagandha as an ingredient.
In the indications of Chyawanprash, Acharya Charaka wrote in Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana 1/1/69-74
kṣīṇa kṣatānāṃ vṛddhānāṃ bālānāṃ ca aṅga vardhanaḥ – Chyawanprash is useful in people with depleted tissues, weak, emaciated, very old and children seeking improvement of body growth.
Ashwagandha has very similar effects. It is explained by Acharya Bhavamishra as
kṣayāpahā – relieves tissue depletion, |
balya – promotes strength
Chyawanprash is indicated by Charaka in
hṛdrogaṃ – cardiac disorders.
Ashwagandha is a very good antioxidant, can slightly decrease blood pressure and is explained as balya – useful to promote cardiac health.
Chyawanprash improves
medhāṃ – intelligence and
smṛtiṃ – memory
Ashwagandha is useful to relieve stress, depression, anxiety and to improve quality of sleep. So this combination can be effective to improve brain and mental health.
Chyawanprash and Ashwagandha both are explained as aphrodisiac.
Both of them are explained as Rasayana – possessing rasayana effect.
A possible downside of this combination is an increase of hotness. Chyawanprash and Ashwagandha – both can improve heat and digestion strength. Hence, in people with high Pitta and sensitive stomach, this combination can cause heartburn, loose stools and increased body warmth.
How to take it?
A teaspoon of chyavanprash can be had with a quarter a teaspoon of Ashwagandha with half a cup of milk in the morning or at night, 10 minutes before food.
One Ashwagandha tablet / capsule can be taken in place of its powder.
Conclusion: Theoretically this combination can be taken together but an Ayurveda doctor’s prescription is highly needed. Take it only if your doctor recommends it.
Read more about Chyawanprash uses, side effects, contents
Ashwagandha For Coronavirus
Natural compounds from Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) have emerged as a potential drug candidate against Covid-19. It is revealed in a collaborative study of DAILAB at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi and National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan.
The researchers targeted the main SARS-CoV-2 enzyme for splitting proteins, known as the Main protease (Mpro). Mpro plays a key role in replication of the virus. The researchers have discovered that a chemical Withanone (Wi-N) – C28H38O6, derived from Ashwagandha and Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE), an active ingredient of New Zealand Propolis, has the potential to block the activity of Mpro.
Withanone also potentially blocks the entry of viruses through the cell membrane.
Withanone is a steroidal lactone, present in the roots of Ashwagandha. It belongs to a group of compounds called Withanolides.
Other factors that boost the importance of Ashwagandha in potential prevention of Covid 19:
Ashwagandha boosts body immunity and increases the body’s natural ability to fight viruses.
It is a natural anti-oxidant and is also useful in the treatment of fever and respiratory tract infections.
It is widely used to improve body strength, immunity and to relieve stress.
With all these positive points, it can be said that it is wise to include Ashwagandha in your herbal tea.
How to take Ashwagandha?
It can be made into a herbal tea. 1 Teaspoon of its root powder is added to a cup of water, boiled for 3 – 5 minutes. Filtered. This – in 50 ml dose is the adult dose.
If you wish, you can add other antiviral herbs and spices such as Guduchi, ginger, long pepper, cinnamon etc to this herbal tea mix.
Ashwagandha can also be consumed in the form of powder – 3 – 5 grams, along with milk or water.
Its capsule or tablet is also available in the market. Adult dose of 250 mg capsule or tablet is – 1 tablet once or twice a day, before or after food.

Because of its anti-anxiety properties, being rich in antioxidants and hypoglycemic activity, it is very useful in treating diabetes.
Ashwagandha is frequently used in cognitive impairment disorders and bipolar disorder. In such cases, it is made in combination with other nontropical herbs such as Gotu Kola.
Home remedies
By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD
Winter cherry is used in the preparation of several simple medicaments and few such recipes are mentioned here below-
To improve vigor
1. Asgandha milk for rejuvenation and promotion of vigor:
4-5 roots of Ashwagandha (5-10 grams of coarse powder can be used) are cooked well with 200 ml of milk and 400 ml of water.This is filtered and consumed when it is lukewarm. This promotes the vigor and is an established rejuvenator.
For old age tiredness
2. Aswagandha remedy for tiredness in old age:
Fine powders of
Kapikacchu – Mucuna pruriens and
Sesame seeds are taken, mixed thoroughly.
It is administered in a dose of 5 grams, with a cup of warm milk.
It is useful to relieve tiredness, fatigue and geriatic problems such as arthritis.
Read related: Feeling Sleepy All The Time? 18 Reasons And Solutions As Per Ayurveda
For allergic rhinitis
3. Aswagandh for allergic rhinitis:
Equal amount of Turmeric-Ginger and winter cherry fine powders are taken mixed well. 3 grams of this mix powder is consumed early in the morning and in late evenings along with warm water or lukewarm milk, before food. This is useful to relieve allergic rhinitis.
For leucorrhoea
4. Milk processed ashwagandha root powder as rejuvenator and in leucorrhoea:
100 grams of Ashwagandha roots are selected and soaked in cow’s milk. Later it is boiled in this milk. Further it is dried under sunshine. The procedure is repeated 7 times.
2-3 grams of Asgandh powder is taken daily along with a teaspoon of ghee. This improves reproductive health of both men and women. It is a specific remedy for leucorrhea.
To improve sperm count
5. Ashwagandha powder with ghee for low sperm count:
2-3 grams of Ashwagandha root powder is mixed with honey and ghee and taken regularly. This helps to relieve the senile debility and seminal disorders especially oligospermia.

Use in depression
Withania somnifera for depression:
It is widely used in treating anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and adrenaline fatigue. Hence, it is used as an ingredient in Manasamitra vatakam and Brahmi Vati, two famous Ayurvedic tablets.
Ashwagandha for numbness
It improves blood circulation, is a very good antioxidant, acts as a nervine tonic and soothes nerves. Hence, it is useful to relieve numbness.
Ashwagandha for sleep
Because Ashwagandha is useful in relieving anxiety and depression and because of its nerve calming effect, it is used in treating sleep disorders.
For weight loss
Usually for weight loss, it is administered in capsule or powder form along with milk and water. It improves muscle strength, hence enables one to be more physically active, hence useful in weight loss.
It also helps to relieve depression. Many depression patients often put on weight either due to depression itself or due to antidepressant medication. In either case, Ashwagandha is useful to fight both depression and related weight gain.
For weight gain
Because it improves muscle strength and has nutritive value, when it is used along with other high nutrition foods like large quantities of ghee, milk and sugar candy, Withania somnifera is very useful to put on weight.
For this purpose, usually 3 grams of Ashwagandha powder is mixed with a teaspoon of ghee and administered at night, before food for a month.
You say Ashwagandha and its related products can be used both for weight gain and weight loss. How?
First thing to remember is, in Ayurveda we talk about the whole herbs and not their individual chemicals extracted.
The same herb / Ayurvedic medicine, given in different doses, can bring about different effects.
For example, Ashwagandha powder with ghee – is useful in targeting mental disorders, stress, infertility issues, muscle weakness, low body weight etc. This combination is useful to balance Vata very effectively, hence can be useful to gain weight.
Whereas, Ashwagandha with honey, is more effective in balancing Kapha Dosha, hence useful in losing weight.
In other Ashwagandha products like Ashwagandharishta, Ashwagandhadi churna, Aswagandha ghrita etc, – they can be used both for weight gain and weight loss.
If one takes these medicines in low doses – 5 – 10 grams or 10 ml per day and does good diet control and exercise, then these can improve muscle strength, reduce body stress and help in quick weight loss.
Whereas, if they are given along with ghee, in high dose, with nourishing foods, can be useful in weight gain as well.
Can Ashwagandha increase muscle bulk?
For heart care
Ashwagandha is a very good anti-oxidant and acts as a heart tonic. It improves the strength of muscles of the heart (cardiac muscles).
It can also be useful in high BP and to relieve stress.
Muscle pain, strength, wound healing
Its external application in the form of root paste or in the form of oil (prepared in sesame oil base) is useful to relieve pain, inflammation, useful in skin diseases and in chronic non healing wounds.
its leaf or root paste is used externally to treat painful swellings, abscesses, cellulitis and sinuses.
In sexual disorders
There are some studies done which proves Withania somnifera’s testosterone boosting action. (report)
It improves muscle strength, hence quite useful in treating premature ejaculation and in a few cases of erectile dysfunction.
It also relieves anxiety and depression, so helps to improve sexual performance.
It is also used in treating and improving female libido.

Ashwgandha for tinnitus
Does Ashwagandha help in tinnitus?
Dr JV Hebbar
Tinnitus is a disorder in which the patient hears a peculiar non-existing sound, like the buzzing sound of bees. It has many causes. Only in select causative factors, Ashwagandha is useful.
If tinnitus is caused due to old age, then Ashwagandha, being an anti-aging herb, is useful.
Tinnitus can be caused due to injury to the head and neck. In wound care and also in recovering from head injuries, Ashwagandha is very useful. It relieves post-traumatic stress and it also strengthens nerves.
