By – Dr JV Hebbar
Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus helps mother to lactate more, useful in treating male and female infertility, induces sleep, calms mind and stomach and much more.
Botanical Name- Asparagus racemosus Wild.
Synonyms: Asparagopsis abyssinica Kunth
Family- LILIACEAE (Rasona kula)
There are two varieties of Shatavari, with similar medicinal properties and uses.
Satavari – Asparagus racemosus
Maha Satavari – Asparagus sarmentosus Linn

Table of Contents
Shatavari for gastritis
Because of its bitter principles and coolant properties, it is very useful in treating gastritis.
Processing with milk:
To treat many diseases such as gastritis, for aphrodisiac effect, anti aging effect, Asparagus racemosus is often boiled with milk and administered.
For Acne treatment
Because of its coolant nature and bitter principles, it is useful in blood imbalance disorders and skin conditions such as acne. Because it balances hormones, it is very useful against hormone imbalance induced acne.
To enhance breast milk production
Almost all herbal lactation promoting medicines in the market contain Shatavari as a very essential ingredient. It also helps in normal involution of the uterus and helps to stop bleeding in the mother, in the initial few weeks after delivery. Hence, it is one of the ideal herbs to be used during the lactation period.
Shatavari for breast size improvement – Shatavari in some women, can cause breast size improvement.
Can Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) be Administered to Men? Is it only beneficial to women?
As gym supplement
Because of its nutritive properties, coolant nature, and anti-aging effect, Shatavari makes an excellent gym supplement. It helps to relieve tiredness quickly and also improves muscle mass.
As a nerve tonic
It is a very good nerve tonic. It is useful in epilepsy, schizophrenia and neurological disorders. Because of its coolant nature, it is very useful in relieving diabetic neuropathy. It is good for both diabetes and nerve irritation causing burning fingers and toes.
Shatavari for anti aging therapy
Is Shatavari Considered as an Anti Aging?
Dr JV Hebbar
Yes, Shatavari is an anti-aging / Rasayana herb. It is used for anti-aging purposes..
Various textbooks have used below terms while explaining Shatavari.
Ayushya – prolongs life expectancy,
Vaya Sthapani – delays aging,
Rasayana vara – greatest among anti-aging herbs
Shatavari is explained as
Shukrala – Improves sperm and semen quantity and quality. Many of the aphrodisiac herbs also double as anti-aging. For example, Amla, Loha Bhasma, Ashwagandha, Shilajit etc.
Shatavari is pushtida – Nutritious, improves nourishment of body tissues. Hence very useful to build the damaged tissues.
It is also Medhya – intelligence enhancer. It is useful to relieve stress and to calm the mind. Lower the stress, delay will be the aging process.
In whom Shatavari is suited for anti-aging purposes?
People with Pitta body type (Prakriti) or Vata-Pitta body type, excess body heat, heartburn, burning sensation in stomach and allover the body,
People with weak stamina, depleted body tissues, sexual strength, low body weight,
People with eye disorders and
People with anxiety, stress, depression.
Read: Shatavari Asparagus racemosus Uses, Research, Side Effects
How to use Shatavari for anti-aging?
For anti-aging purposes, a suitable detoxification procedure (Panchakarma) is usually done first.
Shatavari, if used alone, though not very common, the dose is 3 – 6 grams, once or twice a day, 30 minutes before food for a period of 1 – 2 months.
Shatavari is also administered in the form of traditional Ayurvedic medicines like
Shatavaryadi Churnam – herbal powder
Shatavari Gulam – Herbal jam prepared with jaggery (sweet molasses) base
Shatavaryadi Ghritham – herbal ghee form etc.
As per Sharangdhara Samhita, only wet roots of Satavari should be used in making herbal products in preparing Kashayam (water decoction), Avaleha (herbal jams) etc. However, this rule does not apply when it is used in powder form.
Its decoction is advised in a dose of 25 – 50 ml per day. Its decoction is prepared by adding 1 tablespoon of powder to 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup. Filtered. Consumed when hot.
