Charak Samhita Chikitsa sthana 1st chapter deals with anti ageing treatments. It has 4 sections. The 3rd section is called as kara Prachiteeya Rasayana Pada. It deals with anti ageing recipes using Amla, Triphala, Long pepper and Shilajeet.
Third Quarter of the Chapter on Rejuvenation Therapy
अथातः करप्रचितीयं रसायनपादं व्याख्यास्यामः||१||
इति ह स्माह भगवानात्रेयः||२||
athātaḥ karapracitīyaṃ rasāyanapādaṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ||1||
iti ha smāha bhagavānātreyaḥ||2||
Now, we shall explore the quarter dealing with rejuvenation therapy by the administration of Amla fruit (Indian Gooseberry), being administered by hand – Kara Prachiteeya Rasayana Pada.
Thus said lord Atreya[1-2]
Table of Contents
Amalakayasa Brahma Rasayana
करप्रचितानां यथोक्तगुणानामामलकानामुद्धृतास्थ्नां शुष्क चूर्णितानां पुनर्माघे फाल्गुने वा मासे त्रिःसप्तकृत्वः स्वरस परिपीतानां पुनः शुष्क चूर्णीकृतानामाढकमेकं ग्राहयेत्, अथ जीवनीयानां बृंहणीयानां स्तन्यजननानां शुक्रजननानां वयःस्थापनानां षड्विरेचनशताश्रितीयोक्तानामौषध गणानां चन्दनागुरु धव तिनिश खदिर शिंशपासनसाराणां चाणुशः कृत्तानामभया बिभीतक पिप्पली वचा चव्य चित्रक विडङ्गानां च समस्तानामाढकमेकं दशगुणेनाम्भसा साधयेत्, तस्मिन्नाढकावशेषे रसे सुपूते तान्यामलक चूर्णानि दत्त्वा गोमयाग्निभिर्वंश विदल शर तेजनाग्निभिर्वा साधयेद्यावदपनयाद्रसस्य, तमनुपदग्धमुपहृत्यायसीषु पात्रीष्वास्तीर्य शोषयेत्, सुशुष्कं तत् कृष्णाजिनस्योपरि दृषदि श्लक्ष्णपिष्टमयःस्थाल्यां निधापयेत् सम्यक्, तच्चूर्णमयश्चूर्णाष्टभाग सम्प्रयुक्तं मधु सर्पिर्भ्यामग्निबलमभिसमीक्ष्य प्रयोजयेदिति ||३||
भवन्ति चात्र-
एतद्रसायनं पूर्वं वसिष्ठः कश्यपोऽङ्गिराः |
जमदग्निर्भरद्वाजो भृगुरन्ये च तद्विधाः ||४||
प्रयुज्य प्रयता मुक्ताः श्रम व्याधि जराभयात् |
यावदैच्छंस्तपस्तेपुस्तत्प्रभावान्महाबलाः ||५||
इदं रसायनं चक्रे ब्रह्मा वार्षसहस्रिकम् |
जरा व्याधि प्रशमनं बुद्धीन्द्रियबलप्रदम् ||६||
(इत्यामलकायसं ब्राह्मरसायनम्) |
karapracitānāṃ yathoktaguṇānāmāmalakānāmuddhṛtāsthnāṃ śuṣka cūrṇitānāṃ punarmāghe phālgune vā māse triḥsaptakṛtvaḥ svarasa paripītānāṃ punaḥ śuṣka cūrṇīkṛtānāmāḍhakamekaṃ grāhayet, atha jīvanīyānāṃ bṛṃhaṇīyānāṃ stanyajananānāṃ śukrajananānāṃ vayaḥsthāpanānāṃ ṣaḍvirecanaśatāśritīyoktānāmauṣadha gaṇānāṃ candanāguru dhava tiniśa khadira śiṃśapāsanasārāṇāṃ cāṇuśaḥ kṛttānāmabhayā bibhītaka pippalī vacā cavya citraka viḍaṅgānāṃ ca samastānāmāḍhakamekaṃ daśaguṇenāmbhasā sādhayet, tasminnāḍhakāvaśeṣe rase supūte tānyāmalaka cūrṇāni dattvā gomayāgnibhirvaṃśa vidala śara tejanāgnibhirvā sādhayedyāvadapanayādrasasya, tamanupadagdhamupahṛtyāyasīṣu pātrīṣvāstīrya śoṣayet, suśuṣkaṃ tat kṛṣṇājinasyopari dṛṣadi ślakṣṇapiṣṭamayaḥsthālyāṃ nidhāpayet samyak, taccūrṇamayaścūrṇāṣṭabhāga samprayuktaṃ madhu sarpirbhyāmagnibalamabhisamīkṣya prayojayediti ||3||
bhavanti cātra-
etadrasāyanaṃ pūrvaṃ vasiṣṭhaḥ kaśyapo’ṅgirāḥ |
jamadagnirbharadvājo bhṛguranye ca tadvidhāḥ ||4||
prayujya prayatā muktāḥ śrama vyādhi jarābhayāt |
yāvadaicchaṃstapastepustatprabhāvānmahābalāḥ ||5||
idaṃ rasāyanaṃ cakre brahmā vārṣasahasrikam |
jarā vyādhi praśamanaṃ buddhīndriyabalapradam ||6||
(ityāmalakāyasaṃ brāhmarasāyanam) |
Amalakayasa Brahma Rasayana :
Fruits of Amlaka are selected which are endowed with the attributes described earlier, is separated from their seeds, dried and powdered. This is done during the month of Magha (January – February) or Phalguna (February- March)
The powder is again impregnated with fruit juice of Amalaki fruits for 21 times. The dry powder is ground with its own juice extract till it dries. This is counted as one time. This process is repeated for 21 times.
Thus prepared fortified Amla powder is taken in a quantity of one adhaka (3.072 Kg). Kept separately.
One Adhaka (3.072 Kg) of all the following drugs taken together is boiled by adding ten times of water.
Jeevaneeya Gana – Enlivening, anti ageing group of herbs
Jeevaka – Malaxis acuminata
Rishabhaka – Manilkara hexandra
Meda – Polygonatum cirrhifolium
Mahameda – Polygonatum verticillatum
Kakoli – Fritillaria roylei
Kshira Kakoli – Roscoea purpurea / Lilium polyphyllum
Mudgaparni – Phaseolus trilobus,
Mashaparni – Teramnus labialis,
Jivanti – Leptadenia reticulata and
Madhuka– Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra
Bruhmaneeya Gana – Nourishing, increasing weight
Ksheerini – Mimosops hexandra Roxb.)
