Brahmi is one of the famous gifts of Ayurveda to the world. There is no herb that can improve intelligence naturally, better than this. Though it is more commonly known for its benefit in improving intelligence and memory, it is also an excellent anti aging, anti diabetic and anti oxidant herb.

Botanical Name – Bacopa Monnieri (Linn) Pennell (Bacopa monnieria(L) Kunth; Gratiola monniera L)
Family- SCROPHULARIACEAE (katuka kula)
Table of Contents
Chemical constituents
Bacopa monneiri chemical constituents
Ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, Brahmine, Herpestine, Alanine, hentri- acontane, Octacosane, Monnierin (saponin), Hersaponin, bacosid A&B, bacogenins A1-A4 (Sapogenins) B- Sitosterol etc.(Reference: Illustrated Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol. II, by Dr JLN Shastry)

Bacopa is useful in –
Double vision due to weakness of nerves, dizziness, confusion, lack of mental composure.
Depression, anxiety, nervousness, phobia, manic depressive psychosis
sleep disturbances, insomnia, feeling sleepy all the time.
A study was conducted by Department of Physiology and Graduate School, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand on – Effects of 12-Week Bacopa monnieri Consumption on Attention, Cognitive Processing, Working Memory, and Functions of Both Cholinergic and Monoaminergic Systems. The study concluded that Brahmi is effective in these activities. (Research)
Brahmi is useful in –
Lack of memory, loss of concentration
Hearing and vision loss
As a memory and confidence booster ahead of exams.
Tinnitus, neuropathy – Brahmi is a very good nerve tonic.
Speech problems in children – Brahmi promotes brain growth and improves coordination between limbs, tongue and brain.
Hypertension – Bacopa is very useful in high BP. It controls stress and anxiety. It is also a very good antioxidant. Hence, it protects nerves, heart and blood vessels.
Antioxidant and DNA damage prevention activities of Brahmi were studied in Biochemistry & Nutrition Discipline, Defence Food Research Laboratory, Siddarthanagar, Mysore, India. The study found that the highest polyphenol content was found in methanol extract followed by water extract. This clearly indicates the Brahmi is a very rich in antioxidants (related)
Bramhi for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder –
For all psychiatric disorders like MDP, OCD, depression etc, Brahmi is useful. But if the disease is there for a very long time or if the symptoms are very severe, then this one alone might not be effective enough. It might be required to make combinations with other herbs such as Vacha, Shankhapushpi, etc.
A randomized controlled clinical trials review was conducted in the Centre for Human Psychopharmacology, Faculty of Life and Social Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Australia. The evaluation was done on cognitive-enhancing effects of Bacopa monnieri. The study concluded that there is some evidence to prove that Bacopa is efficient in this regard.
Traditional Benefits
Brahmi Benefits as per Ayurveda –
Shophahara – good anti inflammatory herb
Panduhara – useful in anemia
Jvarahara – useful in fever
Deepani – improves digestion power
Kushtahara – useful in skin diseases.
Kandughna – relieves itching, useful in pruritus
Pleeha – useful in spleen disorders
Vayasa sthapani, Ayushya – improves life quality, anti aging
Unmada vinashini – useful in psychiatric disorders
Medha – improves intelligence
Vak – improves speech, helps in speech related development problems in children.
Svarya, Svarada – improves quality of voice
Hrudya – good for heart, acts as cardiac tonic
Shvasahara – useful in asthma, chronic bronchial disorders
Meha – useful in urinary tract disorders and diabetes
Diabetes – Brahmi is very useful in reducing blood sugar levels. Due to its antioxidant property, it is also useful in improving the cell and tissue health in diabetic patients.
Read related: Diabetes: Ayurvedic Treatment, Remedies
Kasajit – useful in cough, cold
Visha hara – natural detoxification herb, useful in poisoning.
Its paste is put on a hot pan, heated to a little higher temperature and applied over the chest of children to relieve chronic cough and asthma.
In case of fever due to Vata and Kapha imbalance, it is heated along with onion, tied in a pocket and heat is applied over the chest.
Bacopa monneira is extensively used in treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children.
