Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and related infertility and other associated problems are on the rise in young women. This, as the name suggests is a syndrome – a group of inter – related PCOS symptoms and complications. PCOS involves multiple systems and hormones. Obesity, infertility, hirsutism, irregular menstrual cycles are a few main PCOS symptoms. This article is about a patient’s experience on how she is coping with PCOS.
PCOS involves glands such as Ovary, adrenal glands, pancreas and pituitary glands. Click to read more about PCOS symptoms and disease details.
Because the disease involves many organs, the treatment should be very comprehensive. But there are a few aspects of PCOS which can be managed naturally. They are insulin resistance and obesity.
Insulin resistance is the condition where, the tissues will not respond to insulin, leading to increased sugar levels in blood and urine. Insulin resistance and obesity are inter related and in turn obesity and PCOS are inter related.
Obesity and insulin resistance
In obese people, the fat tissue (adipose tissue) releases excessively high quantities of non-esterified fatty acids, glycerol, hormones, pro-inflammatory cytokines and other factors that are involved in the development of insulin resistance. (Reference: Nature)
Hence, management of obesity, restriction on carbohydrate rich diet, regular exercise, are very much necessary. This will reduce the obesity and in turn will help in resolving insulin resistance.
There is a good book – “The natural diet solution for PCOS and infertility” by Nancy Dunne. She is a naturopath. For those suffering from PCOS, I feel it will be a good read. One of my readers, indicated that this book helped her to lose weight and to treat PCOS. But some of the principles explained, may not suit pure vegetarians.
Can a woman with PCOS take honey?
Honey contains good amounts of sugar. Hence, PCOS woman cannot take honey in large quantities. However, honey also has cleansing properties. Hence, just one teaspoon of honey, along with a teaspoon of lemon in a cup of water in the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast can be very beneficial in maintaining weight, which is a crucial part of PCOS management.
Rumi Pavlova
Thank you for the book reference – this is a great resource!
Can you please comment about gestational diabetes from an ayurveda perspective? What is considered as the recommended normal range of blood sugar during 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, The common causes for diabetes, explained in Ayurveda like Asya Sukha – eating at one’s will, Swapna sukha – sedentary lifestyle habits etc hold good even for gestational diabetes. That is why, as per Ayurveda, mother needs to maintain mild to moderate physical activities.
The recommended HbA1c level during pregnancy is 6.1
Blood sugar level of below 140 mg / dl, when test is done one hour after drinking a glucose solution is considered normal. Above it is considered gestational diabetes.