Rajakshavaka – Euphorbia microphylla,
Ashwagandha – Winter Cherry / Indian ginseng (root) – Withania somnifera,
Kakoli – Fritillaria roylei,
Ksheerakakoli – Roscoea purpurea / Lilium polyphyllum,
Vatyayani – Country mallow (root) – Sida cordifolia,
Bhadraudani (Sida cordifolia Linn.),
Bharadvaji – Thespesia lampas,
Payasya – Impomoea paniculata and
Stanyajanana – improving breast milk
Virana (Vetiveria zizanioides Nash.),
Shali – Rice (Oryza sativa Linn.),
Shastika (a variety of rice – Oryza sativa Linn.),
Ikhsuvalika (Asteracantha longifolia Nees),
Darbha (Desmostachya bipinnata Staff.),
Kusha (Desmostachya bipinnata),
Kasha (Saccharum spontaneum Linn.),
Gundra (Soccharum sara),
Itkata – Sesbania bispinosa and
Katruna (Cymbopogon schoenanthus Spreng.)
Shukrajanana -improving quality of semen and ovum
Jeevaka – Malaxis acuminata
Rishabhaka – Manilkara hexandra
Kakoli – Fritillaria roylei
Kshira Kakoli – Roscoea purpurea / Lilium polyphyllum
Mudgaparni (Phaseolus trilobus Ait.),
Mashaparni – Teramnus labialis,
Meda – Polygonatum cirrhifolium,
Vriddharuha (Asparagus raemosus Willd.),
Jatila (Nardostachys jatamamsi D C.) and
Kulinga – Rhus acuminata
Vayaha Sthapana -rejuvenating, anti ageing.
Amruta (Tinspora cordifolia Miers.),
Abhaya – Terminalia chebula,
Dhatri (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.),
Mukta (pearl),
Shveta (white variety of Clitoria ternatea Linn.),
Jivanti – Leptadenia reticulate,
Atirasa – Asparagus root – Asparagaus racemosus,
Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica Urban),
Sthira – Desmodium gangeticum and
Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa Linn.)
The heart wood of-
Chandana (Sandalwood – Santalum album)
Aguru – Aqualaria agallocha
Dhava – Anogeissus latifolia
Tinisha -Dalbergia latifolia ROXB.
Khadira (Acacia catechu),
Shimshapa – Dalbergia sissoo and
Asana cut into small pieces and
Abhaya – Terminalia chebula,
Bibhitaka – Terminalia bellerica
Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum,
Vacha (Acorus calamus Linn.),
Chavya – Piper retrofractum and
Chitraka – Leadwort – Plumbago zeylanica.
- After boiling, when only one Adhaka (3.072 liter) of water remains (from 10 Adhaka, reduced to 1 Adhaka), it should be filtered.
- To this Kashaya, the powder of Amalaki prepared earlier is added.
- It is boiled by the fire of cow dung cake, or bamboo, or Shara or Tejana, till the liquid portion disappears.
- It is removed from the fire before it gets burnt and then spread over a plate made of iron till it gets dried up.
- After it is fully dried up, it is made to a fine paste in pestle and mortar and kept over a deer skin.
- This paste is in an iron container.
- This powder mixed with eight times [some interpret as Ashta bhaga as 1/8th in quantity] of the powder of iron, honey and ghee and is administered to a person, keeping in view the limitations of his digestion strength.
Thus it is said:
By taking such recipes for rejuvenation, in the days of yore, sages viz, Vashishta, Kashyapa, Angeerasa, Jamadagni, Bharadvaja, Bhrugu and other sages like them became
- Free from the fear of fatigue, diseases and old age,
- Performed penance as long as they wished.
Because of its Prabhava (specific action) they were endowed with great strength.
This recipe is invented by Lord Brahma
Benefits of Amalakayas Brahma Rasayan:
- A person lives for one thousand years
- Free from old age and diseases
- Promotes Buddhi (wisdom) and the strength of the sense organs (3-6)
Eligible beneficiaries
तपसा ब्रह्मचर्येण ध्यानेन प्रशमेन च|
रसायन विधानेन कालयुक्तेन चायुषा||७||
स्थिता महर्षयः पूर्वं, नहि किञ्चिद्रसायनम्|
ग्राम्यानामन्यकार्याणां सिध्यत्यप्रयतात्मनाम्||८||
tapasā brahmacaryeṇa dhyānena praśamena ca|
rasāyana vidhānena kālayuktena cāyuṣā||7||
sthitā maharṣayaḥ pūrvaṃ, nahi kiñcidrasāyanam|
grāmyānāmanyakāryāṇāṃ sidhyatyaprayatātmanām||8||
The great sages of the yester centuries were devoted to penance, celibacy (Brahmacharya), meditation and tranquillity
They did not have a limited span of life. The rejuvenation therapies administered to them according to the prescribed procedure enabled them to live for such a long time. Such excellent results of anti ageing Rasayana therapy will NOT be found when these recipes are administered to persons who resort to unethical habits (Gramya), who are engaged in worldly works, devoid of self control [7-8]

Kevala Amalaka Rasayana
संवत्सरं पयोवृत्तिर्गवां मध्ये वसेत् सदा |
