By Prof. Vd. Rangaprasad Bhat
Sushruta, in the fifth chapter of Sutrasthana explains the procedure to recite mantra to relieve the caused by the existence of microorganism within the body causing infectious and contagious diseases which required to quarantine the patients to prevent their endemic or epidemic spread. Over the same mantra he mentions that it will lay off the evil effects created by the black magic)in manifesting a pattern of disease in a person.
Though on the outset it may look like a poetical, fancy word in this era of 21st century, it may be noted that the diseases whose aetiological factors could not be ascertained and fixed were mentioned with words like Krutyaat, Bhootat etc. invisible factors which are agnostic to one’s eye or even to one’s rationale thinking.
There are certain mentioning of grouping of causes for that matter, even in conventional system of biomedicine, viz- cryptogenic; agnogenic; essential; primary etc denoting the idiopathic nature of the aetiopathology of a given traits of disease.
The word Krumi is used in Veda for different macroscopic & microscopic organisms. Two types of Krumi – worm infestation – Drushta and Adrushta (Visible & Invisible / Microscopic) were described in Vedas. According to their ecology based on their host and habitat they were categorized as
Pranashrayi – (endoparasites)
Anya Sthana Ashrayi (ectoparasites).
The invisible category of microbes are denoted with various terminologies like Rakshasa, Pishacha, Asura, yaksha, Pishita, preta, yatu, Yatudhana, yatudhani, Kimidi, Gandharva, Apsara, atRiina kururu, alagaṃḍū, śālūṇa, attriṇa, ānvantrya,ejatka,śīrṣyānya,etc.
In Vedas there are large number of suktas which provide information about above such microbiological in creatures. A few of the literary sources regarding the knowledge of the microbiological entities in various Vedas are –
KankotanSukta by Rishi Agastaya (Rigveda 1/191);
KrimighnamSukta (Atharvaveda 5/23),
KriminashnamSukta (AV. 2/32),
KrimijambhanamSukta (AV. 2/31) all by Rishi Kanva;
RakshognamSukta (AV. 5/29) by Rishi Chatan; KriminashnamSukta (AV. 4/37) by Rishi Badrayani.
Sushruta Sutrasthana 5 elicudates the following Mantra for
Rakshobhaya Pratighatartha – to relieve fear caused by the existence of microorganism within the body) &
Krutya Rakshanartha – (Protection from the evil spells caused by black magic- as a source of agnocostic aetiloogical factor of disease).
Read related: Garbhadana Sukta: Hymn For Conception

Holding the udaka kumbha (with water inside) in the hand and by sprinkling the water (over the affected person), I start with the procedure of rakṣākarma.
Sankalpa:– kr̥tyānāṁ and rakṣōbhayasya pratighātārthaṁ – rakṣākarma kariṣyāmi
Phalam:- brahmā tadanumanyatām (Lord Brahma will grant with his blessings) along with other devatas in constantly destroying (brahmādyā ghnantu tān sadā), the evil effects caused by influence of the nāgā, piśācā, gandharvā, pitarō, yakṣa and rākṣasās in human being respectively by each of or either of the entities (abhidravanti yē yē tvāṁ).
Suktam of Prayer with the mention of adhidevatas present in the respective components of purusha:-
I bow my head to the dikṣu, vāstunivāsā and request to protect the diseased person (pāntu tvāṁ tē namaskr̥tāḥ) from the niśācarās who have their abode and who are constantly moving in pr̥thivi, antarīkṣa, parvatās, nadīs, sarvāḥ sarvē (exist in almost all nook and corners of the universe) & in sāgarās. I further request munis, brāhmā, divyā and rājarṣis to protect them from the niśācarādi (pāntu tvāṁ munayō brāhmayā divyā rājarṣayastathā).
Let agni protect thy tongue; vāyu protect the prāṇā (life) within your body; sōma, vyānam and apānaṁ be protected by parjanyaḥ (rain personified or the god of rain – often identified with indra). |24|
Let the electrical impulses of the udana and samana be protected by the stanayitnu (thunder ,- personified as children of Vidyota _ Monier-Williams, Sir M. -1988). And let thy physical strength be protected by indra; your manu,manya & mati (intelligence, thinking & memory) be protected by balapati (lord of strength). |25|

Let your lusty desires (Kama) be protected and provided by Gandharvas (celestial singers) and your sattvam (consciousness) be protected by indra. Let your wisdom (prajñā) be protected by varuṇa rājā (m. [√ 1. vri] Encompasser (of the world), N. of an Âditya, chief among the Vedic gods; he specially presides over the waters, the night, and the west; he is om niscient, punishes sin and is prayed to for forgiveness; he is also the sender of disease; often associated with Mitra and Indra (–°ree; du.); in C. he is god of the waters or ocean, and regent of the west: -grihîta, pp. seized by Varuna=attacked by disease, esp. dropsy (V.); -pâsá, m. Varuna’s noose or fetter (V.);_) ; let the umbilicual region be protected by the celestial ocean (samudra). |26|
Let your eyes, ears,manas, rūpaṁ (quality of skin hue or beautiness) and chAya (A reflected image / a reflection;) be respectively protected by sūrya (sun), diśaḥ (all the directions or god of air), candramā (moon), nakṣatrāṇi (many stars) and niśā (night). |27|
Let your rētas (reproductive fluids) be empowered and protected by the āpa: (water element) and the rōmāṇi (bodily hairs) by the ōṣadhaya: (the plant kingdom consisting of herbs and food grains). |28|
Let the vaiśvānara (relating or belonging to the gods collectively) protect the śiras (head); Let the viṣṇu (viṣṇu = m. [Worker: √ vish] N. of a god of the upper region (personification of the sun) who traverses the world in three strides, companion of Indra, mentioned with the Âdityas, husband of Sinîvâlî (V.); jani tor of the gods (Br.); his head when cut off becomes the sun (Br.). In C. he is the second of the triad, the Preserver, husband of Laksh mî or Srî, and Sarasvatî, father of the god of love, rests on the serpent Sesha, and has Garuda for his vehicle, descends to earth in several Avatârs; N. of a lawgiver.) protect the parākramam (heroism, courage, power, strength, energy, exertion, enterprise) of the puruṣa. The pauruṣaṁ (virility) be protected and bestowed by puruṣaśrēṣṭha, and the ātmān be bestowed with protection by brahmā (lord brahmā); so is with the eyebrows by dhruva (The polar star).|29|
All of these dēvatās exist nityā in your deha in their specified sites (viśēṣēṇa). Let all these devatas always protect and bestow you with longevity (dīrghamāyu). |30|
May you be blessed with wellness by bhagavān brahmā; the dēvāś, agni deva, vāyu dēvā, indra dēvā, along with them let you be protected with good health and increased longevity by your pitāmaha (paternal grandfather). From this moment let you be blessed with freedom from your agony and ill health. Iti svāhā .
The above mantras are from the Vedas having the effect of disease treatment and promoting longevity.
Click to consult Prof. Vd. Rangaprasad Bhat