Vaikranta is the 2nd maharasa told by the text Rasa Ratna Samuchaya. This is also considered as a ‘uparatna’ (semi-precious stone) by Rasashastra text books like Anandakanda and Rasataringini.
Table of Contents
Vaikranta is found in the mines of India, Brazil, South Africa and Russia along with other precious stones. It is available in different colors like red, green, grey, black, white, blue etc. In the present era, Tourmaline, Flourspar, Calcium fluorite and Rock crystal are considered as types of Vaikranta.
Chemical composition:
Manganese, Calcium, Lithium, Silicon, Sodium, Iron and Magnesium are found in different proportions in Vaikranta.
Read – Vaikranta Bhasma – Benefits, Dose, Side Effects, Preparation
Vaikranta is also known as-
Kuvajra, Choornavajraka, Jeernavajraka – Inferior variety of precious diamond
Vikrant, Kshudrakulisha
Vaikranta has the ability to destroy or deform the surface structure of iron, hence the name Vaikranta.
Features of superior variety of Vaikrantha:
The best variety of Vaikranta has 8 sides, 8 surfaces, 6 edges, soft to touch, heavy in weight and is either having bright single color or mixed colors.
Classical reference

Shodhana of Vaikrantam:
The vaikranta is tied in a cloth and dipped in a pot containing nimbu rasa (lemon juice) and swedana is done for 1 day. Instead of lime juice, cow urine, juice of stem of plantain (kadalikanda rasa), decoction of horsegram (kulattha kwatha), alkali mixed water (kshara jala) can be used.
Alternatively for shodhana, vaikranta can be made into smaller pieces, heated to red hot and dipped in urine of horse for 21 times.
Read – Concept Of Shodhana In Rasashastra – Purification Of Metals, Minerals
Vaikranta Marana:
Small pieces of vaikranta are added in equal parts with gandhaka (sulphur) and bhavana is done with nimbu rasa (lemon juice). Later the chakrika (small cake) are made and subjected to ‘gaja puta’. The whole process is repeated for 8 times to get reddish colored bhasma.
Alternatively, vaikranta is heated red hot and dipped in horse urine for 21 times so that vaikranta become soft and can be easily powdered. Later chakrika of vaikranta is prepared and subjected to gaja puta. The whole procedure is repeated for 8 times.
Vaikranta satwapatana (Sattvapatan)
The shuddha vaikranta is given bhavana with gunja (crab’s eye), jaggery, guggulu
(commiphora mukul), honey and tankana (borax). The chakrika are made, kept in musha after closing with earthen plate and using a blower the procedure is completed to obtain white colored satwa.
Medicinal dose
Dose of bhasma:
5- 10 mg with proper anupana.
Read related: Swarna Bindu Prashana: Ayurvedic Immunization Method
Medicinal properties
Properties of Vaikrant bhasma:
It is having the properties of medhya (memory enhancer), balya (strengthen the body), deepana (improve the appetite), rasayana (general tonic), sarva roga nashaka (fight against many disease).
Apart from treating disease, vaikranta is also used for lohavada purpose (converting of metals).
Research articles related to Vaikrant:
Studies on identification of ‘vaikranta used in ayurveda’:
A study was undertaken to determine the chemical composition and identification of Vaikranta. Results indicate that the physical characteristics of Schorlite, Indiocollite and Rubellite are similar to those of Vaikranta although there were few differences in their chemical composition.
Exploring the concept of vrishya property of vaikranta bhasma:
Elemental analysis of vaikranta bhasma showed that it contains Fe, Si, S, Ca, Mg etc. which have positive effect on semen analysis parameters.
Toxicity study of vaikranta bhasma:
A single dose toxicity study was conducted on CF rats.
Vaikranta (black tourmaline) bhasma is a herbo-mineral preparation used in ayurvedic medicine as rejuvenator and aphrodisiac. In order to assess and evaluate the toxicity profile of vaikranta bhasma and to determine its adverse effects, a Single dose toxicity study in CF rats was performed. The study was intended to provide an estimate of the dose which was likely to be free of toxic effects on single exposure through oral route.
Popular formulations
Important formulations containing Vaikranta:
Ratneshwara Rasa
Neelakanta Rasa
Jayasundara Rasa
Vasant Kusumakar Ras – Used in treatment of diabetes, diseases related to urinary tract, memory loss etc.
Suchikabharana Rasa – It is used in the treatment of last stages of fever, coma etc.
Ratnaprabha Vati
Vardhamana Rasa
Dr.B.K.Prashanth M.D (Ayu), Ph.D
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