सावित्रीं मनसा ध्यायन् ब्रह्मचारी यतेन्द्रियः ||९||
संवत्सरान्ते पौषीं वा माघीं वा फाल्गुनीं तिथिम् |
त्र्यहोपवासी शुक्लस्य प्रविश्यामलकीवनम् ||१०||
बृहत्फलाढ्यमारुह्य द्रुमं शाखागतं फलम् |
गृहीत्वा पाणिना तिष्ठेज्जपन् ब्रह्मामृतागमात् ||११||
तदा ह्यवश्यममृतं वसत्यामलके क्षणम् |
शर्करामधुकल्पानि स्नेहवन्ति मृदूनि च ||१२||
भवन्त्यमृतसंयोगात्तानि यावन्ति भक्षयेत् |
जीवेद्वर्षसहस्राणि तावन्त्यागतयौवनः ||१३||
सौहित्यमेषां गत्वा तु भवत्यमरसन्निभः |
स्वयं चास्योपतिष्ठन्ते श्रीर्वेदा वाक् च रूपिणी ||१४||
(इति केवलामलकरसायनम्) |
saṃvatsaraṃ payovṛttirgavāṃ madhye vaset sadā |
sāvitrīṃ manasā dhyāyan brahmacārī yatendriyaḥ ||9||
saṃvatsarānte pauṣīṃ vā māghīṃ vā phālgunīṃ tithim |
tryahopavāsī śuklasya praviśyāmalakīvanam ||10||
bṛhatphalāḍhyamāruhya drumaṃ śākhāgataṃ phalam |
gṛhītvā pāṇinā tiṣṭhejjapan brahmāmṛtāgamāt ||11||
tadā hyavaśyamamṛtaṃ vasatyāmalake kṣaṇam |
śarkarāmadhukalpāni snehavanti mṛdūni ca ||12||
bhavantyamṛtasaṃyogāttāni yāvanti bhakṣayet |
jīvedvarṣasahasrāṇi tāvantyāgatayauvanaḥ ||13||
sauhityameṣāṃ gatvā tu bhavatyamarasannibhaḥ |
svayaṃ cāsyopatiṣṭhante śrīrvedā vāk ca rūpiṇī ||14||
(iti kevalāmalakarasāyanam) |
Kevala Amalaka Rasayana:
- A person among the cows, living on cow milk for one year mentally reciting Savitri Mantra with Celibacy (Brahmacharya) and controlled senses should at the end of the year,
- On a suitable day of the white fortnight (15 days, leading to full moon day) of Pushya (January- February), Magha (February- March) or Phalguna (March-April), observe fast for 3 days and
- Enter into a garden of Amalaki – Indian gooseberry fruit – Emblica officinalis.
- He should then climb upon an Amalaki tree, laden with big fruits.
- Holding one such fruit in hand, he should stay there reciting Brahma Mantra (Omkara chanting) till the fruit gets impregnated with Amruta (Ambrosia).
- Ambrosia will come to that fruit for a moment due to the Sacred effect of Mantra, these fruits become sweet like sugar and honey in taste, unctuous and soft.
- Long life with youthfulness regained, depending on number of Amla fruits he takes in this process.
- He becomes brilliant, like the Gods. He will be blessed with Shree (auspiciousness), the Vedas (knowledge) and Vak (Divine oration power) .[9-14]
Lauhadi Rasayana
त्रिफलाया रसे मूत्रे गवां क्षारे च लवणे |
क्रमेण चेङ्गुदीक्षार किंशुकक्षार एव च ||१५||
तीक्ष्णायसस्य पत्राणि वह्निवर्णानि साधयेत् |
चतुरङ्गुलदीर्घाणि तिलोत्सेधतनूनि च ||१६||
ज्ञात्वा तान्यञ्जनाभानि सूक्ष्मचूर्णानि कारयेत् |
तानि चूर्णानि मधुना रसेनामलकस्य च ||१७||
युक्तानि लेहवत् कुम्भे स्थितानि घृतभाविते |
संवत्सरं निधेयानि यवपल्ले तथैव च ||१८||
दद्यादालोडनं मासे सर्वत्रालोडयन् बुधः |
संवत्सरात्यये तस्य प्रयोगो मधुसर्पिषा ||१९||
प्रातः प्रातर्बलापेक्षी सात्म्यं जीर्णे च भोजनम् |
एष एव च लौहानां प्रयोगः सम्प्रकीर्तितः ||२०||
नाभिघातैर्न चातङ्कैर्जरया न च मृत्युना |
स धृष्यः स्याद्गजप्राणः सदा चातिबलेन्द्रियः ||२१||
धीमान् यशस्वी वाक्सिद्धः श्रुतधारी महाधनः |
भवेत् समां प्रयुञ्जानो नरो लौहरसायनम् ||२२||
अनेनैव विधानेन हेम्नश्च रजतस्य च |
आयुःप्रकर्षकृत्सिद्धः प्रयोगः सर्वरोगनुत् ||२३||
(इति लौहादिरसायनम्)|
triphalāyā rase mūtre gavāṃ kṣāre ca lavaṇe |
krameṇa ceṅgudīkṣāra kiṃśukakṣāra eva ca ||15||
tīkṣṇāyasasya patrāṇi vahnivarṇāni sādhayet |
caturaṅguladīrghāṇi tilotsedhatanūni ca ||16||
jñātvā tānyañjanābhāni sūkṣmacūrṇāni kārayet |
tāni cūrṇāni madhunā rasenāmalakasya ca ||17||
yuktāni lehavat kumbhe sthitāni ghṛtabhāvite |
saṃvatsaraṃ nidheyāni yavapalle tathaiva ca ||18||
dadyādāloḍanaṃ māse sarvatrāloḍayan budhaḥ |
saṃvatsarātyaye tasya prayogo madhusarpiṣā ||19||
prātaḥ prātarbalāpekṣī sātmyaṃ jīrṇe ca bhojanam |
eṣa eva ca lauhānāṃ prayogaḥ samprakīrtitaḥ ||20||
nābhighātairna cātaṅkairjarayā na ca mṛtyunā |
sa dhṛṣyaḥ syādgajaprāṇaḥ sadā cātibalendriyaḥ ||21||
dhīmān yaśasvī vāksiddhaḥ śrutadhārī mahādhanaḥ |
bhavet samāṃ prayuñjāno naro lauharasāyanam ||22||
anenaiva vidhānena hemnaśca rajatasya ca |
āyuḥprakarṣakṛtsiddhaḥ prayogaḥ sarvaroganut ||23||
(iti lauhādirasāyanam)|
Lohadi Rasayanam:
Teekshna Loha (a type of iron) is cut to thin leaves of 4 Angulas in length.
Their thickness should be of a sesame seed.
These thin iron sheets is heated. When red hot, are immersed in following liquids separately –
Triphala Kashaya (decoction),
Gomutra – Cow urine,
Jyotishmati Kshara and Lavana (salt),
Ingudi Kshara – Balanites aegyptiaca and
Kimshuka Kshara – Butea monosperma
When the colour of these iron leaves becomes deep black like collyrium (Anjanaabha), it is ground to fine powder.
