Charaka Kalpa Sthana 11th Chapter Saptala Shankhini Kalpam

11th chapter of Charaka kalpa sthana deals with Pharmaceutics of Saptala and Sankhini. The chapter name is Saptala Shankhini Kalpam.

Now we shall explore the chapter dealing with the “Pharmaceutics of Saptala and Sankhini”. Thus said Lord Atreya [1-2]
Read – Charak Samhita Sutrasthana 4 – Shad Virechana Shatashriteeya Adhyaya


Synonyms of Saptala – Saptala, Carmasahva and Bahuphenarasa
Synonyms of Shankhini – Sankhini, Tiktala, Yavatikta and Aksipidaka are synonymous [3]

Therapeutic Effects

Because of their attributes, viz – tendency to cause looseness of joints, sharpness and un-unctuousness (dryness), these two drugs (saptala and sankhini) are used in the treatment of phantom tumor, poisoning, heart diseases, obstinate skin diseases including leprosy, oedema, obstinate abdominal diseases including ascites and such other conditions caused by aggravated kapha. [4]

Method of Collection

The fruits of Sankhini are collected when these are not very dry and excorticated. The roots of Saptala are collected for use. Both of these are preserved in a pot. [5]
Read – Collection And Preservation Of Ayurvedic Herbs

Kashaya Kalpana recipes

One Aksa of the paste of Saptala and Sankhini is added with Prasanna (a type of wine) and salt. This is useful for treating heart diseases caused by Kapha and vayu, and for treating phantom tumour. This recipe is administered with the below mentioned vehicles –
Decoction of Priyala
Decoction of Pilu
Decoction of Karkandhu
Decoction of Kola
Juice of Amrataka
Juice of Dadima
Juice of Draksa
Juice of Panasa
Juice of Kharjura
Badaramla (sour preparation of Jujube – fruit)
Juice of Parusaka
Maireya (a sour drink)
Amla Dadhimanda (sour whey)
Sauviraka (Vinegar)
Tusodaka (another sour drink prepared of Paddy etc) and
Sidhu (a type of wine)
Intake of these recipes helps in easy and quick purgation. [6-8]
Read – Virechana Therapy – Right Method, Side Effects, Management

Taila Recipes

Milk is boiled by adding drugs belonging to Vidarigandhadi group. Oil is cooked by adding this milk, the paste of Saptala and Sankhini (one part), and Trivrt as well as Syama (half parts). This medicated oil is added to Dadhi-Manda (whey) and administered as a potion [for purgation]. 
Two parts of the powder of Sankhini is added with one part of the powder of sesame seed, and oil is expressed out of it. This oil is taken along with the decoction of Haritaki [for purgation].
Following the same procedure, oil is expressed from the seeds of Atasi, Sarsapa, Eranda and Karanja, [and taken along with the decoction of Haritaki for Purgation]. [9-11]
Read – Charaka Kalpa Sthana 7th Chapter Shyama Trivrit Kalpam

Ghrita Recipes

From the milk boiled with Sankhini and Saptala, ghee is extracted. This ghee is cooked by adding one part of the paste of Saptala and Sankhini, and half part of the paste of Trivrt as well as Syama. This medicated ghee is mixed with milk and taken as potion for purgation.

In the place of paste of Trivrt and syama, the above mentioned ghee may also be prepared by adding half part of the paste of the following drugs:
Danti and Dravanti;
Ajasrngi (dugdhika) and Niliki;
Two varieties of Karanja and
Masuravidala (Syamalata) and Pratyakparni (Musikaparni)

Medicated ghee may also be prepared by boiling ghee with the decoction of Sankhini, Saptala and Amalaki.
Medicated ghee of Saptala may be prepared according to the procedure described for the preparation of medicated ghee of Trvrit (vide Kalpha 8: 66-68).
Following the procedure prescribed for Lodhra, there types of Leha or linctus (vide Kalpa (: 11-13), Sura or alcoholic drink (vide Kalpa 9: 8-9) and recipe of Kampillaka (vide Kalpa 9-10-11) may also be prepared of Saptapala and Santhini. [12-16]

Fermented Drinks

According to the procedure described with respect to Danti-Dravanti (vide Kalpa 12: 35), Sauviraka (Vinegar) and Tusodaka ( a type of Sour drink prepared of Husked paddy, etc) of Saptala and Sankhini is also prepared.
 Similarly, Guda type of wine of Saptala and sankhini may also be prepared by adding Ajagandha and Ajasrngi (on the lines suggested in Kalpa 12: 33)
These [four recipes] are useful for purgation. [17]
Read – Virechanopaga Gana: Purgation Aiding Herbs: Review, Benefits

Contents of Chapter

To sum up:-
In this chapter thirty nine types of effective recipes of Saptala and Sankhini are described as follows:

1-6. sixteen recipes of saptala and Sankhini to be taken along with decoctions Etc. (vide verse nos. 6-8)
17-22. six recipes of Saptala and Sankhini to be prepared in the form of oil (vide verse nos. (9-11)
23-30. eight recipes of Saptala and Sankhini to be prepared in the form of medicated ghee: (vide verse nos. (12-16)
31-35. five recipes of Saptala and Sankhini to be prepared by fermentation and (vide verse no. 16-17)
36—39.Three recipes of Saptala –Sankhini to be prepared in the form of linctus and one recipe of Saptala – Sankhini to be prepared by adding Kampillaka (vide verse no. 16)

For the preparation of the mentioned recipes, either Saptala or Sankhini separately or both of these taken together are to be used. [18-19]

Thus, ends the eleventh chapter of Kalpa- section dealing with the “Pharmaceutic of Saptala and Sankhini” in Agnivesha’s work as redacted by Charaka, and because of its non-availability, supplemented by Drdhabala.

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