It is also used in Irritable bowel syndrome, allergic skin and respiratory conditions, and as an anti stress tonic.

Medicinal properties
Brahmi – medicinal properties
Rasa (taste) – Tikta – Bitter, Kashaya (astringent)
Guna (qualities)—Laghu (light to digest)
Vipaka – taste conversion after digestion- Madhura – sweet
Veerya – Sheeta – cold in potency
Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata and Pitta.
Prabhava – Medhya (improves intelligence)
According to Bhojana Kutuhalam twelfth chapter, Brahmi is cold in potency, astringent and bitter in taste, alleviates vitiated vata, rakta and pitta dosha. It imparts wisdom, knowledge, memory and thereby increases lifespan.
There is another variety of brahmi with small and unctuous leaves and grows in water. This variety is bitter in taste, hot in potency, strengthening in nature, treats vitiated vata dosha and disorders caused by ama.
Sanskrit verse

Part used, dosage
Part used- whole plant
Fresh juice of Brahmi – 10-20 ml,
Brahmi powder – 2 – 3 grams in divided dose per day, is the adult dose.
Bacopa monneiri extract capsules in 25 mg – 500 mg size are also available. The dose of such capsules vary from 250 mg to 1 g per day.
In terms of leaves – leaf juice – 5 ml once or twice a day is the adult dose.
Brahmi dose as per age:
Your doctor is the best judge about this.
From infants up to 5 years of age, rather than giving Brahmi in powder or capsule form, for children up to 5 years of age, it makes sense to give them Brahmi ghrita – an herbal ghee made with Brahmi and other ingredients. Read more about Brahmi Ghritham.
For this reason, Brahmi Ghrit is used as a part in boosting children’s immunity and for a brain improvement program called Swarna Bindu Prashana.
For children from 5 – 12 years of age, Brahmi ghritham can be administered or
Brahmi powder / capsule can be administered in a dose of 250 mg per day.
Brahmi powder – 1 gram per day, after food at night. along with honey or ghee and water.
For 12 – 18 years of age –
Brahmi extract capsule – 250 mg, once or twice a day, after food, along with ghee or honey.
Powder – up to 2 grams per day.
For adults, 2500 – 500 mg, once or twice a day of Bacopa extract.
2 – 3 grams, once or twice a day after food.
Its decoction is advised in a dose of 25 – 50 ml per day. Its decoction is prepared by adding 1 tablespoon of powder to 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup. Filtered. Consumed when hot.
Brahmi for children:
Is it recommended to use brahmi in any form to 1 year old and above children as a supplement to enhance cognitive power? If yes, suggest dosage and best method.
Brahmi – Bacopa monnieri is not usually administered directly in children. It is administered in the form of a soothing polyherbal combination such as –
Swarna Bindu Prashana – an immunity and brain power boosting Ayurvedic remedy
Saraswatarishta – a fermented tea preparation, more suited for children above 3 years of age
Brahmi ghrita or Saraswata ghrita – suitable in smaller doses of just a pea size per day.
When is the right time to take Brahmi?
It is a tricky question. If you have sleep disturbances, consider taking it at night, after food
Some people with normal sleep feel disturbed sleep by taking Brahmi at night. They can take it along with half a teaspoon of ghee or it can be taken in the morning.
For improving alertness and concentration, it can be taken in the morning.
Usage duration:
Brahmi is safely used for a period of 3 – 4 months.
Brahmi with milk
Can a Brahmi capsule / tablet be taken with milk? If so, should it be taken with hot milk or cold milk?
Brahmi – is a rasayana herb. It has anti-aging properties. It is considered as medhya – improves brain functions such as memory, concentration, cognition etc.
Milk, containing a small amount of fat, is also explained to have anti aging properties.
So, Brahmi with milk is a good combination.
Brahmi is a coolant herb. Milk is also naturally cold. Taking Brahmi with cold milk will increase the coldness in the body. This is ideal for Pitta body type people, who feel hot all the time. But for Kapha and Vata dominant persons, Brahmi with hot milk is more suited. The hotness of the hot milk slightly decreases the natural coldness of the milk.