To this powder, honey and the fruit juice of Amalaki is added and stirred well to make it linctus (jam consistency).
This should be kept in an earthen jar, smeared with ghee. Sealed, Kept inside from inside a heap of Yava – Barley – Hordeum vulgare, this jar should be kept for one year.
Every month this linctus’s is thoroughly stirred.
After one year, this is given along with honey and ghee every morning.
- Is determined on the basis of the strength of the person.
- After its digestion, he is given wholesome food.
The same procedure should be followed for the administration of other types of Loha Bhasma.
By taking this recipe for one year, the person will
- Not succumb to any injury, fear, old age and death.
- Have the life span of an elephant.
- Be endowed with Dhi (intellect), Yashas (fame), Vak siddhi (what he speaks will come true),Srutadharatva (he will remember everything he hears) and Mahadhana (vast wealth).
Following the similar procedure, gold and silver can also be administered. These are the effective recipes that bring about longevity and freedom from all diseases.[15-23]
Aindra Rasayana
ऐन्द्री मत्स्याख्यको ब्राह्मी वचा ब्रह्मसुवर्चला |
पिप्पल्यो लवणं हेम शङ्खपुष्पी विषं घृतम् ||२४||
एषां त्रियवकान् भागान् हेम सर्पिर्विषैर्विना |
द्वौ यवौ तत्र हेम्नस्तु तिलं दद्याद्विषस्य च ||२५||
सर्पिषश्च पलं दद्यात्तदैकध्यं प्रयोजयेत् |
घृतप्रभूतं सक्षौद्रं जीर्णे चान्नं प्रशस्यते ||२६||
जराव्याधिप्रशमनं स्मृतिमेधाकरं परम् |
आयुष्यं पौष्टिकं धन्यं स्वरवर्णप्रसादनम् ||२७||
परमोजस्करं चैतत् सिद्धमैन्द्रं रसायनम् |
नैनत् प्रसहते कृत्या नालक्ष्मीर्न विषं न रुक् ||२८||
श्वित्रं सकुष्ठं जठराणि गुल्माः प्लीहा पुराणो विषमज्वरश्च|
मेधास्मृतिज्ञानहराश्च रोगाः शाम्यन्त्यनेनातिबलाश्च वाताः||२९||
(इत्यैन्द्रं रसायनम्)|
aindrī matsyākhyako brāhmī vacā brahmasuvarcalā |
pippalyo lavaṇaṃ hema śaṅkhapuṣpī viṣaṃ ghṛtam ||24||
eṣāṃ triyavakān bhāgān hema sarpirviṣairvinā |
dvau yavau tatra hemnastu tilaṃ dadyādviṣasya ca ||25||
sarpiṣaśca palaṃ dadyāttadaikadhyaṃ prayojayet |
ghṛtaprabhūtaṃ sakṣaudraṃ jīrṇe cānnaṃ praśasyate ||26||
jarāvyādhipraśamanaṃ smṛtimedhākaraṃ param |
āyuṣyaṃ pauṣṭikaṃ dhanyaṃ svaravarṇaprasādanam ||27||
paramojaskaraṃ caitat siddhamaindraṃ rasāyanam |
nainat prasahate kṛtyā nālakṣmīrna viṣaṃ na ruk ||28||
śvitraṃ sakuṣṭhaṃ jaṭharāṇi gulmāḥ plīhā purāṇo viṣamajvaraśca|
medhāsmṛtijñānaharāśca rogāḥ śāmyantyanenātibalāśca vātāḥ||29||
(ityaindraṃ rasāyanam)|
Aindri Rasayan
- Aindra – Abelia chinensis
- Matsyakhyaka
- Brahmi – Thyme leaved gratiola (whole plant) – Bacopa monnieri,
- Vacha – Acorus calamus
- Brahma Suvarchala,
- Pippali – Piper longum
- Saindhava Lavana – Rock salt
- Shankhapuspi – are to be taken in the quantity of three Yavas (one Yava = 1/6th g) each.
To this,
- two yava of gold,
- Visha of the quantity of one Tila – Sesame seed and
- 4 Palas (4 X 48 g) of ghee should be added and mixed together and administered based on digestion strength.
After this recipe is digested,
Intake of food mixed with ghee in large quantity and honey is indicated.
- Memory as well as intellect par excellence.
- Longevity
- nourishment
- Dhana (wealth)
- Svara (voice)
Varna (complexion) and one cannot be victimised by Krutya (black magic), Alakshmi (inauspiciousness), Visha (poison) and Ruk (pain).
It prevents old age and diseases.
Cures these diseases:
- Shvitra – leucoderma
- Kustha – obstinate skin diseases including leprosy
- Jathara – abdominal diseases, ascites
- Gulma – phantom tumour
- Purana Pleeha(chronic splenic disorder),
- Vishama Jvara (Intermittent fever),
- Psychic diseases afflicting Medha
- Excessive aggravation of Vayu
- It improves intelligence (intellect), Smrti( memory) and Jnana (knowledge) [24-29]
Medhya Rasayana
मण्डूकपर्ण्याः स्वरसः प्रयोज्यः क्षीरेण यष्टीमधुकस्य चूर्णम् |
रसो गुडूच्यास्तु समूलपुष्प्याः कल्कः प्रयोज्यः खलु शङ्खपुष्प्याः ||३०||
आयुःप्रदान्यामयनाशनानि बलाग्निवर्णस्वरवर्धनानि |
मेध्यानि चैतानि रसायनानि मेध्या विशेषेण च शङ्खपुष्पी ||३१||
(इति मेध्यरसायनानि) |
maṇḍūkaparṇyāḥ svarasaḥ prayojyaḥ kṣīreṇa yaṣṭīmadhukasya cūrṇam |
raso guḍūcyāstu samūlapuṣpyāḥ kalkaḥ prayojyaḥ khalu śaṅkhapuṣpyāḥ ||30||
āyuḥpradānyāmayanāśanāni balāgnivarṇasvaravardhanāni |
medhyāni caitāni rasāyanāni medhyā viśeṣeṇa ca śaṅkhapuṣpī ||31||
(iti medhyarasāyanāni) |
Medhya Rasayana:
Four rejuvenating recipes are given below:
- Juice of Mandukaparni – Gotu Kola – Centella asiatica
- Powder of Yastimadhu mixed with milk
- Juice of Guduchi along with its root and flower
- Paste of Shankhapushpi
- Increase longevity,
- Cure diseases, and
- Promote strength, Agni (power of Digestion and metabolism), Varna (complexion) and Svara (voice).