Medicinal uses
Versatile Qualities and Utility of Shatavari – FSH, Estrogen, Lactogen and Testosterone
Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus medicinal uses:
Vrushya – Aphrodisiac
Kshayajit – Useful in chronic respiratory disorders, tuberculosis
Asrajit – Useful in blood disorders,
Ayushya, Vaya Sthapani, Rasayanavara – A very good anti aging medicine
Shukrala – Improves sperm and semen quantity and quality
Stanyada – Improves breast milk production
Medhya – Improves intelligence
Pushtida – Nutritious, improves nourishment
Chakshushya – Improves vision, good for eyes, useful in eye disorders
Pittasrahara – Useful in bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, Menorrhagia, rectal bleeding etc.
Gulmajit – Useful in abdominal tumors
Atisarajit – Relieves diarrhea
Shophajit – Reduces swelling, anti inflammatory
Retodoshahara – Improves sperm quality, improves sperm and semen health and sperm mobility
Garbhaprada – Relieves infertility
Kshataksheenahara – Relieves chest injury, injury with bleeding
Medicinal properties
Shatavari Medicinal Properties:
Rasa (Taste)- Madhura (sweet), Tikta (Bitter)
Guna (Qualities) – Guru (Heaviness), Snigdha (Oily, unctuous)
Vipaka- Madhura – Undergoes sweet taste conversion after digestion
Veerya – Sheeta – Cold potency.
Effect on Tridosha: Balances Vata and Pitta
Pharmacological action – Galactagogue, Tonic, Diuretic
Shatavari ankura qualities
The sprouts of Asparagus racemosus – Shatavari Ankura:
Kapha – Pittahara – Balances Kapha and Pitta
Madhura, Tikta – Sweet, Bitter in taste
Arshohara – useful in piles, hemorrhoid’s
Kshayapaha – useful to improve depleted body tissues, chronic respiratory conditions, tuberculosis
According to Bhojana Kutuhalam 13th chapter, the sprouts of shatavari are bitter in taste, aphrodisiac in nature and alleviates all the three dosha.
Sanskrit Synonyms
Peevari – Tuberous roots are succulent in nature
Abhiru – Satavari has sharp spine
Adhakandaka – Spines in Satavari is recurved
Indeevari, Vari, Bahusuta, Madabhanjani, Satamuli, Satavirya, Suksmapatra, Atirasa,
Rushyaprokta, Dveepishatru, Dveepika, Urdhvakantaka
Narayani – Auspicious, divine
Phanijihvaparni – Cladodes resembles snake’s tongue
Svadurasa – Taste of satavari is sweet
Does Shatavari Cause Early Puberty (Menarche)? Important Medicines
Classical categorisation
Balya – Strength and immunity promoting group of herbs
Vayasthapana – Anti aging group of herbs
Madhura skandha – Sweet tasting group of herbs
Vagbhata- Vidarigandhadi
Pitta Shamaka – Pitta balancing group of herbs
Kantaka Panchamula
Distribution, chemical constituents
Distribution: Throughout tropical and Subtropical India
Asparagus racemosus chemical Constituents- Root- Sarsasapogenin; two spirostanolic & two Furostanolic saponins; Sitosterol, Asparagamine A.
Fruits- B- sitosterol, Sarsasapogenin, Diosenin, Asparamins A & B . Leaves- Flavonoids, Rutin.
(Reference: Illustrated Dravyaguna VIjnana, Vol. II, by Dr JLN Shastry)
Habit- A tall climbing under shrub.
Stem- Aerial, erect, or weak, angular, green, solid, whorl of one internodal leafy structures called cladodes found at every node.
Root- Adventitious root, may be tuberous or fasciculate type.
Leaves- Scale like, membranous and caducous.
Inflorescence- Fascicle, a raceme of white flowers.
Flowers – Pedicellate, bisexual, arranged in 2 whorls of each
Fruit – Berry
Microscopic and macroscopic view
Macroscopic and Microscopic examination of root of Asparagus racemosus was carried out and summarized below-
Macroscopic character;-Roots peeled hence dull white in color. External surface grooved; and tastes mucilage.
Microscopic character:
Outer layer with brown contents. Cortex consists of thin walled parenchyma cells. Calcium oxalate crystals are scattered in the cortical cells. Central vascular bundle With xylem and phloem elements.

Part used, dosage
Part used: Tuberous roots
fresh juice 10-20 ml,
Decoction (Kashaya) – 50-100 ml;
Powder 3-6 g in a divided dose per day.
How to take it?
Its root is processed with milk and consumed.
It is also available in the form of capsules and tablets.
