Arjuna, Pishtaka Eye Disorders – Definition, Symptoms, Treatment

By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

Arjuna is one of the diseases of the sclera / white of the eye (netra shukla gata roga). 


Classification based on the location – Arjuna is a Netra Shuklagata Roga i.e. disease occurring in the sclera part of the eye.
Classification based on Predominant Dosha – Arjuna is a Raktaja Netra Roga i.e. it is caused by vitiated blood.
Classification based on Sadhya Asadhyata (prognosis) – Arjuna is a Sadhya roga i.e. curable disease.
Classification based on predominant treatment process – Arjuna is one of the eye disorders which have been included in the list of disorders wherein surgical methods / interventions are contraindicated i.e. Ashastra krutya rogas. Arjuna is an aushadha sadhya vyadhi i.e. treatable through medicines.
Read – Classification of Eye Diseases As Per Ayurveda

Arjuna, definition, meaning, pathogenesis
Arjuna is an eye disorder and occurs in the white of the eye i.e. sclera. In this condition, a single red colored shining spot resembling the color of blood of a rabbit is formed on the white of the eye i.e. sclera. This condition is called Arjuna.

This condition is caused by vitiation of blood. It is a curable condition.
Read – Alaji Eye Disorder Definition, Location, Symptoms, Treatment

Symptoms of Arjuna

Signs and Symptoms of Arjuna eye disorder

Modern correlation

Arjuna is compared to two conditions by Ayurvedic experts. They are as below mentioned –

Phlyctenular conjunctivitis / Phlyctenular Keratoconjunctivitis – It is an eye condition in which there is an immune reaction of conjunctiva (covering the white of the eye) and cornea to the bacteria. In this small, yellow-gray lumps form on the white of the eye. They are called phlyctenules. They occur at the meeting place of the conjunctiva and cornea (limbus) or on the conjunctiva covering the sclera. Arjuna can be taken as formation of phlyctenules on conjunctiva, ignoring the corneal involvement. (read more)

Sub-conjunctival echymosis – It is also called as subconjunctival hemorrhage. As the name indicates, bleeding occurs beneath the conjunctiva in this condition. (read here)

Treatment of Arjuna eye disorder
Surgical measures are not used to treat Arjuna sclera disorder. This condition can be treated with medicines.

The line of treatment of Arjuna netra roga is as below mentioned –

Pittaghna Chikitsa – Though Arjuna is caused due to vitiation of blood, all pitta mitigating and expelling measures shall be taken in the treatment of Arjuna eye disorder. This is because pitta and blood have a resident and abode relationship. When pitta is taken care of, the blood heals by itself.
Read – How To Balance Pitta Dosha? Line Of Treatment

Pittabhishyanda Chikitsa – Arjuna netra roga should be treated on the lines of treatment of conjunctivitis caused due to the vitiation of pitta.

Seka – Stream pouring or sprinkling / showering should be done over the afflicted eyes using a combination (or individual) of sugarcane juice, honey, sugar, milk, extract of Berberis aristata, licorice and rock salt. Similarly, the same ingredients should be ground together and applied as collyrium.
Read – Rasanjan Uses, Remedies, Dose, Side Effects, Research

Aschotana – Eye drops prepared from sour substances, i.e. juice of sour pomegranate etc mentioned in Amlavarga i.e. group of herbs predominantly having sour taste should be used.

Eye drops of the below said shall be used in Arjuna disorder either singly or in combinations of two, three or many in accordance to the involved doshas, strength of the disease and diseased and season. They are –

Anjana – The below mentioned collyriums are useful in treating Arjuna eye disorder.

  • Quartz, coral, conch, licorice and honey ground together
  • Conch, honey, and cuttlefish bone rubbed together
  • Samudraphena i.e. cuttlefish bone and sugar rubbed together
  • Rock salt, Strychnos potatorum and honey rubbed together
  • Extract of Berberis aristata and honey rubbed together
  • Kasisa i.e. green vitriol and honey rubbed together
  • Lekhyanjana – All metals including gold, silver, copper, lead, tin etc, all elements and minerals including realgar, sulphur, mica etc, all salts, all gems, horns of animals like cow etc, medicines of avasadana group of medicines, egg shell, garlic, ginger, black pepper, long pepper, seeds of Pongamia pinnata and cardamom grinded together should be stored in air tight glass container. This formulation is called Lekhyanjana. This collyrium is beneficial in treating Arjuna eye disorder effectively.