These rejuvenating recipes are Medhya (wholesome for intellect). Among them, Shankha Pushpi is the drug par excellence for the promotion of intellect.[30-31]

Pippali Rasayana
पञ्चाष्टौ सप्त दश वा पिप्पलीर्मधुसर्पिषा |
रसायन गुणान्वेषी समामेकां प्रयोजयेत् ||३२||
तिस्रस्तिस्रस्तु पूर्वाह्णे भुक्त्वाऽग्रे भोजनस्य च |
पिप्पल्यः किंशुक क्षारभाविता घृतभर्जिताः ||३३||
प्रयोज्या मधु सम्मिश्रा रसायन गुणैषिणा |
जेतुं कासं क्षयं शोषं श्वासं हिक्कां गलामयान् ||३४||
अर्शांसि ग्रहणीदोषं पाण्डुतां विषमज्वरम् |
वैस्वर्यं पीनसं शोफं गुल्मं वातबलासकम् ||३५||
(इति पिप्पलीरसायनम्) |
pañcāṣṭau sapta daśa vā pippalīrmadhusarpiṣā |
rasāyana guṇānveṣī samāmekāṃ prayojayet ||32||
tisrastisrastu pūrvāhṇe bhuktvā’gre bhojanasya ca |
pippalyaḥ kiṃśuka kṣārabhāvitā ghṛtabharjitāḥ ||33||
prayojyā madhu sammiśrā rasāyana guṇaiṣiṇā |
jetuṃ kāsaṃ kṣayaṃ śoṣaṃ śvāsaṃ hikkāṃ galāmayān ||34||
arśāṃsi grahaṇīdoṣaṃ pāṇḍutāṃ viṣamajvaram |
vaisvaryaṃ pīnasaṃ śophaṃ gulmaṃ vātabalāsakam ||35||
(iti pippalīrasāyanam) |
Procedure and ingredients used
- A person desirous of rejuvenation should take five, eight, seven or ten Pippali – Long pepper fruits, along with honey and ghee for one year.
- Pippali should be impregnated with Kimshuka Kshara and fried with ghee.
- Three such Pippali is mixed with honey is taken in the morning twice- one before food and second time after food by a person who desires to be rejuvenated.
Cures the following diseases:
- Kasa – bronchitis
- Ksaya – pthisis
- Sosa – debility
- Shvasa – asthma
- Hikka – Hiccup
- Galamaya – diseases on Neck
- Arshas – piles
- Grahani Dosha – Sprue syndrome
- Pandu – Anaemia
- Vishama Jvara – intermittent fever
- Vaisvarya – hoarseness of voice
- Pinasa – chronic rhinitis
- Sopha – oedema
- Gulma – Phantom tumour and
- Vata Balasaka – a type of fever [32-35]
Read more about Pippali Rasayan
Pippali Vardhamana Rasayan
क्रमवृद्ध्या दशाहानि दशपैप्पलिकं दिनम्|
वर्धयेत् पयसा सार्धं तथैवापनयेत् पुनः||३६||
जीर्णे जीर्णे च भुञ्जीत षष्टिकं क्षीरसर्पिषा|
पिप्पलीनां सहस्रस्य प्रयोगोऽयं रसायनम्||३७||
पिष्टास्ता बलिभिः सेव्याः, शृता मध्यबलैर्नरैः|
चूर्णीकृता ह्रस्वबलैर्योज्या दोषामयान् प्रति||३८||
दशपैप्पलिकः श्रेष्ठो मध्यमः षट् प्रकीर्तितः|
प्रयोगो यस्त्रिपर्यन्तः स कनीयान् स चाबलैः||३९||
बृहणं स्वर्यमायुष्यं प्लीहोदरविनाशनम्|
वयसः स्थापनं मेध्यं पिप्पलीनां रसायनम्||४०||
(इति पिप्पलीवर्धमानं रसायनम्)|
kramavṛddhyā daśāhāni daśapaippalikaṃ dinam|
vardhayet payasā sārdhaṃ tathaivāpanayet punaḥ||36||
jīrṇe jīrṇe ca bhuñjīta ṣaṣṭikaṃ kṣīrasarpiṣā|
pippalīnāṃ sahasrasya prayogo’yaṃ rasāyanam||37||
piṣṭāstā balibhiḥ sevyāḥ, śṛtā madhyabalairnaraiḥ|
cūrṇīkṛtā hrasvabalairyojyā doṣāmayān prati||38||
daśapaippalikaḥ śreṣṭho madhyamaḥ ṣaṭ prakīrtitaḥ|
prayogo yastriparyantaḥ sa kanīyān sa cābalaiḥ||39||
bṛhaṇaṃ svaryamāyuṣyaṃ plīhodaravināśanam|
vayasaḥ sthāpanaṃ medhyaṃ pippalīnāṃ rasāyanam||40||
(iti pippalīvardhamānaṃ rasāyanam)|
Vardhaman Pippali Rasayan:
- Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum is taken along with milk by gradually increasing the fruits of Pippali’s to 10 per day.
- After 10 days, this is gradually decreased.
- Thus in total the person should take one thousand Pippali fruits for the purpose of rejuvenation.
After the digestion of the recipe, the person should take Shashtika type of rice along with milk and ghee.
Depending upon the nature of Doshas and the diseases, these Pippalis should be taken in the form of –
paste by persons who are strong.
decoction (Kashaya) by persons Persons having moderate strength and
Powder by persons having less strength.
- 10 Pippali fruits (as described above) – excellent,
- 6 Pippali fruits are of moderate dose and
- 3 Pippali fruits are smallest dose is given to persons who are very weak.
The rejuvenation therapy through the recipe of Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum
- Is nourishing and promoter of voice and longevity
- It cures Pliha (Splenic disorders) and Udara (obstinate abdominal diseases including ascites).