Other alternative co-drinks for Brahmi are –
Ghee, which is neither hot, nor cold, but it improves digestion strength
Cold or lukewarm water
Honey. Honey is slightly hot in nature and it ensures quick absorption and assimilation of Brahmi.
Ideal dose of a 250 mg Brahmi capsule or tablet is – 1 – 2 tablets – 1 – 2 times a day, before food.
It can be continued for a period of 1 – 2 months, based on the patient’s needs.
Research on Bacopa monnieri:
When the proteins in our body malfunction – in the formform of misfolding or aggregation, it may result in diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Diabetes type 2 or systemic amyloidosis depending on where the aggregation takes place.
A new research by Gujarat Forensic Sciences University (GFSU) has claimed that Brahmi, can be very effective in preventing and repairing the misfolding and aggregation of proteins (source)
Brahmi and Gotu kola
Both have been told to have similar benefits. When it comes to improving memory and intelligence, Brahmi is better, but Gotu kola does not cause Pitta increase, as much as Brahmi.
Difference between Brahmi and Gotukola
Action on Pitta dosha
Does Brahmi increase Pitta Dosha? How can it increase Pitta, being a coolant?
Dhanwantari Nighantu says, Brahmi is Saumya – coolant, Tikta – bitter, Deepana – improves digestion strength. Balances Vata and Kapha Dosha. Bitter herbs can improve appetite, when conditions are favorable, just like wind can ignite fire.
Shodala Nighantu says Brahmi is Tikta – bitter, Katu Vipaka – undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion. swarapittada – improves taste and improves Pitta. He further says that Gotu Kola is similar to Brahmi, but gotu kola does not increase Pitta to a great extent. With these, it can be concluded that, Brahmi can mildly increase Pitta Dosha.
But its action on Pitta or agni is not as intense as spicy sauces like Sambal. Here, Pitta increase should be understood as mild Pitta stimulation. That’s all.
Children, Pregnancy and lactation:
It is safe to take during pregnancy for a very short period of 2 – 4 weeks. It is safe to take during lactation and in children above one year of age, in lower doses.
Side effects
Brahmi side effects:
It is best avoided in low heart rate conditions (bradycardia).
Because it acts as Deepana – digestive, it may not be tolerated well with people with sensitive stomachs or ulcers. For them, it is best to take it along with ghee.
Some people have reported dizziness after taking brahmi as a single herb in the form of capsule / tablet.
Does Brahmi cause excess heat?
It is a coolant. It does not cause any heat.
Interaction with medicines, supplements
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
Can this medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
With western
Seek your
doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western
(allopathic / modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is
best to take Allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then take the
Ayurvedic medicine.
Diet to follow
Diet while taking Brahmi –
Ghee, coconut oil, Sunflower seed, almond, taro root, flaxseed oil, soyabean, pistachio,
Broccoli, carrots, chard, nuts, papaya, pumpkin, red peppers
Flax seeds, walnut, tofu, brussel sprout, cauliflower, winter squash, fish oil, egg oil, krill oil, chia seeds, Canola, camelia are fine to take.
There are no diet restrictions. Please avoid all types of junk foods and Sodas. Please prefer homemade food wherever possible.
Ayurvedic medicines
Ayurvedic medicines with Brahmi as ingredient:
Brahmi Vati, Brahmi Ghrita, Saraswata Churna, Smriti Sagar Ras – are used in improving learning skills, memory, concentration and to treat depression.
Balark Ras – used in cough, fever, intestinal worm infestation in children
Krimi Kuthar Ras – used in intestinal worm infestation and anorexia
Saraswatarishta – useful as an all purpose anti aging tonic for all ages.
Brands –
Himalaya Brahmi – Is a decent product. Usually administered in a dose of 1 tablet 2 times a day after food for 1 – 2 months time.
Patanjali Brahmi Churna – is usually administered – half a teaspoon once or twice a day with water for 1 – 2 months time.
Brahmi juice for infants
Q: How to make brahmi juice for infants?
Dr Hebbar:
First of all, for any medicine or home remedies, especially for infants, please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly. Following online advice is potentially dangerous.