Side effects
Shatavari side effects:
In a few women with high estrogen, Shatavari mimics estrogen and causes symptoms like breast tenderness. In such cases, it should only be administered in the first half of the menstrual cycle. (Starting from onset of menstruation till 14 days).
I have seen that this tactic serves very well in treating PCOS and irregular periods. (I am open to discussions)
However, the estrogen mimicking effect is very unpredictable and most women tolerate it pretty well.
In a few patients, Shatavari helps to improve breast size. It may or may not be a desirable effect for women.

Interaction with medicines, supplements
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
Can this medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
With western
Seek your
doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western
(allopathic / modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is
best to take Allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then take the
Ayurvedic medicine.
Can men take Satavari?
In some women, Shatavari shows an estrogenic effect. It increases estrogen production. But it does not show the estrogenic effect in all people. It is not a direct substitute for estrogen. Hence, can be used in men as well.
Can this be taken without consulting a doctor?
No. It is always best to consult your doctor before taking any herb
How long does it take to start showing results?
Depends on the dosage and other products suggested with this. Usually 1 – 2 weeks.
Can this product be taken along with Allopathic medicines (English medicines)?
Usually it is well tolerated with allopathic medicines. However, consult your doctor for the right advice. When English and Ayurvedic medicines are advised together, it is best to take English medicine first, give a gap of half an hour and then take Ayurvedic medicines.
Can it be used in people with diabetes?
Yes. But an eye should be kept on the blood sugar level. Your doctor should help you in this regard. This product can reduce blood sugar levels.
It is sold in plastic bottles. Is it fine?
If the quality of the bottle material is very good, it should not be a problem, if stored for a short period of time.
Can one take non vegetarian food while taking this medicine?
Yes, unless your practitioner has asked to avoid it.
Are there any Pathya (diet rules to be followed while taking this product?
No product specific diet is mentioned. If the practitioner has advised diet control based on disease, one has to follow that.

Sanskrit verse

Maha Shatavari benefits
Maha Satavari – Asparagus sarmentosus Benefits:
Hrudya – acts as cardiac tonic, congenial for heart
Medhya, Medhakara – Improves intelligence
Agnivardhini – Increases digestion strength
Balavardhini – Improves strength and immunity
Grahani hara – useful in IBS, sprue, altering diarrhea and constipation
Arshaghna – Useful in piles, hemorrhoid’s
Vrushya – aphrodisiac, improves vigor
Sheeta – coolant
Rasayani – anti aging, causes cell and tissue rejuvenation
Arshohara – useful in piles, hemorrhoid’s
Akshirogahara, Nayanamaya hara – Useful in eye disorders
Balada – improves strength and immunity
Maha Shatavari synonyms
Maha Satavari – Asparagus sarmentosus Linn
Sahasraveerya, Abheeru, Tungini, Bahuputrika, Mahapurushadanta, Keshi, Peevari, Vari, Rushyaprokta,

Experimental evaluation of
antiurolithiatic activity
Antimicrobial activity
Study of phyto-hormones

Ayurvedic medicines
Ayurvedic medicines with Satavari ingredient:
Shatavari Gulam – Herbal jam with jaggery base. Used in the treatment of gynecological conditions, diseases of urinary tract and liver complications.
Shatavaryadi Ghrita – A medicated herbal ghee product – used in treating urinary tract diseases, difficulty in urination, and calculi.
Shatavaryadi Churna – A herbal powder mix, used in treating stress, tiredness and fatigue.
Narasimha Churna – Used in respiratory conditions, male infertility treatment, etc.
Patanjali Shatavar Churna – manufactured by Patanjali Ayurved Limited.
Vernacular names
Names in different languages:
Hindi Name- Satavare
English Name – buttermilk root, climbing asparagus, wild asparagus,
kannada name-Majjige gadde
ಹಲವು ಮಕ್ಕಳ ತಾಯಿ ಬೇರು – Halavu Makkala Tayi Beru – Because it promotes lactation, it is called as the mother root for many children.
Ugurele Gida – the leaves resemble cut nails (of finger)
Tamil Name- Sadavare, Thanneer Vittaan Kizhangu, Thaner Vittan Kilangu, Thaneer Vitaan Kizhangu, Thanneer Vittaan Kilangu.