- It restores youth and promotes intellect.[36-40]

Triphala Rasayana
जरणान्तेऽभयामेकां प्राग्भुक्ताद् द्वे बिभीतके|
भुक्त्वा तु मधुसर्पिर्भ्यां चत्वार्यामलकानि च||४१||
प्रयोजयन् समामेकां त्रिफलाया रसायनम्|
जीवेद्वर्षशतं पूर्णमजरोऽव्याधिरेव च||४२||
(इति त्रिफलारसायनम्)|
jaraṇānte’bhayāmekāṃ prāgbhuktād dve bibhītake|
bhuktvā tu madhusarpirbhyāṃ catvāryāmalakāni ca||41||
prayojayan samāmekāṃ triphalāyā rasāyanam|
jīvedvarṣaśataṃ pūrṇamajaro’vyādhireva ca||42||
(iti triphalārasāyanam)|
The following are the four rejuvenating recipes of Triphala
1. Along with honey and ghee, a person should take the following after the previous meal is digested (i.e., early morning)
1 Abhaya – Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
2 Bibhitaki fruits before food (Terminalia bellirica) and
4 Amalaki fruits after food.
Duration: One year
Benefits: A person lives for one hundred years free from old age and diseases.
Triphal Rasayan 2
त्रैफलेनायसीं पात्रीं कल्केनालेपयेन्नवाम्|
तमहोरात्रिकं लेपं पिबेत् क्षौद्रोदकाप्लुतम्||४३||
प्रभूतस्नेहमशनं जीर्णे तत्र प्रशस्यते|
अजरोऽरुक् समाभ्यासाज्जीवेच्चैव समाः शतम्||४४||
(इति त्रिफलारसायनमपरम्)|
traiphalenāyasīṃ pātrīṃ kalkenālepayennavām|
tamahorātrikaṃ lepaṃ pibet kṣaudrodakāplutam||43||
prabhūtasnehamaśanaṃ jīrṇe tatra praśasyate|
ajaro’ruk samābhyāsājjīveccaiva samāḥ śatam||44||
(iti triphalārasāyanamaparam)
Triphal Rasayan – 2
A new iron vessel should be pasted with the Triphala paste (Kalka) for 24 hours.
This paste is administered with honey and water.
After its digestion, one should take a lot of fat (Prabhuta Sneha Ashanam)
By using this recipe continually for one year, one can live for one hundred years, free from ageing and diseases.
Triphala Rasayanam 3
मधुकेन तुगाक्षीर्या पिप्पल्या क्षौद्रसर्पिषा|
त्रिफला सितया चापि युक्ता सिद्धं रसायनम्||४५||
(इति त्रिफलारसायनमपरम्)|
madhukena tugākṣīryā pippalyā kṣaudrasarpiṣā|
triphalā sitayā cāpi yuktā siddhaṃ rasāyanam||45||
(iti triphalārasāyanamaparam)|
Triphala mixed with-
- Madhuka – Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra,
- Tugaksheeri
- Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum ,
- Honey, Ghee and Sugar, is an effective anti ageing recipe.
Triphala Rasayanam – 3
सर्वलौहैः सुवर्णेन वचया मधुसर्पिषा|
विडङ्गपिप्पलीभ्यां च त्रिफला लवणेन च||४६||
संवत्सरप्रयोगेण मेधास्मृतिबलप्रदा|
भवत्यायुःप्रदा धन्या जरारोगनिबर्हणी||४७||
(इति त्रिफलारसायनमपरम्)|
sarvalauhaiḥ suvarṇena vacayā madhusarpiṣā|
viḍaṅgapippalībhyāṃ ca triphalā lavaṇena ca||46||
saṃvatsaraprayogeṇa medhāsmṛtibalapradā|
bhavatyāyuḥpradā dhanyā jarāroganibarhaṇī||47||
(iti triphalārasāyanamaparam)|
Triphala along with
- Sarva Lauha,
- Suvarna (gold)
- Vacha – Acorus calamus
- honey, Ghee
- Vidanga – False black pepper – Embelia ribes,
- Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum and
- Lavana – Rock salt
The above mixture is administered continually for one year.
It is conducive to the advancement of
- Medha – intellect
- Smrti – memory
- Bala – Strength
- Ayus – longevity and
- Dhana – wealth.
It prevents ageing and diseases [41-47]

Shilajeet qualities and uses
अनम्लं च कषायं च कटु पाके शिलाजतु|
नात्युष्णशीतं धातुभ्यश्चतुर्भ्यस्तस्य सम्भवः||४८||
हेम्नश्च रजतात्ताम्राद्वरात् कृष्णायसादपि|
रसायनं तद्विधिभिस्तद्वृष्यं तच्च रोगनुत्||४९||
वातपित्तकफघ्नैश्च निर्यूहैस्तत् सुभावितम्|
वीर्योत्कर्षं परं याति सर्वैरेकैकशोऽपि वा||५०||
anamlaṃ ca kaṣāyaṃ ca kaṭu pāke śilājatu|
nātyuṣṇaśītaṃ dhātubhyaścaturbhyastasya sambhavaḥ||48||
hemnaśca rajatāttāmrādvarāt kṛṣṇāyasādapi|
rasāyanaṃ tadvidhibhistadvṛṣyaṃ tacca roganut||49||
vātapittakaphaghnaiśca niryūhaistat subhāvitam|
vīryotkarṣaṃ paraṃ yāti sarvairekaikaśo’pi vā||50||
Shilajeet qualities:
Anamla – not very sour
Kashaya – astringent taste
Katu Paka – Undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion
Na Ati ushna – neither too hot, nor too cold
It exudes from the stones / ores of four types of metals viz, gold, silver copper and black iron.
The Shilajeet from the black iron ore is the best.
If administered with proper procedure, it produces rejuvenating and aphrodisiac effects and cures diseases.
Its potency increases by impregnating it with the kashayha of herbs which alleviate Vayu, Pitta and Kapha.