Brahmi fresh leaves – is crushed and juice is extracted. This can be used in a dose of 3 drops in the morning after the baby is at least 9 months old.
If you are not sure about the quality of brahmi juice (if it is infested, it can cause fever and other complications in children), then prepare a decoction – 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves of brahmi + 1 cup of water. Boil and reduce to half a cup. Give this – 10 drops in the morning.
Any of the above 2 can be continued for 2 – 3 months time, based on your doctor’s advice.
Can this be taken without consulting a doctor?
No. It is always best to consult your doctor before taking any herb
How long does it take to start showing results?
Depends on the dosage and other products suggested with this. Usually 1 – 2 weeks time.
Can this product be taken along with Allopathic medicines (English medicines)?
Usually it is well tolerated with allopathic medicines. However, consult your doctor for the right advice. When English and Ayurvedic medicines are advised together, it is best to take English medicine first, give a gap of half an hour and then take Ayurvedic medicines.
Can it be used in people with diabetes?
Yes. But an eye should be kept on the blood sugar level. Your doctor should help you in this regard. This product can reduce blood sugar levels.
It is sold in plastic bottles. Is it fine?
If the quality of the bottle material is very good, it should not be a problem, if stored for a short period of time.
Can one take non vegetarian food while taking this medicine?
Yes, unless your practitioner has asked to avoid it.
Sanskrit Synonyms
Brahmi – the word is derived from the word Brahman, the Deity responsible for creation of the universe.
Saraswata / Saraswati – named after Goddess Saraswati – Deity for learning. This is because the herb is useful in improving learning skills and intelligence.
Aindri or Endri – grows in moist places, improves strength
Matsyakshi – Flowers of Brahmi resembles eyes of fish
Somavalli – Brahmi filled with good qualities
Vayastha – Brhami is very good rejuvenator
Toyavalli,,nirabrahmi – Grows near water resources
Vernacular Names
Hindi name – Barmi/ Jalanima
Telugu name – Sambarenu;
Bengali name – Birami
Tamil name -Neera Brahmi
Kannada name – Jala Brahmi
English name – Thyme leaved gratiola, Thyme leaved gladiola, water hyssop, Indian Pennywort, Herb of grace
Marathi name – Ghola
Sthanika karma (Action on Different Systems)
External application – Relieve edema, pain, and has anti poisonous effect
Internal administration
Nervous system – Improve intelligence, anti convulsive, Indicated in Epilepsy, Insanity etc.
Circulatory System – It is Bitter in taste so act as Blood purifier, Because of its hot potency it stimulate heart
Respiratory System – Because of its Bitter taste and Hot potency it alleviates kapha dosha and is good for Throat. Indicated in Cough, Hoarseness of voice
Excretory System – Being hot in nature it acts as a good diuretic, indicated in dysuria
Reproductive System- Good in menstrual disorders and aid fertility. Indicated in Dysmenorrhea, and in Infertility.
Skin – Stimulate sweat glands, Relieve itching and other skin disorders
Anti toxic, indicated in fever and in general debility.
Digestive system – Indicated in indigestion and low digestive strength
Classical Categorization
Charaka Sahmita –
Prajasthapana – a group of herbs useful in stabilizing the pregnancy.
Balya – strength and immunity improving group of herbs.
Ra . Ni – Brhmi , Ksudra patra brahmi
Often the term Brahmi is also used in relation to Gotu Kola. This is because both have similar qualities. But with the term Brahmi, Bacopa monnieri is the more suitable herb to use. Gotu kola is more commonly called MandukaParni.
Common in moist places throughout India, near ponds, riverside etc. Also seen in Srilankha and Singapore
Succulent, Spreading, prostrate, creeping, glabrous annual herb
Leaves – Simple, opposite, decussate, fleshy.
Flowers – Axillary, solitary on long slender pedicels of varying lengths
Whitish, or pale bluish in color
Fruits – Capsules Ovoid
Seeds – Oblong, minute and many
Does stopping Brahmi suddenly cause side effects?
