Article By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD.
I have observed two customs in my native (Mangalore, Karnataka,South India).The first one is carried by my mother (Mrs Gowri S Bhat) during my childhood days. This is practiced even today in many households.
1st method: When a child is sick suddenly or feels fatigue, Iron charged water is given to drink as well as to apply over the body. This contributes significant benefits in many health conditions which are named as Drishti doshas or Pakshi doshas by Traditional healers.
My mother used to heat an iron rod and there after it was dipped in water taken in a copper or bronze vessel over a wooden platform. This heating and dipping is done
This water is given to drink as well as to apply over the body.
2nd method:
The second incidence was during my childhood sufferings from allergic rashes.My uncle was taking me to an Unani Hakim cum holistic practitioner at Montugoli, near Mudipu (Mangalore).
He was also giving the so called charged water. A copper rod is heated and dipped in tender coconut water. It was administered orally, and also applied externally. I am highy thankful to those ideologies which have prevented me from taking irrational chemical molecules!
My experiments with charged water:
Based on my knowledge on modern metallurgy, alchemy and Ayurveda, I have started advising the charged water in simple illnesses.
As they are safe, cheap(not at all expensive) and mild to moderate effective (surely, I will not claim that they are highly effective, as specific medicaments will do that job in different contexts and illness conditions) the needy ones can have the benefit out of these.
Table of Contents
Gold charged water
Any golden ornament like chain, ring or thin sheet or wire etc can be used.
If pure Gold/Aparanji is available it is well and good.
This is heated red hot and dipped in water for 5-10 times.(in case of chain or ring as making red hot is not possible, the jewel is kept in water and boiled for 5 – 10 minutes.
Such water is administered in a dose of 20 – 30 ml.
I have not observed any benefit of pouring or sprinkling over the body

Immuno-modulator, energizer, blood purifier, complexion enhancer, useful in urogenital disorders.
Chronic disorders, Cancer, Cachexia and associated complaints, food poisoning.
Contra indication: People who are sensitive or allergic to gold or Swarna (gold) Bhasma.
Silver charged water
Method: Similar to the above method.
Action: Neuro muscular stimulant,memory enhancer
Indications: Epilepsy,Memory loss,Alzeimers disease,Mood disorders etc
Contra indication: Silver sensitive individuals
Iron charged water
Method: Pure Iron rod is heated red hot and dipped in water (3-5 times).
Action: Rejuvinator, relieves tiredness.
Indications: Pitta disorders affecting blood, anaemia, fatigue, diabetes, hypertension etc
Contra indication: Iron sensitive individuals,Severe constipation,Burning urination
Copper charged water
Method:As like Iron charged water
Action:Stimulant, Carminative, Digestive etc
Indication: Chronic skin diseases, Malignancy, Obesity etc
Contra indication: Copper sensitive individuals, Mood irritation disorders, Acute GIT disorders, constipation etc
Note:Instead of water, tender coconut water can be used which contributes still better results.
I am very sure that few good critics will come in this regard saying that such practices are baseless and unscientific. Being with good faith with Ayurveda and Traditional practices (because I have carried a critical study on 94 Traditional practices of South Canara district of Karnataka in 1997-1999:’Documentation and Critical analysis of Folk medicinal practices prevalent in South Canara district of Karnataka’ ).
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy
By Chris:
The use of metals in water is very potent and sound. In Europe we have what is called colloidal water. A small electrical current is passed through a small rod of the purest metal dipped in water. After a few minutes very small amounts of the metal’s ions detach from the rod and stay in the water. Dilutions are usually very high 10-15 parts per million. The water is then drank in small quantity, 15 ml once or twice a day. Silver colloidal water is highly potent for all virus and bacterial infection, much more so than antibiotics. As an example I once drank well water in the Indian countryside and ended up with terrible stomach cramps. I drank a full glass of clean water with 30 ml of silver colloids (so even higher dilution) and within 20 minutes the viruses and bacteria in my stomach were neutralized. How does it work? The metal’s electrical charge is either positive or negative. The “illness” a given metal targets has the opposite charge. The metal’s ion is automatically attracted to the “illness”, sticks to it and neutralizes its effect and proliferation. The “illness” is then evacuated through normal process of urine, stools or perspiration.