Impregnation can be done by these drugs individually or by all of them taken together. [48-50]
Shilajit Rasayan
प्रक्षिप्तोद्धृतमप्येनत् पुनस्तत् प्रक्षिपेद्रसे|
कोष्णे सप्ताहमेतेन विधिना तस्य भावना||५१||
पूर्वोक्तेन विधानेन लोहैश्चूर्णीकृतैः सह|
तत् पीतं पयसा दद्याद्दीर्घमायुः सुखान्वितम्||५२||
जराव्याधिप्रशमनं देहदार्ढ्यकरं परम्|
मेधास्मृतिकरं धन्यं क्षीराशी तत् प्रयोजयेत्||५३||
प्रयोगः सप्तसप्ताहास्त्रयश्चैकश्च सप्तकः|
निर्दिष्टस्त्रिविधस्तस्य परो मध्योऽवरस्तथा||५४||
पलमर्धपलं कर्षो मात्रा तस्य त्रिधा मता|५५|
pūrvoktena vidhānena lohaiścūrṇīkṛtaiḥ saha|
tat pītaṃ payasā dadyāddīrghamāyuḥ sukhānvitam||52||
jarāvyādhipraśamanaṃ dehadārḍhyakaraṃ param|
medhāsmṛtikaraṃ dhanyaṃ kṣīrāśī tat prayojayet||53||
prayogaḥ saptasaptāhāstrayaścaikaśca saptakaḥ|
nirdiṣṭastrividhastasya paro madhyo’varastathā||54||
palamardhapalaṃ karṣo mātrā tasya tridhā matā|55|
Shilajeet Rasayanam:
- Shilajatu is immersed into the hot decoction of the drugs that are prescribed for alleviating the aggravation of Doshas and
- After it has absorbed the decoction, it should be immersed again.
- This process should be repeated for seven days.
- This processed Shilajatu mixed with the powder of iron should be administered with milk.
- This is an elixir for long life and happiness.
- It prevents ageing and diseases.
- It is an excellent drug for producing sturdiness of the body.
- It also promotes Medha ( intellect), Smrti(memory) and Dhana (wealth).
Pathya: the person should live on milk.
- 7 weeks – excellent effect
- 3 weeks – moderate effect and
- 1 week – very little effect
Classification: Depending upon the dose of the recipe
- 1 Pala (48 g) – highest potency
- 1/2 Pala (24g) – Moderate potency
- 1 Karsha (12 g) – lowest potency [51-55]
Varieties and their utility
जातेर्विशेषं सविधिं तस्य वक्ष्याम्यतः परम्||५५||
हेमाद्याः सूर्यसन्तप्ताः स्रवन्ति गिरिधातवः|
जत्वाभं मृदु मृत्स्नाच्छं यन्मलं तच्छिलाजतु||५६||
मधुरश्च सतिक्तश्च जपापुष्पनिभश्च यः|
कटुर्विपाके शीतश्च स सुवर्णस्य निस्रवः||५७||
रूप्यस्य कटुकः श्वेतः शीतः स्वादु विपच्यते|
ताम्रस्य बर्हिकण्ठाभस्तिक्तोष्णः पच्यते कटु||५८||
यस्तु गुग्गुलुकाभासस्तिक्तको लवणान्वितः|
कटुर्विपाके शीतश्च सर्वश्रेष्ठः स चायसः||५९||
गोमूत्रगन्धयः सर्वे सर्वकर्मसु यौगिकाः|
रसायनप्रयोगेषु पश्चिमस्तु विशिष्यते||६०||
यथाक्रमं वातपित्ते श्लेष्मपित्ते कफे त्रिषु|
विशेषतः प्रशस्यन्ते मला हेमादिधातुजाः||६१||
jāterviśeṣaṃ savidhiṃ tasya vakṣyāmyataḥ param||55||
hemādyāḥ sūryasantaptāḥ sravanti giridhātavaḥ|
jatvābhaṃ mṛdu mṛtsnācchaṃ yanmalaṃ tacchilājatu||56||
madhuraśca satiktaśca japāpuṣpanibhaśca yaḥ|
kaṭurvipāke śītaśca sa suvarṇasya nisravaḥ||57||
rūpyasya kaṭukaḥ śvetaḥ śītaḥ svādu vipacyate|
tāmrasya barhikaṇṭhābhastiktoṣṇaḥ pacyate kaṭu||58||
yastu guggulukābhāsastiktako lavaṇānvitaḥ|
kaṭurvipāke śītaśca sarvaśreṣṭhaḥ sa cāyasaḥ||59||
gomūtragandhayaḥ sarve sarvakarmasu yaugikāḥ|
rasāyanaprayogeṣu paścimastu viśiṣyate||60||
yathākramaṃ vātapitte śleṣmapitte kaphe triṣu|
viśeṣataḥ praśasyante malā hemādidhātujāḥ||61||
Hereafter, varieties of Shilajit and the method of their use will be described.
- Stones of metals like gold etc, in the mountains get heated up by the sun and the exudate that comes out of them in the form of smooth and clean gum is called Silajatu.
Shilajeet from the stones containing gold,
- Shilajatu is sweet and is bitter aftertaste,
- like the flower of Japa in appearance,
- pungent in Vipaka
From the stone containing silver,
- pungent in taste
- white, cooling and
- Madhura in Vipaka.
From the stone containing copper,
- Is like the peacock throat,
- bitter in taste
- Hot and pungent in Vipaka.
The exudates which looks like the gum of Guggulu (Commifora mukul Engl.)
- Is bitter and Saline
- pungent in Vipaka, and cooling
- Is derived from the stone containing iron. This is the best among all.
All these types of Shilajeet having the smell of cow’s urine are useful in all types of therapies. However, for rejuvenation therapy, the last variety (i.e the one derived from the stone contain iron) in more useful.