Read: Tinnitus Causes, Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbs, Lifestyle Tips
If tinnitus is caused due to stress, anxiety and depression, then Ashwagandha is very useful.
If tinnitus is caused due to Meniere’s disease, a neurological disorder involving dizziness, then Ashwagandha, being a nerve tonic, is useful.
Ashwagandha is less effective in treating tinnitus, if it is caused due to bone spur, ear bone deformities, tumors and ear wax buildup.
How to use?
Ashwagandha powder or tablet / capsule – 1 at night is usually advised Or its formulations such as Ashwagandharishtam, Ashwagandha Avaleha are co prescribed with Vata Dosha balancing nerve tonics such as Ksheerabala 101 oil / capsule.
Bala Ashwagandhadi taila as ear drops, for Shirodhara, Shirovasti, head massage is also very useful.
Does Ashwagandha promote healthy lymph?
Lymph is related to immunity and Ashwagandha boosts and corrects immunity(1). Hence, it is useful to promote lymph health.
Lymphatic channels are responsible for digestion and absorption of fats, removing wastes from cells and tissues and production of cells that are responsible for immunity. Ashwagandha helps in all these functions.
Medicinal qualities
Withania somnifera – medicinal qualities –
Rasa (taste) – Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (astringent)
Guna (qualities) – Snigdha (oiliness, unctuousness), Laghu (lightness)
Veerya – Ushna – Hot potency
Vipaka – Madhura, undergoes sweet taste conversion after digestion.
Effect on Tridosha -Balancing Tridosha, especially Kapha and Vata.
Pharmacological Action
Anti tumor
External morphology
Habit – Branched wild herb
Root – Tap root, branched
Stem – Aerial, erect, cylindrical, branched densely covered with fine stellate hairs
Leaf – Cauline and Ramal, Alternate or unequal pairs
Inflorescence – Sub sessile, axillary umbellate 5 flowered cyme
Flower – Greenish yellow, Sub sessile, bisexual, hypogynous
Part Used
Ashwagandha root,
Aswagandha Leaves,
Aswagandha leaves are studied for efficacy in sleep deprived rats (1). However, the Ministry of Ayush, via notification L-1 1O11/9/2021-DCC, has advised Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani manufacturers to not to use leaves as part of Ashwagandha in medicine. This is because root is the best part of Ashwgandha and all Ayurveda textbooks mention the roots as the used part of Ashwagandha.
Ashwagandha Powder 3 – 6 g in divided dose per day.
Capsule – 250 – 500 mg – once or twice a day, based on doctor’s advice.
Milk, water, yogurt, honey and ghee are a few co-drinks consumed along with Ashwagandha.
If it is ghee, mix ashwagandha powder with ghee, make a paste and swallow with a cup of hot water. Used commonly in Pitta disorders.
If it is sesame oil, mix ashwagandha powder with sesame oil, make a paste and swallow with a cup of hot water. Used commonly in Vata disorders – brain and neurological diseases, weak muscles etc.
If it is honey, mix ashwagandha powder with honey, make a paste and swallow with a cup of cold water. Always remember to use cold water while using honey.
If it is yogurt, the yogurt should not be very sour. If it is very sour, it can increase Pitta – heat in the body. Keep in mind that Ashwagandha is also slightly heat producing. Hence, this precaution.
Various Co-Drink For Ashwagandha To Improve Strength, Nourishment and Power Remedy
Before food or after food?
Some people feel a burning sensation if Ashwagandha is consumed before food or on empty stomach. Hence, it is best to take it, 30 minutes after food.
If Ashwagandha milk remedy is made, then it can be taken before food, based on your doctor’s advice.
Is there an age limit for Ashwagandha intake?
For children, in the form of herbal ghee or herbal milk, Ashwagandha can be administered from 1 year of age. In elders, there is no age limit. In appropriate lower doses, it can be administered even to very old people, under medical supervision.
Legal Substitute for ashtavarga
Ashtavarga is a group of eight herbs with very high rejuvenation and anti-aging qualities. Among them,
Kakoli-Roscoea purpurea
Kshirakakoli- Lilium polyphyllum – White Himalaya Lily – these two herbs are legally substituted with Ashwagandha, because of similar qualities.
Traditional benefits
Withania somnifera health benefits
Balaprada, Balya – improves strength and immunity
Vaajikari – improves sexual performance, useful in premature ejaculation and in some cases of erectile dysfunction.
Vrushya – acts as aphrodisiac
Rasayani – improves life expectancy, anti aging, elixir.
Pushtiprada – improves body nourishment
Kaasam hanti – useful in cough, cold
Anilam hanti – useful in Vataja disorders – neurological and neuro-muscular disorders like paralysis
Vranaan hanti – useful to bring about quick wound healing
Shophahara – brings down inflammation
Kanduhara – relieves itching, useful in pruritus
Vishahara – anti toxic, useful in detox programs
Shvitrahara – useful in leukoderma, on internal usage and external application
Krumihara – useful in intestinal worm infestation,
Shwasahara – useful in asthma, chronic respiratory diseases
Kshatahara – useful in injury healing
Kshayahara – useful in treating muscle wasting, emaciation, post tubercular treatment to improve muscle mass and strength
Ati Shukrala – improves semen quantity and quality
It helps in reducing blood pressure on oral intake.
It is useful in relieving dysmenorrhea(painful menstruation)
It has diuretic action

Major Chemical constituents
Withaferin A; withanone, withanolide WS-1, withanolide A to Y; somnirol, somnitol, withasomniferin A, nicotine, preudotropine, tropine, solasodine, withasomnine, Sitoindosides VII-X, sominone, Sominolide etc. (Reference: Illustrated Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol. II, by Dr JLN Shastry)
The somniferin chemical constituent of the drug is well known for its sedative and anxiolytic effect. Due to sedative benefits the roots are used in anxiety, nervousness, fatigue, giddiness, fainting, loss of sleep etc. In case of Premature ejaculation resulting due to anxiety it has shown very significant benefit.

Use in auto-immune disorders
Can Ashwagandha be used in Hashimoto thyroiditis? I have heard that it should not be used?
A false concept is there, that immune boosting herbs like Ashwagandha cannot be taken in auto-immune disorders. I do not approve of this concept.
Ashwagandha in Hashimoto thyroiditis / hypothyroidism would effectively address the symptoms of stress, weight gain, muscle pain, joint pains, depression etc.
The regular dose (needs approval by consulting an Ayurvedic doctor) for this is – half a teaspoon (3 g) at night, with a cup of milk or water, 10 minutes after food.
For hypothyroidism
Ashwagandha is useful to stimulate thyroid hormone secretion and utilization.
Ashwagandha relieves physical and mental stress.
Hypothyroidism patients often suffer from anxiety. Ashwagandha, administered along with ghee or milk is useful to reduce anxiety
Aswaganda is a very good antioxidant, stimulates thyroid – Decreases TSH and improves T3 and T4. – Study
Hypothyroidism is often associated with fluid retention and increased sensitivity to cold weather. Ashwagandha being hot in potency, relieves cold sensitivity and being diuretic, relieves fluid retention.
Hypothyroid people often struggle with depression, stress and weight gain. Ashwagandha with honey, is very useful to address all these three issues.
Ashwagandha is often made into a combination with
Varanadi kashayam,
Kanchanara guggulu,
Punarnavadi mandooram etc. to address hypothyroidism.
Ashwagandha corrects auto-immunity, especially when administered with Guduchi or Abhraka Bhasma
Aswaganda corrects immunity, useful to control diabetes and hypertension, boosts muscle strength and helps the person to take up exercise. For this purpose, Ashwagandha is often administered with Shilajit and Gokshura.
Aswagandha is useful to control blood sugar levels and to treat hypertension. It helps in reducing insulin resistance (research). Hypothyroidism patient often suffers with insulin resistance. To counter it, Ashwagandha is often administered along with Gymnema, Amla and turmeric.
Due to all these reasons, Ashwagandha is a very effective and important herb in the treatment of hypothyroidism.
Read: Hypothyroidism Causes, Symptoms, Ayurvedic Treatment, Remedies
How to take? 500 mg to 1 gram Ashwagandha per day is prescribed in powder, tablet or capsule form. Usually it is made into combination with other ingredients, like explained above, based on symptoms and nature (Prakriti) of the patient.
For hyperthyroidism
It is not directly indicated in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.
But it is useful in treating below symptoms which are associated with hyperthyroidism.
Nervousness, irritability
Fatigue, muscle weakness
more frequent bowel movements
Difficulty sleeping.
For boosting immunity
Stimulate immunological activity in mice.
Enhances the total WBC count (17125 cells/mm(3)) on the 10th day.
Bone marrow cellularity (27×10(6) cells/femur) as
Administration of Withania extract also showed an enhancement in phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages (76.5 pigmented cells/200) when compared to control (31.5/200 cells) in mice. (research)

As immuno-modulator
- Active paw anaphylaxis and delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH). Immunomodulatory effect was assessed.