Ashwagandha Brahmi and Shankhapushpi
Can Ashwagandha be taken along with Brahmi and Shankhapushpi?
Dr JV Hebbar
Short answer is, yes; these three can be combined.
At the outset, all are useful to improve brain functions, memory, concentration and intelligence. But when we dig deep, this combination is useful in a wide variety of illnesses.
Let us slice and dice this combination to arrive at where exactly this combination is more useful and where it is not.
1. Strength and immunity – Ashwagandha and Shankhapushpi are explained as Balaprada and Balada. Ashwagandha is Pushtiprada – improves body nourishment. To fight fatigue, muscle wasting and to improve immunity in chronic disorders, to relieve tiredness due to long illness, this combination is useful.
Ashwagandha is kshayahara – useful in treating muscle wasting, emaciation, post tubercular treatment to improve muscle mass and strength
Ashwagandha is explained as Vranaan hanti – useful to bring about quick wound healing. After an injury due to a fall or road traffic accident, this combination can be helpful.
2. Aphrodisiac – Both Ashwagandha and Shankhapushpi are Vrushya and Vaajikari. Ashwagandha is Ati Shukrala – improves semen quantity and quality.
3. Anti Aging, cell rejuvenation – All three herbs are explained Rasayani, Vayasthapani – These improve life expectancy, anti aging, elixir. After a long term illness, this combination can be very useful.
4. Anti inflammatory – Ashwagandha and Brahmi are explained as shophahara. Whenever there is inflammation due to injury, or due to chronic illness, chronic respiratory disorders, asthma, this combination is useful.
5. Cough, cold, asthma – Ashwagandha and Brahmi are explained as Shwasara, kasahara. This combination is useful to relieve inflammation, asthma, cough and cold.
6. Diabetes and hypertension – All three herbs are useful in both these conditions.
8. Intelligence: Brahmi and Shankhapushpi are intelligence and memory.
Shankhapushpi is explained as medhya – Paste of Shankhapushpi improves memory and intelligence
Smrutiprada – improves memory. Hence useful in Alzheimer’s disease,
dementia and in students seeking memory improvement.
9. Psychiatric disorders:
Brahmi is Unmada vinashini – useful in psychiatric disorders
Shankhapushpi is explained as Unmada, Bhutaghna – useful in psychiatric disorders
Manasarogahrut – useful in mental disorders, depression
Summing up:
Ashwagandha, Brahmi and Shankhapushpi together are:
Very useful in improving memory, concentration, strength, immunity, muscle strength, to promote life expectancy, to delay aging and to treat irritable bowel syndrome, weak digestion strength, mania, schizophrenia and depression
Moderately useful in – wound healing, cold, cough, asthma, to improve digestion strength,
Somewhat useful – to improve sleep, voice, speech and to treat epilepsy, fever, vomiting.
How to take it?
There are many medicines with these three herbs together. For example,
Shankhapushpi syrup / Bravobol syrup / Brahmi Power Granules– Adult dose is 1 teaspoon once or twice a day after food with milk or water.
Divya Medha Vati tablet / Dimag Paushtik Rasayan Tablet / Sunidra Tablet/ Brenkam tablet / Memtone tablet 1 at night after food.
All these contain the above three, along with many other ingredients. Please consult a doctor before taking any of the above products.
Side effects: Ashwagandha, in some people may cause diarrhea / constipation, stomach upset or anxiety.
Brahmi in some people increases alertness and hence, is not useful for some people with insomnia.
Brahmi for brain power
Which is the best liquid to consume with Brahmi for brain power?
Dr JV Hebbar
Brahmi is available in the form of tablet, capsule or powder in the market. If your Ayurvedic doctor has advised Brahmi to you, then below are a few liquids that go well with it.
The type of liquid depends on the purpose for which Brahmi is advised.
Sleep problems, memory and concentration – The main purpose for which Brahmi is used is, to improve focus, memory and concentration.The problems with focus and concentration are often caused by increase of Vata and Pitta Doshas and lack of Kapha dosha. Here, you need a stabilizing, calming, brain soothing liquid to go with Brahmi. Ideally this liquid should be having memory and concentration improving effects and also it should balance Vata and Pitta doshas. Ghee is such a liquid.