In diseases caused by
- Vayu- Pitta – gold
- Kapha- Pitta – silver
- Kapha – copper and
- all the three Dosas – iron containing stones are useful
Prohibitions and Therapeutic effect
शिलाजतुप्रयोगेषु विदाहीनि गुरूणि च|
वर्जयेत् सर्वकालं तु कुलत्थान् परिवर्जयेत्||६२||
ते ह्यत्यन्तविरुद्धत्वादश्मनो भेदनाः परम्|
लोके दृष्टास्ततस्तेषां प्रयोगः प्रतिषिध्यते||६३||
पयांसि तक्राणि रसाः सयूषास्तोयं समूत्रा विविधाः कषायाः|
आलोडनार्थं गिरिजस्य शस्तास्ते ते प्रयोज्याः प्रसमीक्ष्य कार्यम्||६४||
न सोऽस्ति रोगो भुवि साध्यरूपः शिलाह्वयं यं न जयेत् प्रसह्य|
तत् कालयोगैर्विधिभिः प्रयुक्तं स्वस्थस्य चोर्जां विपुलां ददाति||६५||
(इति शिलाजतुरसायनम्)|
śilājatuprayogeṣu vidāhīni gurūṇi ca|
varjayet sarvakālaṃ tu kulatthān parivarjayet||62||
te hyatyantaviruddhatvādaśmano bhedanāḥ param|
loke dṛṣṭāstatasteṣāṃ prayogaḥ pratiṣidhyate||63||
payāṃsi takrāṇi rasāḥ sayūṣāstoyaṃ samūtrā vividhāḥ kaṣāyāḥ|
āloḍanārthaṃ girijasya śastāste te prayojyāḥ prasamīkṣya kāryam||64||
na so’sti rogo bhuvi sādhyarūpaḥ śilāhvayaṃ yaṃ na jayet prasahya|
tat kālayogairvidhibhiḥ prayuktaṃ svasthasya corjāṃ vipulāṃ dadāti||65||
(iti śilājaturasāyanam)|
Contraindicated foods
Contra indicated foods while taking recipe of Silajatu,
- Vidahi foods (causing burning sensation) and Guru( heavy).
- Kulattha (horse gram) should be avoided forever (or till such time as the person has the effects of Silajatu in his body)
Reason for avoiding Kulattha
- It is commonly seen that Kulattha is an excellent drug for breaking stones.
- By taking Shilajatu, the body of the person becomes like a stone to effect sturdiness in it.
- Therefore, horse gram and Shilajatu have mutually contradicting effects, and is prohibited for a person who is using or who has used Shilajatu.
Foods which can be taken
Ingredients which can be used with Shilajatu:
- Milk
- Butter milk
- Meat soup
- Vegetable soup
- Water
- Urine and
- Decoction of different types of drugs
- There is no curable disease in the universe which is not effectively cured by Shilajatu when administered at the appropriate time, in combination with suitable drugs and by adopting the prescribed method.
- When administered to a healthy person, with similar conditions it produces immense energy.[62-65]
तत्र श्लोकः-
करप्रचितिके पादे दश षट् च महर्षिणा|
रसायनानां सिद्धानां संयोगाः समुदाहृताः||६६||
tatra ślokaḥ-
karapracitike pāde daśa ṣaṭ ca maharṣiṇā|
rasāyanānāṃ siddhānāṃ saṃyogāḥ samudāhṛtāḥ||66|
In this quarter entitled ‘Kara Pracitiya’, the great sage has described 16 effective recipes for rejuvenation.[66]
इत्यग्निवेशकृते तन्त्रे चरकप्रतिसंस्कृते चिकित्सास्थाने रसायनाध्याये करप्रचितीयो नाम रसायनपादस्तृतीयः||३||
ityagniveśakṛte tantre carakapratisaṃskṛte cikitsāsthāne rasāyanādhyāye karapracitīyo nāma rasāyanapādastṛtīyaḥ||3||
Thus ends the third quarter – Kara Prachiteeya Rasayana pada, of the first chapter on rejuvenation therapy in the Chikitsa section of the work of Agnivesha redacted by Master Charaka.
Ashwani Kapur
Excellent information, worth circulating to all Indians
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thank you 🙂
Thanks to Master Charaka !
Very informative Sir. Thanks for your efforts for the well being of the society.
It was difficult reading through this article, but I tried. How many Indian people actually follow this regimen. If one wants longevity, good voice, good health, long life, intelligence how can the average person acquire this? Live 1000 years!! Really……… but I love to read this, thank u
IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO PREPARE THE RASAYANS BY A COMMON MAN> Are not there prepared rasayans with you and or in market? I am 82 and want to rid of the disease ÖLD AGE”. Thanks
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Brahma Rasayana, Ashwagandha Rasayana, Chyawanaprasam, Amalaki Rasayanam are available in the market. Consult an Ayurveda doctor for the right advice.
Raj Sekhar
the dose mentioned is as high as 48 gm for 7 weeks(49 days). Did Saint Charak mentioned it as 1 gm per day or 48 gm per day for 7 weeks?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Generally the dose of avaleha is 48 grams per day. But in ancient times, people used to be taller and stronger. We have to consider lesser dose considering our times and body weight and structure.
Raj Sekhar
Thanks for the prompt reply. Just wanted to say that you are the best.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Using triphala as a rasayan seems easy.(2nd method ).
Can u pls explain it clearly as what type of iron vessel should be used ? What type of fats should be consumed? ( animal fats or others ?)
Quantity of triphala powder to be used etc.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Take any iron vessel. Such as a tumbler.
Make a paste of Triphala with water.
Apply it to the inner surface of iron vessel. Leave it to dry for 24 hours.
Scrape out the paste from the iron vessel after 24 hours. Keep it in a clean dry container.
This paste – in a dose of 5 grams once or twice a day is administered along with a teaspoon of honey. – Made into paste with honey, consumed with a cup of water.
If this remedy is taken in the morning, one should take at least 5 grams of ghee or sesame oil (in diet) in the evening.
By using this recipe continually for one year, one can live for one hundred years, free from ageing and diseases.
Hope I am clear. To make it more clear, I made an article out of this –
What is the weight of 10 pippali fruit? Because I don’t have pippali fruit, only powder.
Thank you
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It depends on the size of pippali fruit. Generally 5 – 8 grams?
On Vardhaman Pippali Rasayan, in the 10th day, it is supposed to take 100 pippali fruit. That means 50-80 grams. is’t it much to much to take in a single dose (evan with milk)?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, Vardhamana pippali rasayan cannot be tried at home. There can be lot of complications – including gastritis, dizziness, low blood sugar, BP variations etc. It can only be undertaken under strict medical supervision.
In a hospital care, such a high dose is indeed given. Patient is continuously given milk to drink and all vital signs are monitored once in 2 – 3 hours of time.
Raj Paul
In vardhman pippali, are the pipali fruits taken in single dose in morning or in divided doses (e.g 2-3 times a day with milk).Example 6 pipali fruits taken once in morning or 2 in morning, 2 in afternoon and 2 in evening or 3 in morning and 3 in evening?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
They are usually taken as a single dose.