Pishtaka Eye Disorder – Definition, Symptoms, Treatment

Pishtaka is one of the diseases of the sclera / white of the eye (netra shukla gata roga).  

Classification based on the location – Pishtaka is a Netra Shuklagata Roga i.e. disease occurring in the sclera part of the eye.
Classification based on Predominant Dosha – Pishtaka is a Kaphaja Netra Roga i.e. it is caused by vitiated kapha dosha.
Classification based on Sadhya Asadhyata (prognosis) – Pishtaka is a Sadhya roga i.e. curable disease.
Classification based on predominant treatment process – Pishtaka is one of the eye disorders which have been included in the list of disorders wherein surgical interventions are contraindicated i.e. Ashastra krutya rogas. Pishtaka is an aushadha sadhya vyadhi i.e. treatable through medicines.
Read – Eyelash Falling Out (Madarosis) – Ayurvedic Treatment And Therapies

Pishtaka, definition, meaning, pathogenesis
Pishtaka is an eye disorder and occurs in the white of the eye i.e. sclera. It is named based on its resemblance with the pishta i.e. flour of rice. In this condition, a rounded, raised lump or spot which appears white resembling the rice flour or clear as a water drop appears over the white of the eye i.e. sclera / bulbar conjunctiva. This condition is called Pishtaka.

This condition is caused by vitiation of kapha dosha. It is a curable condition.
Read – Chalazion – Causes, Pathogenesis, Symptoms, Treatment

The author of Madhava Nidana has said that Pishta or Pishtaka is caused by dual vitiation of kapha and vata i.e. kapha-vataja. He tells that Pishtaka is a disorder caused due to vitiated kapha and vata wherein an elevated swelling / lump resembling rice flour is formed on the white of the eye. The eye looks like a dirty mirror in this condition.
Read – Pakshmakopa (Trichiasis) Eye Disorder – Definition, Symptoms, Treatment

Symptoms of Pistaka

Signs and Symptoms of Pistaka eye disorder

  • Utsnna salilanibho atha pishta shuklo binduryo – an elevated swelling / spot / lump resembling rice flour in colour i.e. white in colour or clear like a water bubble is formed on the white of the eye
  • Malakta adarsha sannibham – eye looks like a dirty mirror

Modern correlation
Pishtaka can be closely compared to a condition called ‘Pinguecula’.

Pinguecula is a benign or nao-cancerous growth which occurs in the eye. They can be single or more. When there is more than one growth they are called pingueculae. They occur on the conjunctiva. It is seen as a yellow white deposit on the conjunctiva closer to the junction of sclera and cornea.  It is considered to be a common type of conjunctival degeneration. (read more here)

Treatment of Pishtaka eye disorder
Surgical measures are not used to treat pishtaka sclera disorder. This condition can be treated with medicines.

Kaphaja Abhishyanda Chikitsa – Pishtak netra roga shall be treated on the lines of treatment of kaphaja abhishyanda i.e. conjunctivitis caused due to the vitiation of kapha dosha. All measures explained in kaphaja conjunctivitis except bloodletting should be adopted in pishtaka eye disorder.
Read – Raktamokshana Benefits, Types, Procedure, Indications

Anjana – Collyriums
Mahaushadhadi Anjana – The below mentioned ingredients should be taken in equal quantities, grounded in juice of Citron / Citrus medica fruit and used as collyrium to treat pistaka netra roga. They are –

Kantakaryadi Anjana –
When the fruits of Kantakari i.e. Solanum xanthocarpum gets ripened its seeds should be removed. Inside the fruits, powder of equal quantities of long pepper and sauveeranjana collyrium should be filled and left for 1 week. After 1 week the fruits with the filled powder should be grinded and used for applying collyrium. Similarly collyrium can be prepared by filling the powder in the fruit of Solanum indicum, Swertia chiraita, Indian gooseberry, pointed gourd and Citrullus colocynthis.

Formulations for Netra Roga from Sahasra Yoga
Asanabilwadi Taila
Manjishtadi Taila
Bhringamalakadi Taila
Bala Dhatryadi Taila
Tungadrumadi Taila
Kacchuradi Choorna(Brihat)
Parpataka Kashaya
Villampahotyadi Taila
Kayyonyadi Taila

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