Marathi & Gujrathi Name- Satavari
Arabic name – shakakul, shaqaqul
Konkani Name – Satavari
Assamese name : শতমূল satomul
Bengali name – : শতমূলী satamuli, Dogri: sainsarbel, satmooli, shatavar
Gujarati name – : શતાવરી shatavari
Malayalam: ശതാവരി sathavari
Manipuri: নুংগাৰৈ nunggarei
Oriya: ବରୀ vari, Pali:
Punjabi: ਛੋੱਟਾ ਕੇਲੂ chhotta kelu,
Urdu: ستاور satawar
Peeled root of Asparagus adscendens
Home Remedies
It can be found in the tropical areas of Asia, India, Australia, and African countries. The tender leaves and flowers are so beautiful that many plant this herb in their garden without being aware that it has tremendous health benefits!
The steroidal saponins of the plant are commonly known as shatavarins.
Flavonoids such as quercetin and rutin are also present in Shatavari fruits and flowers
The scientists have evaluated Immunomodulatory activity, Anti-ulcerogenic effect, Antioxidant activity, Anti-cancer effect, Anti-diabetic properties, Anti-inflammatory effect, Antidiarrheal nature, Antimicrobial action of these amazing herbs.
It is also useful in depression and low libido of both men and women.
It is a known Adaptogenic effect and an excellent antioxidant.
For breastfeeding mothers
1. Shatavari medicated milk in breast feeding mothers:
1 or 2 fresh or dry roots of asparagus is added to a cup of milk and it is cooked for 5 – 10 minutes. Filtered. It is given to the new mothers early in the morning to improve breast milk production.
Even in cattle, this practice is found where the veterinary doctors advise to administer raw Shatavari to the cattle.
Fatigue, lethargy
2. Shatavari root powder remedy for fatigue, lethargy, loss of libido:
3-5 grams of root powder of Shatavari is administered along with powdered sugar candy, twice a day. This relieves work exhaustion, numbness, neuritis, fatigue, lethargy, loss of libido etc.
Recurrent UTI
3. Root powder with honey in recurrent urinary tract infections:
5 grams of the powder of Shatavari if consumed regularly during night time recurrent UTI, spermaturia, haematuria and backache are cured successfully.
Burning micturition
4. Asparagus cold infusion in burning urination and bleeding from urethra:
Fresh asparagus is cut into small pieces and soaked in water or else the 5-10 grams powder is added to 300 ml water and kept for a while. This is macerated and filtered.
This is given to the individuals, suffering from burning urination and bleeding from urethra. Good health benefits are assured in such conditions.
To improve sperm count
5. Shatavari- Ashwagandha remedy to improve sperm count:
Fine powder of equal quantity of Shatavari, Ashwagandha and Kapikacchu are taken and mixed together. This is taken in the dose of 3-5 grams or else this is cooked with a cup of milk for 5 minutes, filtered and consumed.
This promotes sexual libido and increases the sperm count too.
To improve weight
6. Shatavari and pippali powder to improve weight:
This is a simple and effective practice of North Karnataka. Equal quantity of Shatavari and Pippali powder is taken and mixed well. This is taken in a dose of 3-5 grams during night or early in the morning along with Banana juice/ Banana milkshake. Good weight gain is observed if this is carried for 30-40 days.
Classical Ayurveda prescribes hundreds of formulations derived from Shatavari. It has several indications also. Among over the counter sold products of Ayurveda, Shatavari powder takes a major proportion as it is safe, efficacious and has wider utility. Also the well appreciated rejuvenation benefit of this drug makes it accepted by people at large.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD
Sthanika karma (Systemic Acton)
Externally – Oil prepared out of it is beneficial in Vatarogas, Headache, general weakness etc.
Nervous system – Promote intellect, Analgesic, Strengthens the nervous system, Indicated in Epilepsy, giddiness, Diseases due to weakened nervous system etc.
Digestive system – Pacifies pitta dosha, Absorbent. Indicated in Acidity, Malabsorption syndrome, Abdominal colic, Hemorrhoids etc.
Reproductive system – Indicated in Oligospermia, recurrent abortion, menorrhagia etc. galactagogue, Indicated for pregnant ladies’, promote fetal growth.
Circulatory system – Good for heart , Styptic, indicated in bleeding disorders. Indicated in hypertension
Excretory system – Increases urine output. Indicated in Dysuria.
Satmikarana – Strengthens the body, Rejuvinative, good for eyes. indicated in diminished vision condition.
