4 Teakwood Remedies For Diabetes, Burns, Urinary Calculi

By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD
Teakwood (Tectona grandis) is an age – old classical herb of Ayurveda. This is known as Shaka in Ayurveda. The seeds, stem bark and tender leaves (buds) are the usable parts of this plant. 

The plant is known for its
anti-inflammatory (shothahara),
antipyretic (jwarahara),
anti-diuretic (mutra sangrahaneeya),
twachya (glow enhancing) and
lithotripsic (ashmarihara) action.

It is useful in the treatment of  generalized oedema (shotha), jwara (fever),burns (dagdhata),wound (vrana),ashmari (urinary calculi) etc.

Home remedies

Here are a few remedies using teakwood:


1. Leaf powder in Type II Diabetes mellitus:
Fresh and matured (not ripened) green leaves of teak are collected and dried under shade. This was powdered well and stored. Daily morning in the dose of 2-3 grams this is administered preferably during early morning.

This helps to reduce the sugar level in Type II DM.
Note: Some develop nausea due to this formulation due to the peculiar odour of the teak; in such a case it is better to avoid this recipe.

Uncontrolled urination

2. Bark decoction in diabetes and in uncontrolled urination:
10 grams of dried bark (obtained from the adult tree) is taken and decoction is prepared. This is helpful to marginally decrease the sugar level.This is beneficial in uncontrolled urination, especially caused during old age.


3. Tender leaf bud oil in burns:
20-25 tender leaf buds (coppery red in color ) are taken and crushed well to make into fine paste. To this 100 ml oil (coconut or sesame oil)  and 200 ml water are added and oil is cooked. This yields red or reddish brown oil.

Regular application of this oil over the burns and scalds relieves the burning as well as cure the lesions without the scar.
This can be used in the dandruff and blisters of the scalp especially  caused in the children.
Read related: How To Make Herbal Oil To Remove Burn Scars

Urinary calculi

4. Seed decoction in urinary calculi:
10 grams of hard and dry seeds of teak are collected and coarse powder is made. This is made into decoction and filtered. This decoction is administered in the dose of  50-60 ml twice or thrice daily.

This is a very good lithotripsic (ashmaribhedana)  home remedy. The  urinary calculi of 5-8 mm size are  easily broken and expelled out by this simple recipe.
Teak is not merely a useful tree of wood but also a valuable source of medicine too.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD

Sthanika karma (Action on different system)

External application – Analgesic, Anti inflammatory, Anti poisonous, relieve burning sensation. Leaf juice has styptic action. Seed oil promotes hair growth, and is indicated in itchy skin rashes. Heartwood powder is indicated in inflammatory swellings, burning sensation, Bhallataka (Semicarpus anacardium) poisoning, headache etc. Leaf juice is used in bruises, wounds etc.

Digestive system – Bark helps to pacify pitta dosha, Absorbent, Anti helminthic. Bark decoction is indicated in Acidity, Dysentery, Helminthiasis etc.

Circulatory System – Leaf juice is indicated in Inflammatory conditions and is styptic in nature.
Reproductive system – Garbhasthapaka (Helps to retain pregnancy); its decoction is used for this purpose.
Excretory system – seed helps to increase urine production, but bark has Mutrasthambaka action. Bark is indicated in Diabetes, and seed is beneficial in Dysuria.
Tvak – Kushtaghna (Heartwood decoction is indicated in Skin disorders)
Tapakrama – BArk and heartwood decoction helps to cure burning sensation.
Satmikarana – Indicated in obesity

3 comments on “4 Teakwood Remedies For Diabetes, Burns, Urinary Calculi

  • bob

    17/02/2017 - 3:35 am

    Hello Doc, could you tell me the very best treatments for diabetes and oedema? I keep trying a million different herbs and nothing is working. I take lasix, stinging nettle, dandelion, parsley, etc etc. Nothing is getting rid of my water. And all the herbs and teas i have tried for my diabetes type 2 is not working. Could you suggest some ideas that might work for tough cases.
    Thank you for your time

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  • sakthipriyan

    01/05/2020 - 12:57 pm

    good information

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