Adult dose for this purpose is – 1 tablet / capsule or 2 grams of Brahmi with a teaspoon of ghee, mixed and taken with a cup of lukewarm water, usually at night, 15 minutes before food, usually advised till 1 month.
Warm milk is an alternative to ghee.
Read: Ayurvedic Medicines For Memory: When And How To Take?
Intelligence, mental sharpness, mental alertness, laziness, procrastination – These are the circumstances in which you want to have stimulating effect, as opposed to calming effect explained earlier. Here, you need something which decreases Kapha and stimulates some amount of Vata and Pitta. If this is the purpose, then Brahmi is often advised along with a teaspoon of honey or along with 1 – 2 teaspoons of Saraswatarishta liquid. Saraswatarishta is a brain stimulating Ayurvedic tonic.
Buy good quality Saraswatarishtam from Easy Ayurveda Shop
Sometimes, brain fog, sluggishness in mood, thoughts etc. can also be caused due to very weak digestion strength. If this is the case, then Brahmi can be advised along with spice mixes like Trikatu, a combination of black pepper, ginger and long pepper fruit.
Read: Ways To Improve Knowledge, Intelligence As Per Sushruta
For example, 2 grams of brahmi mixed with 1 gram of Trikatu, mixed with a teaspoon of honey, paste is made and swallowed with a cup of cold water. But care should be taken as people with sensitive stomach may not tolerate Trikatu well. If that is the case, then cumin can be a substitute for that.
Read: My Child’s Intelligence Is Decreasing. 9 Tips To Improve
For speech improvement – Usually brahmi is not advised alone for this purpose. It is often advised along with Saraswata ghrita. Saraswata ghrita contains Vacha as the main ingredient, which is very beneficial in correcting or stimulating speech centers of the brain
Another opinion about the above question is, rather than using Brahmi alone, it is always best to use a poly-herbal Ayurvedic medicine, based on the specific disease or purpose.
Read: Role of Vata Dosha And Its Types In Speech And Voice
Is Brahmarasayana made with brahmi. Thanks
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
No, it is not an ingredient.
Details of Brahma Rasayana here –
Dear Dr Hebbar, Your article about Brahmi is really informative and extremely useful.-mukesh
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thanks for reading and finding it useful.
Dear Dr. Hebbar,
Is it safe and sufficient to give Brahmi Smriti granules available in the market to children above 3 years – one teaspoonful in a glass of milk once daily?
fabulous information on herbs
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thank you.
I thought In kannada ondu elaga soppu is bramhi, thanks for info. Can u pls tell what is ondu elaga soppu is called then
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, Ondu Elaga Soppu / Ondelaga soppu is Gotu Kola –
A very informative article. Thanks for the info.
Which company/brands offer the genuine brahmi churna or capsules?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Himalaya, Organic India, etc manufacture it in capsule form.
Very informative and helpful.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thank you very much.
Ajai YAdav
saraswatarishta is for what purpose.. is it used as heart tonic
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Saraswatarishta is an anti aging brain tonic. More details here –
Prof Venkataraman
Doctor , It is an excellent piece of information.
You are enriching us through your articles.
A true Rishi….
Can an Alzheimer patient take this drug or herb
Prof Venkat
Thank you for the information, sir.
In chronic diseases is it used by giving a break for some time– if usage is for 3-4 months?
Just curious.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
In chronic diseases the dose can be higher for initial couple of months, then a maintenance dose can be administered for write a long period. I do not see a need for gap in between.
Vishal Nag
Dear Sir,
I took brahmi Sharbat of leading brand and got headache for several hours.
i was empty stomach & made sharbat in cold water.
Kindly Advise.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Please follow the instructions on the label carefully. Please also try a cup of the juice after food.
