Sukumaram Kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine, useful in treating severe abdominal and back pain during menstruation. It is also helpful in relieving constipation.
Table of Contents
Punarnava – Boerhaavia diffusa
Vilwa – Aegle marmelos
Kashmari – Gmelina arborea
Patala – Stereospermum suaveolens
Syonaka – Oroxylum indicum
Agnimantha – Premna corymbosa
Prisniparni – Desmodium gangeticum
Saliparni – Pseudarthria viscida
Kantakari – Solanum melongena
Bhadra – Aerua lanata
Gokshura – Tribulus terrestris
Payasya – Holostemma annulare
Aswagandha – Withania somnifera
Eranda – Ricinus communis
Satavari – Asparagus racemosus
Darbha – Desmostachya bipinnata
Kusa – Eragrostis cynosuroides
Sara – Saccharum spontaneum
Kasa – Imperata cylindrical
Ikshumoola – Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane root)
Potagala – Sphearanthus hirtus
Krishna – Piper longum (long pepper)
Krishnamoola – Piper longum (root) (long pepper root)
Yasthimadhu – Glycyrrhiza glabra
Mridweeka – Vitis vinifera (dry grapes)
Yavani – Cuminum cyminum
Shunti – Zingiber officinale (ginger)
Method of preparation
How to make Sukumara kashaya: All the herbs are taken in equal quantities, made into coarse powder, kept immersed in water overnight. Next day morning, it is added to 8 parts of water and heated over a mild fire, to reduce it to one-fourth quantity. Filter it and consume it while it is mildly hot.
Indications and uses of Sukumaram kashayam:
Severe pain during menstruation, helps to relieve constipation.
Delayed periods – as in the case of PCOS.
Decreased monthly flow – oligomenorrhoea, cryptomenorrhea.
Effect of Sukumaram Kashayam on menstrual cycle:
It is useful in case of delayed periods and prolonged menstrual cycles – example – once in 40 days or once in 45-50 days.
It is also useful in painful periods.
If the periods are normally happening once in 28 days, then taking this would reduce the menstrual cycle to 20-25 days. This is undesirable. This has been reported by at least 5 patients.
What is Sukumara kashayam tablet – AVN, an Ayurvedic medicine manufacturing company has converted sukumaram kashayam into tablet form without harming its active ingredients using the latest of technologies of Ayurvedic pharmaceutics. The advantage is that the consumer will never feel the bad bitter taste, it is easy for dosage fixing and carrying, and a lesser quantity of preservatives are added.
Kashayam – 5 ml added to equal parts of water and consumed, before food.
Sukumaram kashayam tablet – two tablets, two times a day, before food.
Reference: Sahasrayoga, Kashaya yoga prakarana
Side effects
In people with longer periods, Sukumara Kashaya is useful to shorten the period cycle. Hence, useful in PCOS associated with delayed periods. But in case of shorter menstrual periods with heavy bleeding, Sukumara kashaya may increase bleeding. A patient has reported this phenomenon. So, care should be taken.
This heavy periods problem could be due to the spices such as long pepper, Dashamoola and ginger.
hi doctor ,
I am having Sukumara Kashayam ( 2 spoon morning & night after food with water )& kumaryasavam ( 1 spoon after dinner without water ) since one month due to severe low back pain during menses.but am having severe pain still.. kindly help me to get rid of the pain…
reply soon..
Dr Janardhana V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
This Combination is usually given in cases of dysmenorrhoea. I suppose there should be a dosage revision. Please see my email for details.
Doctor, it is advisable for me to take sukumaram, with varunadi and mahathiktham?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Please see my email consultation details here
basavaraj h m
Can sukumaram Kashayam be used for for the treatment of skin allergy. If not pl. advice treatment for air borne contact dermetitis
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Most of the Ayurvedic medicine usage lncluding Sukumaram kashayam is dependant on how the Ayurvedic doctor uses it to treat a particular condition. Hence, though there is no direct reference of usage of Sukumaram kashayam in the treatment of skin allergy, your doctor might be right in prescribing it to you. It depends on his assessment.
Is Sukumaram Kashayam a treatment for PCO?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It is one of the medicines used in the treatment of PCOS.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Sukumara Kashaya does not have a proven contraceptive action. Hence it will be very risky to rely on it for contraception. Condom plus safe period methods are the best and natural methods of contraception.
radha narayanan
I have been asked to take Sukumara kashaya in morning and asokarishta in night for crampy menses.IS it correct??
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
If the doctor has prescribed, based on his judgement, I suppose, it is correct.
Please advice me whether it is safe to take sukumaran kashayam while trying to concieve?
Thank You Doctor for clearing my doubt.
dear sir,
i have been recomended by friend of mine to take sukumaram kashayam for irregular periods. iam trying to conceive ,is it safe to continue that kashayam during early stage of pregnancy?
kindly reply soon,its kinda emergency.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
I would rather recommend consulting a qualified Ayurvedic doctor than ‘a friend’.
It is safe to take the kashayam till pregnancy is confirmed.
iam having a very long period this mnth more than 20days past 1 week iam taking sukumara kashyam 2times a day.still it is not stopped.
I have fundic gastritis A doctor prescribed thikthakam+sukumaram(15ml+30ml warm water)daily at 6Am and 6 Pm before taking food..Since the use of these medicines,I feel more burning sensation,should I stop the medication?what ayurvedhic medicine I should use?please help me
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, both are quite good medicines for gastritis. Try taking it 1o minutes after food. If you still continue having burning sensation, contact your doctor.