U r highly educated and experienced .All the information shared by you is really very useful to all of us.We r most fortunate to get connected with you.Thank u very much.
We have got thirty plants of SHATAWARI …how we can best use of fresh roots…please guide ?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Its roots are used to make medicines or dried to make powder.
S. Mukherjee
Thank you for a very informative and exhaustive article on Shatavari.
For treating hearing loss with Sarivadi Bati (2 tabs twice a day) please clarify if the action is enhanced by mixing half a spoonfull of Shatavari Churna in cup of warm milk (and having the bati at same time)
Best regards,
S. Mukherjee
mansukh parekh
Good,very Good, Excellent. with my 30 years of experience in knowing Ayurvedas what all i have learn about Satavari is here.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
That is a very humbling comment sir. Thank you very much.
Great….Well explained……Thanks a lot….Keep going…………
How can one use shatavari for hormonal acne?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, there is small difference.
The vegetable asparagus is called Garden asparagaus – botanical name – Asparagaus officinalis.
Shatavari is asparagus racemosus.
These are two different herbs.
Eating the vegetable Asparagaus will not have same benefits as Shatavari ?. Thanks
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
No. They are different.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, Thanks 🙂
Shatavari churna / Shatavari Ghrita’s shelf life, after when the bottle is opened is not more than 6 – 8 months. Hence, it is best to discard that and take a new one and use it.
Same rule applies to Churna. Once the Churna is opened, better to use it up before 3 – 4 months of time.
Read more – shelf life of Ayurvedic products after when the bottle is opened –
Thanks for the quick response doctor. So I can get new bottle and use it at this time also?
If so, which of the two should I take Gritham or churna? and of course the dosage.
J. Dominic
Great article. Dr I wanted to know whether Shatavari gulam would help for persons with heavy menstrual bleeding (Menorrhagia) and if so the dosage.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It is not specifically indicated for heavy periods. – Read more about heavy periods – Ayurvedic treatment here –
Can shatavari be taken by men for weight gain?
Won’t it cause increase of estrogen in men and thus will complicate hormonal balance?
Dr. you mentioned above in response to someone message that “hearing issue is Vata related and shatavari balances Vata so it will help”.
Does it mean Shatavari can help with tinnitus since it’s Vata related ?. Also Shatavari causes to gain weight?.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Shatvari helps in tinnitus. Shatavari, used along with sweet, nutritious substances can contribute to weight gain.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, no need to remove external skin. You can dry it, powder it and use it.
It can also be used afresh with refrigeration.
Hi Dr.Hebbar
I understand from your article that it helps in weight gain, which is a good thing for vata-pitta person like me but is it possible to take it in capsule/tablet form if the patient is not comfortable with kalpa+milk?
Thanks a lot!
Hey, thanks a lot. That is another useful article!
Purav Gour
In the medicinal properties of shatavari I read a word ” khalityanashini “.Does shatavari really work for hair thinning and MPB?
Purav Gour
Sir thanx very much for ur quick response.
Sir how to use shatavari for hair thinning and baldness (early stage) ?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Its capsule – 1 capsule per day, or powder – 3 grams per day is useful. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.
sital das
if i take himalaya capsule 3year after manufacture date any problem?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Better to discard it.
Purav Gour
Sir how should shatavari and licorice be used for hair thinning and hair loss ?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, Shatavari is used for hair regrowth. Yashtimadhu is usually used externally, in the form of hair oils, for hair growth.
Hello sir,
M taking organic shatavri capsules from 2 weeks n having too much hair loss:( . Is it because of shatavri? Pls suggest m tensed didnt had this much hair loss before
Did Sathavari is helpful for treating gastric ulcers. Pls tell the mechanism of action
sir please tell me the dosage form of a sathavari for treating gastric ulcers
Dr Malini Bhat
Namaste Sir, It can be had in a dose of half a gram per day, with milk or water. But would advise other medicines than this when it comes to Gastric Ulcers.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, Shatavari for improving lactation is administered after delivery, not during pregnancy
Does the shatavari powder help in milk supply after 3 months of delivery ? If i donot want to gain any more weight what should be the correct dosage?
mary sheela I
i just want to know while we are taking shatavari powder its is advisable to eat non veg?
and how many months i should continue?
per day how many times i can take?
to be taken empty stomach or after breakfast?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Dr. 1 lady in my family was taking 1 tsp of satawari powder daily with milk just for energy due to some ubknown reasons she had piles problem and gone through a surgery.. so now after surgery should she continue of its use ???
