9 Star Fruit Remedies For Obesity, Tonsillitis, Anosmia

By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD
Star fruit is used as a good source for fiber and Vitamin C. It has b-& a- Carotene, Poly galacturonase and volatile components. 

Copper, pantothenic acid and potassium are also present in significant amount and this makes the fruit unique in the treatment of several Gastro- intestinal disorders.

Ayurveda identifies this as Karmaranga and it is used for he treatment of Vata disorders (neurological diseases), as a digestive tonic and as a stimulant. Sour taste, being a potent Vata balancing taste, helps in neuro-muscular disorders.
Read related: Star Fruit Uses, Dose, Research, Side Effects

Star fruit possesses Vitamin C in abundance and thus it eases the process of absorption of Iron; It is a good adjuvant in the treatment of anaemia.

The dried star fruits are used as spices too. While cooking meat, this is added as an additional ingredient and this further facilitates easy cooking as well as proper digestion of the meat.

Star fruit remedies

For obesity

1. Star Fruit juice with honey in obesity:
5-6 ml of fruit juice is taken and added with a spoon of honey. This is added to a cup of warm water and taken on empty stomach, regularly. This helps to reduce bad cholesterol and body weight.
Read related: Effective Obesity Treatment, Remedies And Ayurveda Tips

For rhinitis

2. Fruit pulp with pepper in cold, rhinitis and anosmia (loss of perception of smell) :
Approximately 5 gram of fruit pulp is mixed with 1-2 gram of pepper powder. This is wrapped in a thin cloth and kept over the middle of the scalp. If necessary this is tied properly, left there for 20 – 30 minutes.
1-2 weeks medication relieves the chronic rhinitis and anosmia conditions.

For tonsillitis

3. Dried star fruit powder with ginger juice for rhinitis and tonsillitis:
Shade dried star fruits are powdered. For 5 grams of this powder, a teaspoon of ginger juice is added and consumed. This relieves sore throat, tonsillitis as well as chronic cough.

For Dhobi itch

4. Leaf powder in Dhobi itch:
Mature leaves are taken and fine powder is made. This is used to dust over the chronic oozing wounds or ulcers; especially over the Dhobis itch (groin area).
Read related: Ayurvedic Treatment For Ringworm, Dermatophytosis, Tinea

For indigestion

5. Flower chutney in tastelessness and indigestion:
A fist full of fresh flowers are collected and chutney is made (by adding little coconut powder).This relieves anorexia and indigestion conditions.

For body ache

6. Oil prepared by the fruit pulp for body ache:
The ripened fruits are collected and fine pulp is obtained. This is added with 4-6 parts of sesame oil and 10-12 times of water and cooked well, till the complete evaporation of the water content. This oil is used to apply over the body parts and joints and it is found to be useful in arthritis, bodyache, muscular pain etc.

For indigestion

7Dried fruit decoction added with jaggery for indigestion:
The fruits are made into slices and dried under sunshine during its seasons. These dried fruits are made into decoction and by adding little jiggery or sugar candy thin syrup is made. This is taken in the dose of 10-15 ml twice a day. IN cases of indigestion, loss of appetite, distension of abdomen etc this very effective. This is a recipe of choice in indigestion caused due to Nonveg diet.
General method of preparation of decoction (kashaya) – 1 tablespoon of powder is added with 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to 1 cup, filtered. 

For headache, insomnia

8. Fruit juice with a pinch of salt and ghee –application to the scalp:
The fresh fruit juice or pulp is taken and mixed with a pinch of salt and half spoon of ghee. This is applied to the middle of the scalp, especially during night time, 30 minutes before going to bed. Bilious headache and insomnia are getting relieved by this simple recipe.

For abscesses

9. Leaf or stem bark fine paste applied over the knee joint or abscess:
The leaf or stem bark is taken and fine paste is made. This is applied over the joints or affected lesions of abscesses. This gives good benefit in such cases to relieve the pain and swelling.

A fruit can be a vegetable, spice, adjuvant, side dish and even a medicine. Proper knowledge and way of use makes it unique and multipurpose ones.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD

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