Good informanation sir ,
can you please in ayurvedic store which brand can we purchase of bhrami
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
a capsule a night, after food is good.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Please contact my Brother in law, who is an expert in herbal farming –
Nice article sir. Have a question. What is your opinion about this product:
It’s a powder that can be consumed by mixing in milk which contains brahmi and other herbs. I am thinking of using this powder instead of other milk drinks like boost, etc. Is it safe to use every day twice? Is it safe to give to a kid of 2 years?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, that Brahmi granules contain some other additional ingredients. It can be used in place of boost etc but only for 1 – 2 months period. I would not recommend long term usage. FOr kid of 2 years, in a very low dose of half a teaspoon per day, that can be used for one month time. It needs to be stopped after that.
Thanks for the response sir!
Yamini Sinha
Dear doctor, I want to increase my memory power, concentration will brahmi churna or it’s products help me? I am studying in class XI. So please Doctor advice me
Dr Malini Bhat
Dear sir, Brahmi is useful in Mental stress,Fatigue, Insomnia, Improves Memory, Delays ageing etc., And is not useful for Migraine specifically but can be used an a adjuvant.
Contra indicated: Low heart rate patients. As we do not know what other ingredients have been administered to produce the sherbat it is advised to take the sharbat with a advise from a Ayurvedic Physician.
Note: As we all are genetically different with different constitutions and patterns, we respond to treatments in many different ways. Hence Standard Ayurvedic Treatments are always individually formulated. For specific treatment, always consult with a qualified Ayurvedic physician
Dr Malini Bhat
Madam, It takes atleast 2 months for a considerable change. And it is based on your age, strength and constitution.
Thankyou Madam
Dr Malini Bhat
Welcome madam.
dear dr,
if one has hypertension is it advisable to take it in the night. (a case of diabetes too)
Dr Malini Bhat
Sir, It is a potent herb for high blood pressure. 250mg of brahmi should be taken at night.
Note: Please do consult a ayurvedic physician before taking over the counter medication. Because we all are genetically different with different constitutions and patterns, we respond to treatments in many different ways. Hence Standard Ayurvedic Treatments are always individually formulated.
Dear dr,
Can u plz comment on the efficacy of St. John wort over brahmi for depression and anxiety and it’s availability in India
Pratik Jain
Dear Sir,
Thanks for many many such nice articles.
Sir, Rasa, Vipaka and Veerya of Brahmi are all pitta-reducing. But in the article, you have written that Gotu Kola does not increase pitta as much as Brahmi. But according to rasa, vipaka and veerya, Brahmi should actually reduce pitta. I am concerned abouy this because I am pitta body type and have started consuming Himalaya Brahmi Capasules from couple of days.
Pratik Jain
Thanks for the prompt response Sir.
Hello Doctor
Thanks for the article. Recently I bought jalabrahmi plant. The seller is telling no problem in eating this leaves just like tulsi. It is good for Alzheimer. My question is whether we can eat the raw plant say one inch daily. Is there any side effects? And also what are the benefits by consuming it as raw.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, it can be eaten raw, if you can tolerate the taste. – Just make a paste and chew it.
It has all the benefits as explained above.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, Brahmi ghrita is useful, but please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.
R.Prabhakar Rao
I want to use saraswati lehyam and bramhi oil for good memory.I will follow the pranayama.Please send details.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
You can use both together as combination. General dose of lehyam (assuming you are not diabetic) – 5 grams, once or twice a day, after food.
How many leaves of fresh brahmi one should take per day. Should ew eat them raw? Thanks…
Dr Malini Bhat
Hello Sir, 2-4 raw leaves a day.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, Ashwagandha in a dose of 1 capsule at night, along with a cup of milk for 2 months may help in improving weight. It can be taken along with Brahmi.
It may take at least one month time to notice positive change.
Usha Natarajan
Is brahmi useful in fatigue?
Usha Natarajan
Thanks a lot for the prompt reply Dr. I love reading your articles, very informative and you give satisfied answer. My best wishes. Can you suggest where to buy this brahmi? Powder form or capsule. Thanks once again
I am on brahmi and aswagandha Himalaya capsule twice daily it works splendidly on me is it OK to continue for years
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
I would not recommend to continue for years. Just take them for 3 months time and then start reducing the dose gradually by yourself or with the help of an Ayurveda doctor. Do not rely on medicines or herbs forever. Your body also has a healing mechanism. Give it a chance.