Does it helps to unblock the Fallopian tube?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
That cannot be promised.
Hellan Mathew
Sir , does it cause changes in the regular menstrual cycle if one started to have shatavari capsules?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
In some, it may exhibit estrogenic effect and can cause menstrual irregularities.
Hi doctor, Is it safe to take Shatavari while trying to get pregnant? Thank you.
Ruchi chauhan
Hii m suffring from high bp n I have loose my weight is shatvar is useful to gain weight plz help me
Hi doctor
I am 18 weeks pregnant and started taking shatavari guda. Today experienced light pain in groin area. Does that induce period? Am worried to continue or not. Pls reply
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
If it is not prescribed by an Ayurveda doctor, then discontinue it.
Ziauddin Kolliyil
I have few shatavari plants @ home. Can anybody let me know how to process the roots? Also are the leaves and fresh shoots of any medicinal value?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Its roots are cut and dried under sunshade.
My shatavari powder is expired… Will it work for me , or not?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Throw it out. It will not work.
Plz help me to tell that shatawari powder can take during periods..or bleeding…
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, Shatavari can be taken during periods.
Varun N
Hello doctor,
As shatavari mimicks estrogen, can men take it??
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It does not show the estrogenic effect in all people. It is not a direct substitute for estrogen. Hence, useful in men as well.
Saurabh patel
Hi sir I take mixture of satavari and aswagandha and I feel 4 kg of weight loss ,can height loss is possible
Manjari Banerjee
Can a woman of 60, 4’10” height, 36 kg weight, having bp 150/40, urinary track infections, moderate b/sugar, respiratory track infection (cough during sleep), nerve irritation, easily irritating mentality, fibroids in uterous & cysts on overy, take shatavari powder??
Does shatavari help in ALE Lupus
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It could be due to Shatavari. I suggest changing the brand to organic India / Himalaya or stopping it.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.
Shikhar Pandey
What is preferred timing to consume Shatavri churna? Before or After Dinner/lunch? I am already taking Ashwagandha Churna at night.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Before food morning or afternoon.
I take shatavari 1 capsule 2 times a day after food but it is slightly heavy and csuse pain in upper abdomen. So how i can take because it reduce tiredness
Sir I have hypothesis, pcos trying to get concieve. Is shatavari benefit?
Hello Dr,
Which herb could be used as substitute for Shatavari? Something that is compatible with hadjod and moringa leaf powders?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
No way. There are many shatavari products with carbohydrate in it, like Shatavari gulam.
Poornima naik
Is shatavari good for persons having high prolactin? Do regular intake of shatavari make prolactin high? Sir pls give me reply
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Shatavari is to be avoided in people with high prolactin.
White and brown shatavari whats the difference ?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
There is no difference.
Viswanaath VS
Dear Dr. thank you for the enlightening article. The tamil Name for this herb is “Thanneer Vittaan Kizhangu”, “Thaner Vittan Kilangu”, “Thaneer Vitaan Kizhangu”, Thanneer Vittaan Kilangu”. Kindly incorporate in ths site ps.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thank you. I have added.
The info on this website is always accurate and with reference to ayurvedic texts. Whenever I need any info on any ayurvedic herb this is the site I prefer to visit.
Nandi/ Edit
Radhe! Radhe! Dear Dr. J V Hebbar ???
Can take a woman under pregnency Shatavari Gulam?!
Thank you for your answhere
Radhe! Radhe!
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Yes, only if prescribed by an Ayurvedic doctor.
Should it be avoided in growths: cysts, fibroids, tumours, because of its nutritive properties?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Yes, it is usually avoided.
Sir namasthe can we use shatavari with normal or low blood sugar levels?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Sweta Gusain
Can you also outline the properties of Shatavari Shoots and it’s effect on tridosha?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Roots are the main used part. Shoots have similar effects, albeit lower.
Sweta Gusain
Thank you sir. Can you also outline the properties of Shatavari Shoots and it’s effect on Tridoshas?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Root is the part used. Shoot will have similar qualities, but will be milder.
Mara Cummings
Is Shatavari considered a Rasayan?
Thank you.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Yes, it is one of the Rasayana medicines.