- A significant increase in white blood cell counts and platelet counts was observed in animals treated with Ashwagandha extract.
- A protective effect in cyclophosphamide-induced myelo suppression was observed in animals treated with WST and WS2, revealing a significant increase in white blood cell counts and platelet counts.
- Significant increase in hemagglutinating antibody responses and hemolytic antibody responses towards sheep red blood cells. (research)
Ashwagandha Remedy For Immunity, Strong Body and Mind
For anxiety
Preliminary evidence suggests potent anxiolytic effects in the context of chronic stress, with lesser potency in standard forms of anxiety not related to stress. There may be more benefit to social anxiety as well with Ashwagandha relative to other anxiolytics
For high C reactive protein
The reduction seen in C-reactive protein over the course of 60 days has been noted to reach 31.6% with standard oral doses of ashwagandha supplementation.
High CRP levels can indicate that there is inflammation in the arteries of the heart, which can mean a higher risk for heart attack.
For muscle power output
Improvements in power output have been noted in trained persons subject to a sprint test and in sedentary persons who simply took the supplement as well as untrained people who began strength training.
Ashwagandha in children
Ashwagandha can be useful in children to improve growth etc. But it should only be taken if your doctor prescribes it. Without doctor’s consultation if Ashwagandha is given in children, it may lead to constipation, loose stools, abdominal cramps, drowsiness, excess sleepiness or even anxiety episodes.
Does Asgandh increase ojas?
All Ayurvedic herbs that have Rasayana – anti aging effects in deed increase ojas and immunity.
Interestingly there is a set of activities and lifestyle changes that you can adopt, which has rasayana effect and which increases Ojas. It is called Achara Rasayana
What is actually rasayana?
Rasayana means, which helps you to live long with a healthy body and sound mind.
Any therapy or medicine or diet that ensures optimum quality of Ojas (immunity factor in the body), which ensures healthy functioning of all body tissues, organs, mind and brain. Read – Meaning and benefits of Rasayana
How can Ashwagandha increase ojas, having post digestive taste as pungent and not sweet?
It is true that most of Ojas ‘s increasing medicines are sweet in taste. But Ashwagandha having pungency improves digestion strength and helps in optimum nourishment of all body tissues. It also has antioxidant properties.
If taken for immunity and health improvement, how long can it be continued?
Ashwagandha can be continued for a period of 4 – 8 weeks.
Ashwagandha Home remedies
We have already covered a couple (and lot more to follow)
Ashwagandha remedy for easy conception for women
Boost immunity in children with Ashwagandha
How long does Ashwagandha stay in the body? In what ways is it eliminated?
The effect of one dose of 500 mg of Ashwagandha capsule or tablet or 1 dose of 5 grams of Ashwagandha churna is seen for a period of 2 – 3 days. Though much pharmacokinetic data is not available, in an experimental study on rats, it was noted that extracts of Ashwagandha remained for 45–60 minutes. (half life) – 0.046% Withaferin A and 0.048% Withanolide A.
It is eliminated largely through liver, bowels and urine.
Side effects
Withania somnifera Side effects
Increased hotness, gastritis: If used alone, for example, Ashwagandha capsule with water, it tends to worsen gastritis in people with sensitive stomach. It also causes constipation in a few.
Because of its innate hot nature, people with Pitta dominance feel increased hotness with Ashwagandha capsule.
But if it is taken along with milk or ghee, usually this side effect is very much nullified.
Sedative effect: In a very high dose, it may have a sedative effect. Hence some experts advice to avoid it during the day. But I have not seen its sedative effect so big as to put someone to sleep in the daytime. However, it is best to take it during the day, only if your doctor has suggested so. Its sleep promotion effect can be more attributed to its anti anxiety and anti depression properties than to its sedative effect.
It can be used safely in children and lactating mothers, under medical supervision.
It is best to avoid this during pregnancy.
Who should not take Ashwagandha?
It, being a Rasayana herb (anti aging), as such there are no definitive contra-indications. Below are the symptoms to watch out for when you take Ashwagandha.
Excess body heat (give it 2–3 days to settle, if not stop)
If you take it and then develop severe anxiety or unrest (stop it and consult doc)
If it makes you drowsy ( if so, avoid it in the morning)
If it upsets your stomach (can give a try for a couple of days to see if it settles down)
If it causes diarrhea or constipation (can continue for a couple of days to see if it settles down)
If it causes Irregular heart beat (very rare)
If it lowers blood pressure / sugar excessively (stop immediately and consult doc)
Interaction with medicines, supplements
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
Can this medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc.?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic / modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take Allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then take the Ayurvedic medicine.
Ayurvedic medicines
Ayurvedic medicines with ashwagandha ingredient:
It is an important ingredient in the making of chyawanprash
Ajaswagandhadi lehyam and Ashwagandhadi Leha are non veg and vegetarian versions – in Avaleha (lickable) form, used pretty much for similar purposes.
Ashwagandharishta is widely used in treating fainting disorder, mental fatigue etc.
Balaswagandhadi thailam
Time taken to show results
How long does Aswagandha take to show results?
It depends on the purpose of your usage.
As an anti-aging herb, Ashwaganadha is given in low doses for a few months. So, it takes several months to bring about this action, gradually.
As an antidepressant, anti stress and sleep aid, usually Ashwagandha starts showing results in about 7 days time.
As an energy boosting herb, it starts showing results in about 3 – 5 days time.
For weight gain, it may take 1–2 months time, when it is administered along with cow ghee or milk.
As a sexual stimulant, it may take about a week to show good results.
Research on Withania somnifera
Anti stress activity:
To evaluate the anti-stress effects of Withania somnifera, an alcoholic extract from roots & seeds dissolved in normal saline was given (100 mg/kg intra peritoneal as a single dose) to 20-25 g mice in a swimming performance test in water at 28’-30’ C. It is seen that the extracts approximately double the swimming time when compared to control. It suggested that Withania somnifera induced a stage of nonspecific increased resistance during stress. Glycosides of Withania somnifera exhibited significant anti stress activity in forced swimming induced immobility in mice, restraint stress induced gastric ulcer & auto analgesia in rats. Further clinical studies should be conducted as well as studies in multiple animal based models using a variety of suitable biochemical markers to understand its mechanism of action.
Inhibition of mammary cancer metastasis:
Withaferin A showed dose-dependent inhibition of tumor growth and metastatic lung nodule formation with minimal systemic toxicity.
Dr CP Mathew MBBS, MS, DMR, famous cancer specialist has said on many occasions that he uses immunity boosting herbs like Ashwagandha in many cancers such as lymphoma, after a short course of chemotherapy.
Hypotensive activity:
The main objective of the study was to analyze the efficacy of Ashwagandha root powder with water and with milk in treatment of hypertension. The experiment was conducted on 51 stress-oriented hypertensive subjects in the age group of 40 to 70 years. Subjects were divided into group I and group II. Supplementation of 2gm of Ashwagandha root powder was given to group I and group II with milk and water respectively in the morning. Blood pressure was also recorded over a period of three months. Overall decrease in systolic blood pressure was found though it was non- significant. Further, decrease in systolic blood pressure was significant in group I, whereas decrease in diastolic blood pressure was significant in both the groups. Hence, supplementation of Ashwagandha with milk is recommended in treatment of stress- oriented hypertension
Uses as per research
Ashwagandha Uses documented as per research
- Diabetes – reduces sugar, anti oxidant, relieves stress
- High cholesterol – reduces bad cholesterol, anti oxidant,
- Male infertility – improve sperm quality in infertile men.
- Arthritis – There is preliminary research that ashwagandha taken in a particular supplement (Articulin-F) along with other ingredients might improve arthritis symptoms.
- Parkinson’s disease. Research suggests that a combination of herbs including ashwagandha improves Parkinson’s symptoms.
- Tumors and cancer
- Tuberculosis – relieves muscle wasting, weight loss
- Liver problems (hepato-protective) – Gentamicin Intoxicated Rats – animal study
- Swelling (inflammation).
- Ulcerations – non healing wounds, abscess
- Stress.
- Altering immune system function.
- Anti aging
- Fibromyalgia – body ache
Ashwagandha churna Vs capsule
Ashwagandha churna Vs Ashwagandha capsule
When pure uncontaminated Ashwagandha churna is available, then it is usually preferred to capsule form. But usually Churnas get contaminated easily.
When Ashwagandha needs to be formulated as a mix powder along with other powders (such as Ashwagandhadi Churna, used in indigestion), powder form has advantage over the capsule form.
Ashwagandha capsule is usually prepared with its water extract or crude extract, which retains most of its chemical constituents.
When it comes to easy dosage fixing and easy consumption, capsule is a lot better than Churna form, because of the bitter taste of Ashwagandha and powder dose fixing is a bit difficult task.
If Ashwagandha alone is to be used for treatment, then a capsule can be preferred. But if used alone with water, it tends to cause a burning sensation in the stomach, hence it is advisable to use it along with milk or ghee, or a combination of both.\
Administration in Ama condition
Q: I was taught not to give it in ama conditions, or Kapha vikruti, and that agni needs to be strong when taking Ashwagandha lehyam.