Dr.M.S.Krishnanurthy Thanks for your valuable experiences . I m wonder to read this article. I think its like sankaar kriya like some companies write Suwarn Sanskaar over some products they treated product like this instead of direct addition
Dear Doctor can you explain which type of iron we have to choose for sanskaar (like you give example of ornaments in case of gold)any commo examples and how large piece according to water quantity any ratio??
Dr.Hebbar thank to you for this wonderful platform
With Regards
Deep Ayurved clinic
The use of metals in water is very potent and sound. In Europe we have what is called colloidal water. A small electrical current is passed through a small rod of the purest metal dipped in water. After a few minutes very small amounts of the metal’s ions detach from the rod and stay in the water. Dilutions are usually very high 10-15 parts per million. The water is then drank in small quantity, 15 ml once or twice a day. Silver colloidal water is highly potent for all virus and bacterial infection, much more so than antibiotics. As an example I once drank well water in the Indian countryside and ended up with terrible stomach cramps. I drank a full glass of clean water with 30ml of silver colloids (so even higher dilution) and within 20 minutes the viruses and bacteria in my stomach were neutralised. How does it work? The metal’s electrical charge is either positive or negative. The “illness” a given metal targets has the opposite charge. The metal’s ion is automatically attracted to the “illness”, sticks to it and neutralises its effect and proliferation. The “illness” is then evacuated through normal process of urine, stools or perspiration.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thank you for the valuable inputs. Really informative.
I think metal and mineral based treatments will be used more and more in future.
Wonder to know your personal experience Mr.Chris, Our ancestors drink water from well and they are connected to natural resources directly than today’s synthetic type lifesyle nd there life span was long and healthier.
Naresh makwana
Very nice , this charged water technique i am using in my cow based natural spiritual farming. Getting excellent results for wheat grass cultivation.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Super! Nice to know.
Wish you had written more about it. Great info !!!
Hello Chris,
Can Silver colloidal water be used daily to prevent recurring lung infection and UTI? Is it also useful in fatigue, tiredness and low appetite?
Can you share more information on different colloidal waters please.
Silver colloids is the best treatment for lungs and should be taken with a nebuliser. I am not a medical pratictioner so you should seek help from those in the profession who know it’s uses. The same goes for your other issues. In The West these metals in colloidal form can only be sold as “supplements” not “remedies”. So full info is sparse. You may want to contact people directly. The best lab I know (in French), for success stories and contact
Mahendra Kulkarni
I am boiling 5 ltr water with coins of 10 grams each of Silver and Gold together for 20 mins and drinking that it in a day, Is it safe?
1. Can one replace normal water drinking with silver or gold colloidal water drinking for long time(months or year)? Or you have to drink only certain quantity of colloidal water in a day?
2. is there any ideal proportion, like if you are taking 5 lts. of water to boil then place these many grams of silver in it and boil for these many minutes?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
1. It is good to replace normal water with silver / gold colloidal water for long times. Dose is mentioned above in the article – 30 ml per day.
2. There is no ideal proportion. But a 5 gram silver coin / 1 gram gold coin in 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes, can be taken as standard.
In your notes for “Gold charged water” you have written
“Such water is administered in a dose of 20 – 30 ml.”
and in your reply on Dec 12, 2016, you said
“1. It is good to replace normal water with silver / gold colloidal water for long times. There is no limit for consuming it per day basis.”
Can you clarify please, because it is so big difference and I feel confused.
Can this water be stored? How long? What kind of container? Does it loose it’s charge in time?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thanks corrected. the dose mentioned in the article is the right one.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
2 grams can be used for boiling. No problem.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It can be taken. It can be useful in migraine
Dr venkateswararao
Nice to read this article.. Good information
Excellent article Sir – thank you for sharing this on Easy Ayurveda.
Dear Dr Hebbar, thank you very much
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It is fine to use 18k gold. Since, only a very tiny minute part of it goes in.
Hi Sir,
Thank you very much indeed for giving such rare & precious information.
I will be happy if you can tell me answer for, say, can I put a silver,gold,& copper coin
Together in a glass of water for some time & drink it ? ( all the three metals at a time in normal water)
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thank you very much indeed for your
Valued recommendations & suggestions.