Sir is there any problm for taking brahmi syrap while using an antidepressant medicine?
Is there any problems for using Brehmi while taking antipsychotic medicines?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Brahmi can be taken while using anti-psychotic medicines.
Dr. Is brahmi useful for personality disorder problems due to the dopamine in balance?
can we combine brahmi shankhapushpi jatamansi and ashwagandha together to improve mental condition as all there herbs good for mind or will there be any side effects
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
They are all good to make a combination to improve mental condition.
Read about side effects of Ashwagandha here –
Jatamansi here –
Dr.which is better that….brahmi tablet is taking before or after food?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
After food.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
No. You cannnot discontinue English medicines and start with Brahmi Vati.
Dear Doctor Hebbar, I visit your site regularly, thank you for all the info you share. I’m aged 32 and was recently diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus and sliding hiatus hernia caused by chronic acid reflux. I’m taking esomeprazole 40 mg before food, morning and night. I’m also taking vidaryadi kash and dhanawantram tabs before lunch after consulting with avs doctor. I have taken brahmi before and would like to continue taking it for stress and anxiety. My questions are 1. What is the best time and way to take it, if after food how much time after food? 2. Is Himalaya brahmi tab or avs capsule better? Because I have heard that the brahmi in caps might not be absorbed fully. 3. Is it okay for me to take brahmi with the above described conditions of Barrett’s and haitus hernia? Thanks.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
I have use Himalaya brahmi and have found very effective. Once capsule / tablet at night after food is a good starting point, for one month usage, after that, re-analysis would make sense.
Capsule does get absorbed better.
It is fine for you to take Brahmi.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, I think it is genuine.
Hitesh Dhar
As Brahmi is fat soluble. Then how Brahmi Sharbat can be effective when taken with water? Kindly reply
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Some of its contents are water soluble as well.
Does Brahmi capsules / Himalaya help directly or indirectly in overcoming Chronic Depression . Person is under medication of antidepressents over a decade now .
dikshit parewa
sir ,for how much time one should take shankh pushpi brahmi syrup.. iam an adult of 30 years and do lot of study. thank you.
Raj Bera
If I continue after 3-4 months what are its side effects . is it harmful
To get Shankhpushpi Brahmi in morning after breakfast or before breakfast?
Hello dr,
My son has 16 months..can u tell me d quantity gave him?
I have brahmi powder..I have confusion about quanity serving?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.
Hi Sir,
Just purchased Himalaya BRAHMI product ( 60tablet/250mg.tablet).
Pls advise me dosage, best time & duration for my 12yrs old son. Should this take continously or need certain gap before continue.
Pls reply & thank you.
Rgds :
i was using himalaya brahmi tabletes for 5 days after that my stomach pains a lot what shall i do?
Can Bramhi be taken with milk?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Can I give brahmi leaves to my 9 month old girl baby
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Dhanishtha Chavan
Please add Its marathi name also
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Sachin desai
Hi sir
As I am preparing for competitive exams, in order to sharpen my concentration power I bought Brahmarasayan (vaidyaratnam brand). I just had it for a day( less than a quarter spoon) and I started suffering from severe acidity, stomach burning and increased body temperature. Soon, I discontinued using(now my body is slowly calming down day by day). The same thing had happened when I used saraswatarishta (sandu pharmacy) as well . What’s reason for this cause sir?
Thank you
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Your stomach is too sensitive for the spices used in these medicines.
Hi Dr, love your posts! Um am new to Ayurveda and am a bit confused! Medicinal quality pacifies Vata and pita. And later on it says coolant and pacifies Vata and kappa? So does it pacify tridosha then? Thank you
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Sorry for the confusion. Dhanvantari Nighantu says that it increases agni . But general consensus is that it is coolant and balanaces Vata and Kapha.
rest all masters have clearly said it balances Vata and Pitta.
Sir, your knowledge is great and the description is very much useful for any layman to understand Ayurveda!
Radhakrishna Rao
Brahmi means shakti of brahman, I.e. saraswati.
Like indrani, narasimhi, kaumari vaishnavi etc..