- Ashwagandha is Ushna veerya – hot -> Agni promotion. So, Ashwagandha alone is good to use in such a condition, in the form of powder, capsule or tablet.
- Ashwagandhadi Lehyam contains jaggery etc that are heavy to digest ingredients -> So, avoid it if you have low Agni (digestion strength).
Ashwagandha addiction
Q: I took the Ashwagandha capsule for 10 days. I missed the 11th day and felt anxious. Will I be dependent on Ashwagandha forever?
Usually Ashwagandha is advised for at least 24 – 6 weeks. After that, gradually the dose is reduced and stopped over a period of 2 – 3 months time.
In your case, I would advise to take an Ashwagandha capsule – 1 capsule at night after food for 1 month continuously. For the second month, take it on alternate days for next 4 – 6 weeks and then finally stop it.
It is not habit forming. Meaning, it will not cause you to stay addicted to Ashwagandha.
Ashwgandha with milk
Ashwagandha with milk is a very good combination. There is a dosage form called Ksheerapaka, in which these two are cooked together. This combination can be taken in all seasons. Hotness of Ashwagandha nullifies the coldness of milk. This combination makes the milk more digestible.
In what cases Ashwagandha is given readily with milk and when is Ashwagandha boiled with milk and administered?
Between Ashwagandha with milk and Ashwagandha processed with milk, which is more effective?
Dr JV Hebbar
There are two ways in which cow milk is used for administration of herbs.
One is, processing with the herb. For example, Ashwagandha is added with milk and water, boiled till the milk quantity remains, filtered and administered.
This method is valid for Ashwagandha and this method of boiling herb with milk (called Ksheerapaka) is usually followed
1. When the herb is very hot and spicy and its hotness and Pitta Dosha aggravating effect is to be calmed – for example, Marking nut – Bhallataka Ksheerapaka used for anti-aging purposes or Pippali Ksheerapaka, used in liver and digestive disorders.
Read: Ashwagandha remedy for conception in women
2. When energizing and nourishing qualities of the herb is to be potentiated with milk. For example, Licorice – Yashtimadhu ksheerapaka, used in acid peptic disorders and gastric / duodenal ulcer or Arjuna Ksheerapaka, used as a tonic for heart.
Read: Arjuna milk remedy for heart
Now, coming to the question, whether Ashwagandha should be boiled with milk or, can it just be taken along with milk,
1. There is no direct reference for Ashwagandha ksheerapaka in major traditional textbooks. However, if you feel gastritis or a burning sensation or stomach upset after taking Ashwagandha, or if you want to negate the slightly hot effect of Ashwagandha, it can be boiled with milk and consumed.
2. There is a direct reference of taking Ashwagandha powder directly with milk. When such a direct classical, direct reference is available, then it is very clear that there is no big need to convert that into a ksheerapaka (milk boiling).
3. Very rarely, an herb is used both along with milk, or used after processing after milk. For example, Pippali (long pepper fruit) is consumed directly with milk, in a process called Vardhamana Pippali Rasayana and Pippali Ksheerapaka is mentioned separately, done to reduce the hotness of long pepper.
Read: Pippali Rasayan Benefits, Dose, Side Effects
4. Coming back to the reference of Ashwagandha powder with milk,
Acharya Govinda Das, in the textbook Bhaishajya Ratnavali writes,
पीताऽश्वगन्धा पयसाऽर्द्धमासं घृतेन तैलेन सुखाम्बुना वा।
कृशस्य पुष्टिं वपुषो विधत्ते बालस्य सस्यस्य यथाऽम्बुवृष्टि:॥
भैषज्यरत्नावलि रसायनप्रकरणम् 73/10
pītā’śvagandhā payasā’rddhamāsaṃ ghṛtena tailena sukhāmbunā vā|
kṛśasya puṣṭiṃ vapuṣo vidhatte bālasya sasyasya yathā’mbuvṛṣṭi:||
bhaiṣajyaratnāvali rasāyanaprakaraṇam 73/10
pītā aśvagandhā – when Ashwagandha powder is consumed
payasā – along with cow milk
arddhamāsaṃ – for half a month
vā – or along with
ghṛtena tailena sukhāmbunā ghee, sesame oil or lukewarm water,
kṛśasya puṣṭiṃ vapuṣo vidhatte – it nourishes the body of the emaciated, weak person
yathā ambuvṛṣṭi: – just like how watering
bālasya sasyasya – nourishes a small plant.
Above remedies are explained in the context of anti-aging therapy.
So, 3 grams of Ashwagandha powder can be administered with half a cup of water, at night, before or after food, for improving body strength and nourishment.
It is ideal for all.
3 grams of Ashwagandha can also be administered with 1 teaspoon of cow ghee, mixed and swallowed with lukewarm water. This is useful to pacify Pitta Dosha, to improve brain functions, useful in depression, anxiety, insomnia associated with weakness of the body.
3 grams of Ashwagandha can also be administered with 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, mixed and swallowed with lukewarm water.
This is useful in Vata Dosha domination. Aches and pains, myalgia, underweight, anxiety, though unstability, excess dryness and weakness of body.
Alternatively, if the patient’s digestive health is reasonably good, Ashwagandha can be administered directly with lukewarm water.
Finally, Ashwagandha can be taken with milk directly, as there is clear traditional indication. It can also be boiled with milk, filtered and consumed, to have a milder effect of the herb, as in case of children, aged people or in patients with highly sensitive stomach.
Ashwagandha with Amla
Both Ashwagandha and amla are potential ingredients in ayurveda which is used in the preparation of several formulations. Both these have a wide range of actions on the body. Thus its action on the body varies between individuals.
Here it is to be noted that Amla juice can be taken on a daily basis as the constitution easily suits the internal body system at its best. Ashwagandha on the other hand is powerful in action and hence it shall be used only for a limited period of time.
Basically Ashwagandha is used to relieve stress and secondly as an aphrodisiac. Most of the formulations in Ayurveda which are meant for treating mental conditions have ashwagandha as one of the prime ingredients. When used as an aphrodisiac it shall be used by those above 23 years of age as on an average it is only after this age that means the body becomes suitable enough to handle the action of ashwagandha. When both Ashwagandha and amla are used together, ashwagandha acts as a chief ingredient and amla acts as a medium and catalyst in enhancing the action of ashwagandha.
Ashwagandha with Shatavari
In which conditions, Ashwagandha is administered along with Shatavari?
The below reference is from the textbook Bhavaprakasha Nighantu. Shatavari is Asparagus racemosus
Ashwagandha is hot and Shatavari is a coolant.
Both these herbs have Rasayana – anti aging effect.
Ashwagandha is balya – promotes strength. Shatavari is Stanya – promotes lactation. This combination is used in the post-natal care of the mother to improve lactation and also to improve strength of the organs of the lower abdomen of the mother.
Ashwagandha is explained as Atishukrala – promotes sperm / semen production, so also is Shatavari – Shukrakari. This combination is very useful in treating oligospermia and sexual disorders. To improve sperm count, one might think of adding Kapikacchu to this combination and to improve vigor, shilajit can be added.
In some people, taking Ashwagandha alone causes loose stools. Shatavari is explained as Atisarajit – wins over diarrhea. In this way, Shatavari is useful to relieve the side effects of Ashwagandha, pertaining to the digestive system.
Ashwagandha is an energizer, stimulator. Shatavari is calming, it maintains mental balance. Some people complain of increased thoughts or anxiety with Ashwagandha. It can be negated by adding Shatavari.
This combination is perfect for women of menopausal age, when they need improved body strength, mind calmness and decrease in hot flashes.
Test for purity
How to know if Ashwagandha is genuine?
If you buy it from a reputed brand, there is no need to worry about its quality.
There are no tests that can be done at home to prove the authenticity of the product.
If you have purchased it and are unsure, then send the sample to a nearby analysis laboratory to test for purity and identity.
Addison’s disease
Addison’s disease is a disorder of the hormonal system. It is caused due to failure of adrenal glands to produce normal amounts of cortisol and aldosterone hormones.
Though there is no definitive role of Ashwagandha, established in the curing the Addison’s disease, it is very useful to improve many symptoms of the disease such as fatigue, muscle weakness, lack of strength, loss of appetite, weight loss, etc.
Distribution of Withania somnifera:
Throughout the dry and subtropical India. It is also cultivated extensively throughout India at present.
Ashwagandha plants can easily survive and grow in almost all parts of South India.
Sanskrit synonyms
Gandapatri – Leaves too have a smell of Horse
Asvakanda – The root smell like horse or on consuming it imparts sexual power like a horse
Hayagandha, Turagnagandha, Vajigandha, Ashwagandha – Ashwa, Haya, Vaji means horse and gandha means smell. This plant smells quite like horse dung.
Gatrakari – Gatra means body. It helps to improve body mass and strength
Turagi, Vajikari – Vaji means horse. This herb is used to improve sexual performance like that of a horse.