Is Sukumaram kwatham is correct for endometriam polyp. Pls.suggest some gud medication for this.
pls.clarify that the doctor has also advised Varnadi Kwatham and Kaishor Gugglu & Gandhak Rasaynam. Pls.tell me is that useful to treat endomentrial polyp. I had surgery for the same last year and and the polyp re-grown after 1 month. I dont want to go for surgery again so pls. advise some gud medicine for this problem. Also clarify that is that related to cancer at the later stage???
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
The combination of medicines looks very good for polyp treatment. Polyp will not lead to cancer at a later stage.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It is safe to take Sukumaram kashayam while trying for conception.
If you have facility to detect ovulation, you can stop soon after detection. You may continue after onset of next menstrual cycle.
Natural contraception is a hot topic and people are fancying chances with Ayurvedic remedies.
If you ask me, nothing should be given as just a “chance” medicine, since failure to contraception may lead to serious physical and mental consequences for the couple involved. I am in general, against to oral contraceptives when you have got natural period method and condoms at your disposal.
To make it clear, for the best of my knowledge, I do not consider Sukumaram kashayam as a contraceptive medicine.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Sutha Shekara Rasa is also an Ayurvedic medicine used in gastritis treatment. Read about it here –
My doctor has prescribed me to sukumaram kwatham tablets 2-0-2 daily for menstrual pain. I want to know how long I can use this tablets and is it a vitamine tablet or pain killer. any side effect is there from these tablets.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It is not a vitamin tablet. It is not a pain killer. But it helps to relieve abdominal pain. This can be used for maximum 2 – 3 months, based on your doctor’s advice.
please clarify about the heavy metals used in ayurvedic medicines . i have heard that that in other countries it is advice not to take this medicines because its side effects.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, there are a few Ayurvedic medicines in which heavy metals are used in very low quantities. They are used only after thorough herbal purification procedures that are explained in traditional Ayurvedic text books. Any product (herbal / otherwise, food / supplements) that is having higher than the WHO recommended limits on heavy metals, is banned in many countries.
I have been given the combination of sukumaram kwatham, aragwadhad kwatham and mahatiktam kwatham for painful and itchy acnes. patolakaturohinyadi kwatham is been replaced with sukumaram kwatham. But i dont have painful periods or irregular periods for that matter. could you explain the benefit of this combination of tablets for acnes? Will it have side effects on my periods which is actually all fine?
njan prasavichett 1 yer aayi . prasava shysham ethuvary anikk perids aayittilla sukumaram kashayam kudichal anthykilum kuzhappamundakumo ?
sreedevi p
sukumara ghrita and sukumaram kashayam are same
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, Sukumara Kashayam is prepared with the same herbs that are used for preparing Sukumara ghrita.
Hi, I want to know daily dosage for sukumara ghrita. Just for overall good health. As it takes care of any menstrual and fertility issues.
Nice but does it help in cyst i had chocloate cyst removed and a dr has adived Dhanvantaram Thailam and sukumaram for month
can you please help, my hip pains still now both side, lot of gas
Dr Malini Bhat
Madam, Sukamara kashaya has all these healing properties:
> Anti inflammatory
> Anti spasmodic
> Carminative
> Fertility promoter
> Emmenagogue (which stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus)
Thank u Dr.This medicine prevent me frm this recurrent abortions?
Dr Malini Bhat
Madam, The cause of Recurrent abortions has to be ruled out and then the medicines are prescribed.
Thank u Dr…Pls tell me is the right way of treatment am taking
Nw am taking sukumara kashayam and gritham along with alopathy medicine with my Dr’s advice..Keeping 1 1/2 hrs time gap
Medicines Name
metital 1-0-1
Siocare syrup 1-0-1
Ecospirin 0-1-0
Perfect multivit 0-1-0
Duphastone Frm 16 th day of menstration 0-0-1
Sukumara kashyam (vydyarathnam) 15 ml =1-0-1
sukumara gritham 1 TB Spoon 0-0-1
Pls reply
Sally Kumar
Dr is it Advisable for weight loss also?
i m taking 15ml ashokarishta & 10 ml sukumar kashaym before it right medicine for pcos?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
If you have heavy periods, then it seems correct. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor in person.
Dear sir,
I am 24 yrs old lady. I am using ashokariahtam for irregular periods.. but now the problem is my periods will last only for one or two days. There is no or very less bleeding.. if I stop ashokarishtam I won’t get periods regularly.
But now there is no bleeding… and I get period only for one or two days…
Also there is severe hair fall and pimples.
Kindly advise and help..
Thank you.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
If your doctor has prescribed it, then please go ahead.
My daughter have chocolate cyst in right ovary. She is taking Kanchnar guggul, Chandraprabha vati, Sukumar kasayam, panchkolasav, Ashwagandha avleha, Amycordial syp. Is it necessary to take M2 tone tab and syp with these medicines.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
No. The first set of medicines look apt. Let her continue consulting the present doctor for further treatment.
What is the difference among varnadi kashay ,sapthsar kashay ,and sukumar kashay related to gynecological use?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Varanadi kashaya is used when there is obesity, PCOS, uterine fibroid etc.
Saptasara kashaya – is used when there is painful periods, low bleeding
Sukumara kashaya – general uterine tonic, useful in constipation, painful periods, pcos.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, the medicines are very correct. Please go ahead with your doctor’s advice.
Doctor sir,
Thanks for your reply, i have bee using ayurvadic medicine for ibs and hital hernia since 2015, few symptoms are reoccurring again and again like constipation and loose motions, tightness in the chest part and pian in the chest area and burning sensation and pain after food. Till how many days should I contine the medicine to cure this ibs and hital hernia. Will it be cured permanently. Please clarify
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, it tends to increase bleeding. Please stop it.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, it is best to avoid sukumaram kashayam further. Please continue with iron and calcium tablet etc that your doctor has given for healthy pregnancy.