Balya- it improves strength
Aswavarohaka – Promotes sexual power better than horse
Varahakarni – Varaha means pig. Karna means ear. Its leaf looks similar to ear of pig.
Kushtagandhi, Pivari
Kanchuka – Which increases and retains sukra
Kamarupini – Give good luck to person who consumes it
Putrada – Increasing the chance of progeny
Balada – It imparts strength
Marutaghni – Useful in vata disorders
Vrusha – Increases sexual potency
Classical Categorization
Balya – group of herbs to improve strength and immunity
Brimhaneeya – group of herbs to improve body mass, nourishment
There are two plants available in the trade namely
Withania somnifera (more commonly used in the name of Aswagandha)
and Withania coagulans.
The former one is denoted as Pennerugadda while the later is known as Dommadolugadda in Telugu.
There is another herb described in dhanvantari nighantu along with Ashwagandha with the synonyms like Medasvi, sthoulyadhyava, Bali, Mamsi, and Rukmini. This is considered as the big variety of Ashwagandha (W. coagulans ) by Sri Singaraja Kama Sastry (1932). The cultivated variety of Asvagandha which is thin and lean is mainly brought from nagori dist. Of Madhya Pradesh. Hence, the name “Nagori Variety”. (Reference: Illustrated Dravyaguna Vijnana Vol. II, by Dr JLN Shastry)
Vernacular Names
Hindi name- Asgandha, Asgandh
Telugu Name- Penneru Gadda/ Dommadolu Gadda
Tamil Name- Amukura, Askulang
Malayalam name – Amukkura
Marathi name – Asandh, Doragunj
Gujarathi Name – Aasandha, Ghoda Aakun
Bengali Name- Asvagandha
Kannada Name- Ashvagandhi
Ashwagandha during winter:
Ayurveda explains that during winter one does have high vigor and strength. Taking Ashwagandha during winter helps to improve sexual strength.
Systemic Action
External use
Anti inflammatory and analgesic. External application of its root and leaf paste is indicated in cervical lymphadenopathy, inflammation of the glands etc. Oil prepared out of its root is beneficial in general weakness and diseases of vata origin.
Internal administration-
Nervous system – Indicated in giddiness, insomnia, etc.
Digestive System – Carminative, , facilitate proper movement of doshas, Anti helminthic. It Indicated in abdominal disorders, colic pain, Helminthiasis etc.
Respiratory system – Pacifies kapha dosha. Indicated in cough, breathing disorders etc.
Circulatory system – Indicated in hypertension, edema, blood borne disorders etc.
Reproductive system – Aphrodisiac, indicated in menorrhagia, leukorrhea, oligospermia, inflammatory conditions associated with female reproductive system etc.
Excretory system – Indicated in dysuria.
Tvak – Indicated in skin disorders like leukoderma.
Satmikarana – Rejuvenating. Indicated in general debility, body weakness etc.
Nourishing vs Detoxifying
Does Ashwagandha improve nutrition in the body? Is it nourishing or detoxifying?
Dr JV Hebbar
Benefits of Ashwagandha as explained in traditional Ayurvedic texts:
Nourishing quality substantiating actions: Balaprada, Balya – improves strength and immunity
Vaajikari – improves sexual performance, useful in premature ejaculation and in some cases of erectile dysfunction.
Vrushya – acts as aphrodisiac
Rasayani – improves life expectancy, anti aging, elixir.
Pushtiprada – improves body nourishment
Anilam hanti – useful in Vataja disorders – neurological and neuro-muscular disorders like paralysis
Vranaan hanti – useful to bring about quick wound healing
Kshatahara – useful in injury healing
Kshayahara – useful in treating muscle wasting, emaciation, post tubercular treatment to improve muscle mass and strength
Ati Shukrala – improves semen quantity and quality
It helps in reducing blood pressure on oral intake.
The above actions denote that Ashwagandha supports Kapha dosha and balances down Vata dosha, thus bringing about a nourishing effect on tissues and organs.
Detoxifying quality substantiating actions:
Kaasam hanti – useful in cough, cold
Shophahara – brings down inflammation
Kanduhara – relieves itching, useful in pruritus
Vishahara – anti toxic, useful in detox programs
Shvitrahara – useful in leucoderma, on internal usage and external application
Krumihara – useful in intestinal worm infestation.
The above actions denote Kapha balancing actions, hence de-nourishing and detoxifying.
Read: Ayurvedic Ashwagandha Home Remedy For Conception In Women
So if you draw a scale from -10 to +10
negative side representing cleansing, detoxifying action and
positive side representing nourishing action,
if we cancel out the scores, then Triphala would fall somewhere at –3 and Ashwagandha at +5

Ashwagandha with Brahmi and Shankhapushpi
Can Ashwagandha be taken along with Brahmi and Shankhapushpi?
Dr JV Hebbar
Short answer is, yes; these three can be combined.
At the outset, all are useful to improve brain functions, memory, concentration and intelligence. But when we dig deep, this combination is useful in a wide variety of illnesses.
Let us slice and dice this combination to arrive at where exactly this combination is more useful and where it is not.
1. Strength and immunity – Ashwagandha and Shankhapushpi are explained as Balaprada and Balada. Ashwagandha is Pushtiprada – improves body nourishment. To fight fatigue, muscle wasting and to improve immunity in chronic disorders, to relieve tiredness due to long illness, this combination is useful.
Ashwagandha is kshayahara – useful in treating muscle wasting, emaciation, post tubercular treatment to improve muscle mass and strength
Ashwagandha is explained as Vranaan hanti – useful to bring about quick wound healing. After an injury due to a fall or road traffic accident, this combination can be helpful.
2. Aphrodisiac – Both Ashwagandha and Shankhapushpi are Vrushya and Vaajikari. Ashwagandha is Ati Shukrala – improves semen quantity and quality.
3. Anti Aging, cell rejuvenation – All three herbs are explained Rasayani, Vayasthapani – These improve life expectancy, anti aging, elixir. After a long term illness, this combination can be very useful.
4. Anti inflammatory – Ashwagandha and Brahmi are explained as shophahara. Whenever there is inflammation due to injury, or due to chronic illness, chronic respiratory disorders, asthma, this combination is useful.
5. Cough, cold, asthma – Ashwagandha and Brahmi are explained as Shwasara, kasahara. This combination is useful to relieve inflammation, asthma, cough and cold.
6. Diabetes and hypertension – All three herbs are useful in both these conditions.
8. Intelligence: Brahmi and Shankhapushpi are intelligence and memory.
Shankhapushpi is explained as medhya – Paste of Shankhapushpi improves memory and intelligence
Smrutiprada – improves memory. Hence useful in Alzheimer’s disease,
dementia and in students seeking memory improvement.
9. Psychiatric disorders:
Brahmi is Unmada vinashini – useful in psychiatric disorders
Shankhapushpi is explained as Unmada, Bhutaghna – useful in psychiatric disorders
Manasarogahrut – useful in mental disorders, depression
Summing up:
Ashwagandha, Brahmi and Shankhapushpi together are:
Very useful in improving memory, concentration, strength, immunity, muscle strength, to promote life expectancy, to delay aging and to treat irritable bowel syndrome, weak digestion strength, mania, schizophrenia and depression
Moderately useful in – wound healing, cold, cough, asthma, to improve digestion strength,
Somewhat useful – to improve sleep, voice, speech and to treat epilepsy, fever, vomiting.
How to take?
There are many medicines with these three herbs together. For example,
Shankhapushpi syrup / Bravobol syrup / Brahmi Power Granules– Adult dose is 1 teaspoon once or twice a day after food with milk or water.
Divya Medha Vati tablet / Dimag Paushtik Rasayan Tablet / Sunidra Tablet/ Brenkam tablet / Memtone tablet 1 at night after food.
All these contain the above three, along with many other ingredients. Please consult a doctor before taking any of the above products.
Side effects: Ashwagandha, in some people may cause diarrhea / constipation, stomach upset or anxiety.
Brahmi in some people increases alertness and hence, not useful for some people with insomnia.
Ashwagandha with milk, Honey
Can Ashwagandha be taken along with Milk and Honey?
Dr JV Hebbar
Ashwagandha with milk makes sense. In preparing Ashwagandha ghee (called Ashwagandha ghrita), this herb is mixed with milk and ghee and cooked to prepare the ghee. This remedy is useful for children to gain healthy weight and to improve nutrition and immunity. There is another remedy where, Ashwagandha is cooked with milk and then a little ghee is added and this remedy is used for treating female infertility and to improve chances of conception.
Learn about this remedy here with video
For those seeking improvement in nutrition, immunity, muscle strength, sexual wellness and weight, for those seeking relief from stress, extreme fatigue, decreased quality of sleep, then one teaspoon of Ashwagandha is usually advised along with a cup of milk.
Ashwagandha with honey is also a famous remedy. Honey has scraping quality (lekhana). Ashwagandha with honey can decrease cholesterol and fat deposits in the body. It helps in weight loss. For people suffering from cough and cold, this combination is useful.
Honey is drying in nature. Ashwagandha improves muscle strength and can burn fat. So, those seeking burning fat and cellulite deposits in the body can take 1/2 – 1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha with 1 – 2 teaspoons of honey. One can make a paste of it and swallow it with cold water, usually advised after food.
Read: Honey Qualities, Usage, Remedies, Ayurvedic Benefits
Ashwagandha with milk and honey together, is slightly different and unnatural. There is no rule that these three cannot be taken together, but it looks a bit uncommon.
Ashwagandha with milk is nourishing.
Ashwagandha with honey is cleansing, detoxifying.
But Ashwagandha with milk and honey? What is your intention of mixing milk and honey? An argument can be made that sweetness of honey masks the bitterness of Ashwagandha.
I do not see any problem in making this combination. I just do not see a specific purpose or use case.
Read: Bad Food Combinations and Solution as Per Ayurveda
Ashwagandha with Gokshura
Can Ashwagandha be taken along with Gokshura?
Dr JV Hebbar
Ashwagandha is a strength immunity promoting and anti aging herb. Gokshura is also similar.
Both are extremely nourishing. This combination can be given to improve body nourishment and to increase healthy weight without fat accumulation.
Both are aphrodisiac herbs. Hence, there are many traditional aphrodisiac preparations in which these two are used together, for example, Ashwagandha Pak, Ashwagandhadi Vati etc.
Heart: Both have antioxidant properties and are good for the heart. When there is swelling, water retention and increased volume of blood which is putting pressure on a weakened heart, this combination is ideal. Ashwagandha would improve the cardiac muscle strength and Gokshura would address the water retention in the body.
Kidney and urinary system:
Both act as diuretic and anti aging. In case of chronic kidney disease associated with difficulty in urination and low volume urine production, this combination is useful.
Diabetes and hypertension: Both are useful in the treatment of diabetes. This combination is useful to relieve mental and physical stress.
Countering the side effects of Ashwagandha: Some patients complain of increased body heat, constipation / diarrhea and stomach upset with Ashwagandha usage. Gokshura, being a coolant, is useful to negate a few side effects of Ashwagandha.
Effect on Tridosha: This combination balances all three doshas, especially, the Vata dosha.
Possible side effects:
In diseases where the body water should not be lost, as in case of extreme dehydration, low blood pressure, in these conditions, precaution is to be exercised.
Ashwagandha with Gokshura
Can Ashwagandha be taken along with Gokshura?
Dr JV Hebbar
Ashwagandha is a strength immunity promoting and anti aging herb. Gokshura is also similar.
Both are extremely nourishing. This combination can be given to improve body nourishment and to increase healthy weight without fat accumulation.
Both are aphrodisiac herbs. Hence, there are many traditional aphrodisiac preparations in which these two are used together, for example, Ashwagandha Pak, Ashwagandhadi Vati etc.
Bodybuilding: This combination is useful for gym goers and bodybuilders. It quickens muscle healing, makes you less tired after gym workout, decreases inflammation and relieves pain and stress.
Heart: Both have antioxidant properties and are good for the heart. When there is swelling, water retention and increased volume of blood which is putting pressure on a weakened heart, this combination is ideal. Ashwagandha would improve the cardiac muscle strength and Gokshura would address the water retention in the body.
Read: Gokshura (Tribulus) Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, Medicines – Ayurvedic Details
Kidney and urinary system:
Both act as diuretic and anti aging. In case of chronic kidney disease associated with difficulty in urination and low volume urine production, this combination is useful.
Diabetes and hypertension: Both are useful in the treatment of diabetes. This combination is useful to relieve mental and physical stress.
Countering the side effects of Ashwagandha: Some patients complain of increased body heat, constipation / diarrhea and stomach upset with Ashwagandha usage. Gokshura, being a coolant, is useful to negate a few side effects of Ashwagandha.
Effect on Tridosha: This combination balances all three doshas, especially, the Vata dosha.
Possible side effects:
In diseases where the body water should not be lost, as in case of extreme dehydration, low blood pressure, in these conditions, precaution is to be exercised.
How to take?
Ashwagandha and Gokshura powders 2 grams each can be boiled with milk and consumed or can be taken directly with milk or water. Ashwagandha and Gokshura in tablet form can be taken together, based on your doctor’s advised.
Ashwagandha with Alcohol
I consume alcohol at night, occasionally. My doctor has advised Ashwagandha. When is the best time to take it?
Dr JV Hebbar
Usually any Ayurvedic medicine should not be consumed along with alcohol.
Ashwagandha with alcohol can cause high level stomach irritation and burning sensation.
Two possible solutions:
1. One hour before alcohol schedule, have a fruit like an apple or sweet lime, take Ashwagandha. This will benefit liver and the mental health. Here, after taking Ashwagandha, its medicinal chemicals would have entered the bloodstream and this could decrease the alcohol side effects.
2. After having alcohol and dinner, wait for an hour and then take Ashwagandha. This relieves stress and improves the quality of sleep and will also reduce the ill effects of alcohol on health. The negative point about this is, you may be too drunk to take Ashwagandha.
Ashwagandha with Shilajit
Can Ashwagandha be taken along with Shilajit?
Dr JV Hebbar
Yes, but there are some ifs and buts.
Ashwagandha and Shilajat – both are extremely nourishing in nature. They both improve muscle and nerve strength and help to burn fat at the same time. So, this combination is useful for losing weight, for people who regularly do Yoga, gym, sports people etc.
Both are natural aphrodisiacs. So, men can use it for improving performance.
Read: Shilajit benefits, uses, remedies, side effects, research
Shilajit is extremely useful to improve kidney functions. This is the reason, it is an ingredient of Chandraprabha Vati – a famous medicine used for treating urinary tract disorders.
Both are extremely useful in the treatment of diabetes. It is useful to strengthen nerves, to treat neuropathy, nephropathy, to improve muscle strength and muscles’ ability to take up glucose and utilize it. This combination relieves fatigue, which is a common symptom of diabetes.
Both boost up energy and act as antioxidants. Hence, useful in recovery period post illnesses, useful to improve energy of aged people.
Both are useful in improving respiratory immunity. Though not directly related to lung activities, because of immuno-modulatory action, this combination can be taken to improve immunity against cold and cough.
Courage: This combination is excellent to improve courage and confidence. It is useful to relieve phobia and depression.
Read: Best Natural Medicine For Mental Problems: Courage
Heart: This combination is useful to strengthen heart muscles, heal blood vessel damage and to decrease cholesterol and clot deposits inside the blood vessels.
Few concerns:
Extreme hotness – this combination can increase warmth and burning sensation and heartburn. In some people, it can worsen anxiety.
In women:
There is no blanket ban on Shilajit for women. It is a false notion. It is very useful nearing menopause, when bone strength declines, fatigue, mood swings are to be addressed. But it is usually not recommended for a very long period of more than 3 months, continuously in women.
Usage period: Like any other medicine, however good it may be, I would not recommend this for more than 2-3 months. After a month of its use, I would be intending to gradually decrease the dose before finally stopping it.
How to take it?
Tablets and capsules of both are available. General dose is 1 tablet of each, once a day, as per your doctor’s advice.
Combination in medicines
Dabur Shilajit Gold Capsule
Shilajit Plus capsule
Baidyanath Swarna Shakti Ras
Patanjali Divya Youvnamrit Vat, Ashwashila, Shilajeet Rasayan Vati,
Nandhi Mezhugu Capsules
Dhathu Kalpa Legiyam
Addyzoa, Immunup etc.
Read: Gym, Exercise, Fitness And Ayurvedic Bodybuilding Herbal Supplements
Ashwagandha with Jaiphal (Nutmeg)
Can Nutmeg be taken with Ashwagandha?
Dr JV Hebbar
Nutmeg and Ashwnagandha have many common effects on health.
1. Diabetes – Nutmeg is useful in diabetes for controlling blood sugar levels. It is explained as Mehaghna – useful in diabetes and urinary tract infections.
Ashwagandha has hypoglycemic effect (1), it reduces blood sugar levels. It improves muscle strength and reduces stress, enabling a diabetic patient to take up exercise and to live a stress-free life.
Click to read: Jaiphal Nutmeg – Myristica fragrans Uses, Dose, Side Effects
2. Liver and heart – Nutmeg has been studied for liver protection and antioxidant activities (2). Ayurvedic text, Sodhala Nighantu explains nutmeg as hrudya – congenial to heart.
Ashwagandha is also a very good antioxidant and is studied to improve cardio-respiratory endurance in cyclists (3). For a person who has undergone any type of heart surgery, Ashwagnadha can be useful to strengthen the heart muscles.
Click to read: Ashwagandha Withania somnifera Uses, Dose, Side Effects, Research
3. Sleep and stress – Ashwagandha is useful in treating anxiety and depression. Nutmeg is known to relieve stress and is useful to improve quality of sleep. This combination can be useful in this regard as well.
Click to read: Ayurvedic Herbs To Improve Sleep: Chronological List
4. Aphrodisiac activity: Ashwagandha is very well known to improve vigor and stamina. Nutmeg also has a similar purpose. In olden times, nutmeg was an essential ingredient in tambula – a betel leaf recipe, consumed after meals. One of the effects of this recipe is aphrodisiac and energizing the sense organs. In sexual disorders caused due to performance anxiety, this combination can be useful (4).
Read related: Tambula – Pan Chewing: Right Method, Benefits, Contra Indications
How to take it?
Special care is to be taken. For an adult, the dose of nutmeg is between 50 – 70 mg per day. Dose of Ashwagandha is 1-3 grams, once or twice a day.
100 grams of Ashwagandha can be mixed with 2 grams of nutmeg powder. This is mixed thoroughly. This powder mix, 1 – 2 grams at night can be consumed for a period of 2 – 3 weeks, based on your Ayurvedic doctor’s advised. It can be mixed with half a teaspoon of ghee and swallowed with lukewarm water.
Why ghee? Because both are hot in nature and can cause some stomach disturbance due to an increase of Pitta dosha in some people. Ghee balances Pitta dosha.
Why lukewarm water? Because whenever oil or ghee is consumed, for its better digestion, lukewarm water is preferred.
Ashwagandha Fruit
Ashwagandha fruit has no medicinal use mentioned in Ayurveda textbooks. Its potency lies in the root and thus, root is the main used part of Ashwagandha.
Can Ashwagandha be taken for anxiety along with SNRI medicines, Tricyclic antidepressants and beta-blockers ?
shish pal
sir 3-6 gm hw can we measure with spoon
Sir,after taking ashwagandharishta i feel uneasiness in head …bt i want to continue with ashwagandharist…as it has mny health benefits…what should I do now?
shameer sho
Badam 30 grm Kalonji 15 grm Asgandh nagori 60 grm pulverized it and include hone is best
Is the Vata reducing action of Ashwagandha more pronounced on any particular Dhatus?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Its action is more on Mamsa (Muscles), Meda (Fat), Asthi (Bones), Majja (marrow) and Shukra (reproductive system) Dhatus.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
1. Ashwagandha powder – half a teaspoon after workout along with half a cup of milk (or water) can be taken anyone as a general supplement for 3 months, then give a gap of a month and continue again.
I am not a fan of continuing any medicine / herb for a long periods of time without gaps in between, for about one year.
2. Consider a few side effects as explained in the article. If you do not fall in those categories, then you can take it freely.
3. For good quality organic Ashwagandha powder, please contact my brother in law – Shashi Kumar –
Hii sir , is there any side effects of ashwagandha roots
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Have explained above in the article.
Thanks for this article Dr. Hebbar. Does Ashwagandha help the thyroid function? It would be nice if you could elaborate on thyroid disease and its treatment options in Ayurveda.
S. Mukherjee
Thank you very much for your response
Hi, very good article, but I’m still unclear out the effects of Ashwagandha on my weight. I definitely do not want to gain any more weight. I need to lose. Will this herb cause weight gain all by itself? Or does it need to be used a certain way for that to happen? Any help you can give is appreciated.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, if you take Ashwagandha in a low dose of one capsule or per day, for a period of not more than 2 months, then it will not cause weight gain by itself. If it is taken on a higher dose or for longer period of time, or along with other herb / herbal combinations, then it can contribute to weight gain.
What herbal combinations would those be? I do take a lot of other remedies. Thank you so much for your time!
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Like, Ashwagandhadi lehyam – which contains many nutrition rich herbs and sugar.
Thank you Doctor for the invaluable article. I am learning a lot from your website. I really appreciate your effort.
I have a question for you Dr.
I notice some weight gain after taking ashwagandha with milk. Is there a better alternative for Ashwagandha?
Thanks Dr.
Gopalakrishna Bhat
good detailsabout aswagandha
Hi, I surrer from anxiety and depression but I am not taking any mediaction for this. I have been advised to take liquid withania (in alcohol). Is it safe to take and is it likely to make my anxiety any worse?
Dr. Is aswagandha bad for gastrist if one already have and does it cause gastrist in long term . Thanks
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Some patients observe worsening of gastritis with Ashwagandha. Such people can take it along with milk, 30 minutes after food.
DR. I have chronic gastritis.Will it help gastritis or cause it more?.Should I avoid aswagandha for that reason even though it suppose to help thyriod?.
If taken longer term can it cause weight gain ?.Also aswagandha consider a night shade family.
Hi sir i am 18 in age and i have to increase height, does Ashwagandha help me to increase ,,
baji ram
I am having Hypertension and taking valsartin tablets 80 mg from 3 months. Please tell is it safe for me to have ajaswandha leham? I read that this should not be taken by hypertensive .is it true?
Dr. I have used Amrita Ashwaganda tablets(each contains 850 mg) twice a day morning(after breakfast) and evening(around 5pm) along with milk.After using 4 days I am suffer from dehydration and my mouth became dry and drinking more water. I reduced to 1 tablet (each contains 850 mg) per day, but no use ,feeling dehydration still. Now I have stopped.Now its Ok. But I want to use this medicine because it is useful for muscle strength ,anti aging etc. Please suggest me better way of using this medicine without dehydration.
I came to know that this medicine will use get problem like Thyroid effect , liver effect.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, please use the tablet, 10 minutes after food at night only for a week. If you get the aforementioned side effects again, please stop it and consult your doctor directly. Regards.
Hi Doc,I am 25 yr male,weighing 50 kgs,i feel loss of energy most of the day beside i have high acidity and constipation problem at most times,is it safe for me to take ashwagandha..if it is,how much dosage do u suggest..?thanks
Dr Malini Bhat
Sir would advise you to take medicines for High acidity and constipation and then start of with taking Ashwagandha.
will ashwagandham help people with old age memory loss ?
Is this possible height can b grow with ashwagandha powder..??
Dr Malini Bhat
Dear Madam,
Ashwagandha indirectly can influence HGH (Human growth hormones) which is significantly responsible for growth of height. In the transition age period of 16-18 human body requires proteins and vitamins for the development of the height and weight in a balanced way. Ashwagandha helps the body in the appropriate and overall development. Regular consumption helps in growth of body height and weight and also improves body energy.
Hello Dr Hebbar ,
I must say what an excellent trials you have made to help us over Ayurvedic medicines – its my ill fate that My grand father was also an Ayurvedic doctor but that knowledge never got transferred to us any how thank you so much for all the good work you are doing
– I was told that Ashwagandha will help in improving Female Fertility disorders – I just need to know if Ashwagandha Leyhm can be taken by females to improve chances of conception –
I am against Alopathy owing to the side effects and hence decided to use only Ayurvedic medicine in way trying to get back to the Rich old indian Knowledge
Please help and Advise
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Dear Aditya,
Thanks for your kind words of appreciation. As they say, it is never too late to learn and adopt Ayurveda. 🙂
Will Ashwagandha cure tardive dyskenesia and dystonia
Dr Malini Bhat
Madam, It can be used an adjuvant and not to cure tardive dyskenesia and dystonia.
Dr Malini Bhat
Dear sir, As we all are genetically different with different constitutions and patterns, we respond to treatments in many different ways. Hence Standard Ayurvedic Treatments are always individually formulated. For specific treatment, always consult with a qualified Ayurvedic physician.
I m 24..can ashwagandha help me to increase height at this age?
Dr Malini Bhat
Dear Madam, Ashwagandha indirectly can influence HGH (Human growth hormones) which is significantly responsible for growth of height. In the transition age period of 16-18 human body requires proteins and vitamins for the development of the height and weight in a balanced way. Ashwagandha helps the body in the appropriate and overall development. So at this age it is difficult for the increase in height.
Namskar doctor sahab kya aswagandha churn aur capsule me kuch antar hai aur suxual weakness me koun jyada asarkarak hai..churn aur capsule dono me se koun sa lena chahiye (i am u
sing patanjali product) plz bataye hindi me..
Dr Malini Bhat
Aswagandha churna le sakte he aap. Agar taklif hoti he churna khane me to capsule bhi kha sakte he.
Vinay S Gouri
Dear Dr.,
Many westerners classify Ashwagandha herb as nightshade along with other nightshade vegetables such as Brinjal, etc. This is contradicting to Ayurvedic classification. For example, for diseases such as migraine, myalgia, where nightshades are not allowed and it helps also and even you have given your kind advise on the same guidelines.
So say Ashwagandharishta, Ashwagandhadhi lehyam or even Dhanvantharam Kashayam all have Ashwagandha and their target diseases are infact towards curing nervous disorders thereby reducing pain and depression.
Can you please clarify?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Dear Vinay, used part of Ashwagandha is it’s root. So it, being.nightshade or not, doesn’t matter.
Can Ashwagandha Tablate be used by children to Increase height ?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Its fruit seed powder – in a dose of – half a teaspoon at night with a cup of hot milk for 2 months time.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Dear Mr Ramesh, as per my experience and patient reviews, Ashwagandha causes increase of heart rate.
There is a theory that Ashwagandha should not be used in Rheumatoid arthritis at RA is a auto immune disorder and Ashwagandha would increase immunity and make it worse.
I personally do not use Ashwagandha while treating RA. I would choose herbs like Guggulu, Sallaki, Guduchi etc.
As per my experience, Ashwagandha increases thyroid hormone secretion.
Dr Malini Bhat
Thank you so much for your appreciation Sir.
Hi sir,I want to increase height. If I take this will I gain weight too?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
1 teapoon along with a cup of milk, at night, 30 minutes after food for 1 month time.
hi Sir, muje thyroid hai (medicine band karne par thyroid badh jata hai) , aur main weight bh kum karna chahti hu ,tho kya main Ashwagandha start kar sakti hu pls dose bataiye weight kum karne k liye and tyroid control karne ke liye.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Aap Giloy Satva – 500 mg per day le Sakte hai. Zyada jaankaari ke liye Ayurvedic doctor ko consult kare.
Archie M.
Question. My daughter is a young athlete, high level for her age. She’s 11 years & 5 months old right now. Is it safe for her to take the Ashwagandha Organic Root Powder? No side effects? Thank you.
Dr Malini Bhat
Namaste Sir, You will need a advice from a doctor for it. Seeing BMI, constitution and prakruthi etc., the dosage will be fixed.
Dr Malini Bhat
Hello Sir, Ashwagandha is hot in potency, sweet in post digestive effect, bitter, sweet and astringent in nature. As it is Hot in potency, it may increase in Summer. Hence, should be avoided in summer.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
There is no restriction on any fruits while taking Ashwagandha + Shatavari along with milk. Just take care not to mix any sour fruits along with milk.
Ami Sebastian
Hi doctor, thanks for this informative article about aswagandha.
I have read that aswagandha is an adaptogen, i.e., it balances out the levels of hormones rather than unilaterally increasing or decreasing individual hormones, especially with respect to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone… Is this true? And if so, would it be helpful in hormone imbalance states such as hormonal acne?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It is very true. For the same reason, it is very useful in the treatment of hypothyroidism and as well as hyperthyroidism, in cases of PCOS etc. It is beneficial in hormonal acne.
But while using Ashwagandha capsule, we need to watch the patient after a month to see the effect and decide on continuing.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, you can take ashwagandha in the morning.
For people seeking weight gain, long term use of Triphala is not recommended.
Namaste. Thank you very much for your response.
Sir, Is there any other ayurvedic medicine(other than ashwagandha) for GAD ( Generalized Anxiety Disorder) ?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
So many! Brahmi, Shankhapushpi, Jatamansi etc. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Dear sir, No. It does not contribute to alopecia.
Thank you very much Doctor.
is sugar patints Ashwagandha Lehyam Use or not If Use what are the side effects
Shyam Agarwal
Hi my bp always remains at 100/62. I do regular gym and weight training for 21/2 hrs and take protein supplement. I also take 4 gms of ashwagandha and 3 gms of gokhru powder with lukewarm water at bed times. Pls suggest that the low bp is due to ashwagandha and gokhru
Having weak immune system urge to motion after having milk products can take ashwagandha capsule age 46 also taking medicine for high BP. ..
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Ashwagandha is called Indian Ginseng.
Ginseng is Panax. It is different.
Even a small dose is causing incresed heart rate with aswagandha, is it true??
Hi ,,, I want to discrease Wight from ashwagandha plz tell me sir, how to take it
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
No. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.
Sir, i took geriforte capsule 2 per dayfor anxiety. But after 2 day onwsrds i left with complete sleep less nights untill i stop.I strongly believe its because of aswagandha. Is nutmeg in drakshasava do the sameif i take it fo anxiety???
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, you can take the lehyam at night. You can have barley powder or milk to reduce heat.
Dear Sir,
I am an 18 old boy, I have been suggested Ashwagandha tablets for increasing height. I take a tablet every night before sleeping, but it causes loose motions in the morning and has also caused pimples on my face (they were absent before I started taking the medicine). Should I continue? Will the side effects subside on their own?
Kindly help.
Hi, I work night shifts so I sleep in morning. Shall I take Ashwagandha at night or morning ? Becasue I have to stay awake all the night during work.
Also I have started taking this recenly and my body heat is increasing, any remedies for this ?
Jo Bic
Can you please tell me if you would recommend Ashwagandha for Alheimer’s? What have you seen as results? What dose is recommended?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
I have not treated any cases of Alzheimer’s successfully. I would bet more on Brahmi ghrita and Saraswatarishta than Ashwagandha.
Dear Dr,
I want to try Ashwagandha for weight gain, to have relief from fatigue & insomnia. Is it advisable to take Ashwagandha in the morning? If so,will it cause drowsiness & affect my work. I purchased Ashwagandha capsules, each capsule contains 850mg. Is 850mg a higher dose or should I go for a lower dose
pls advise.
My daughter suffers from anxiety and depression related to PTSD. She is 6 years of age. Would it be safe for her to take this root, and if so, how much?
i am 16 and want to increase height is it possible if i eat ashwagandha
Dear sir, please suggest me best medicine for mind dissorder…
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
With water. It is useful to improve testosterone.
Thank you Dr
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, Bette to take it after food i. Your case.
And if i substituted by Guduchi, it will have the same benefits for stress and depression?
Hello Doctor! Daughter’s pediatrician said it cannot be taken by the kids younger than 18y.o. Why do you think she has such opinion? Thank you
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Not sure. But there is classical text book reference of its usage in children
Patterson Kenneth Gay
Question to :Dr J V Hebbar MD
Due to adverse side effects of Flomax and Avodart ,I have started using Himplasia (Himalaya) tablets for my BHP, Is it also advisable to use Ashwagandha capsules, and at what dosage.?
I am 62 years.
Kindly reply to my email address.
d bat
after taking ashavganda capsules for 2 days i feel severe pain in stomach and the unberable pain stayed for about 6 hours and also feeling of vomiting and then i stopped taking it, what should i do now, stop taking it or any other solution?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Better to stop it and consult an Ayurveda doctor directly
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
450 mg tablet, 1 at night, after food with half a cup of water or warm milk, for 6 weeks time.
When I grow to your age, I would aim to be as physically active as you are. 🙂
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, as per my knowledge, nagori ashwagandha is same as plain one.
1 gram with a cup of milk at night after food for 1 month
Hello Sir,
Why is the dosage in capsules less i.e
250mg whereas dosage of powder is 2-3g. Which is the best form to have this medicine.
Hello sir i want to take ashvagandha for weight gain and energy how much tablets should i take per day thank you
I am 23 yrs old and am doing regular cardio for weight loss n am taking Ashwagandha and Shilajit capsules in morning after breakfast and at night after food . Is this good to take this combo for weight loss ? …… Sir ,can women take Ashwagandha capsules ?
Naveen Kumar
Sir 1 din me kitne capsules lene h
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
1 – 2 capsules per day.
Naveen Kumar
Or sir ye kitne mahine tak leni h
Or kya m sath me hamdard safi blood purifier ka use kar satkta hu kya koi side effects to nhi hoga
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Ashwagandha – just 1 capsule at night after food for only 2 months time.
You can take Hamdard safi blood purifier along with Ashwagandha.
Abhishek rawat
Ihave taken one tablet of ashvagandha for last night and i got loose motion…it was as same as last time i took it…please tell me sir
Sukanya aggarwal
i am 20 will it work?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
No problem. You can take both of them together.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Ashwagandha can be taken by below 25 year people as well.
Do not over dose. Take only 1 capsule per day for 2 months and then stop.
Does it boosts testosterone level?
I am taking Aswagandha in milk but getting constipation stomach pain can u suggest how to take and get releif from this problem.
Pranay Sinhal
Ashwagandha roots (Withania Somnifera) are Mainly cultivated in Neemuch District of Madhya Pradesh, India.
Neemuch is the Only Auction Centre and Market of Ashwagandha in India.
Kuth Meetha – Nagori Ashwagandha is also Available with traders there.
You can get many Qualities of Ashwagandha as per Rates from Neemuch, along with any other parts of ashwagandha Plant.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Interesting to know.
amardeep maurya
sir i want to gain weight . how mutch ashwagandha to add in milk please tell me please.
I m 19 yr can ashwgandha increase my height my height is 5.6 and I prefer zym daily and 62 kg weight in me
I take kottakkal Ashwagandha powder with milk every day. Unfortunately, these days, I am unable to tolerate milk. Can I have ashwagandha with light buttermilk?
Thanks in advance for your reply
Hello Dr Hebbar
In your article is mentioned that Ashwagandha possessess pungent vipaka. But in other presentations it is mentioned as sweet vipaka. Why is this discrepancy? I am thinking, if Ashwagandha’s vipaka is pungent, but overall effect is anabolic, then it can be considered as sweet, but it is not really sweet? What is the truth? Can you explain it more accurately from ayurvedic and modern scientific point of view?
Thank you in advance.
Аnd last but not least, thank you for your unique site and for the enlightenment with ancient wisdom.