Shamana Sneha: Meaning, Purpose, How to Administer

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Meaning and Purpose – Shamana Sneha is one among the three kinds of Snehana – oleation therapies explained by Acharya Vagbhata. This classification is based on the action / purpose of use of the Sneha – unctuous material administered.

Sneha administered for the purpose of Shamana – to bring about palliation of the moderately aggravated doshas is called as Shamana Sneha. It is also called as Shamananga Sneha.

Reference – Ashtanga Hridaya Sutra Sthana Chapter 16, Verses 19-22

Shamana Sneha

शमनः क्षुद्वतोऽनन्नो मध्यमात्रश्च शस्यते॥१९॥

As already mentioned, Shamana Sneha is administered with the purpose of palliating the aggravated doshas or disease.

It includes Sneha being used in moderate quantities i.e. in Madhyama matra. Here, the quantity of Sneha need not be in large quantities as in Shodhana Sneha because cleansing is not the purpose of Shamana Sneha.

Rules and Regulations for Shamana Sneha


Shamana Sneha is used for palliating a disease or mitigating the doshas, without expelling them from the body.

Shasyate Kshudvato Ananno

This form of Sneha should be ideally administered for drinking when the person is hungry and when the person has not taken the food.

This is the difference from Shodhana Sneha. Shodhana Sneha too should be given to the person when the patient has not taken food, but the patient is not hungry in this condition and the agni is not active. So, it is given very early in the morning.

On the other hand, Shamana Sneha should be administered on an empty stomach, when the person has not taken any food, but when the digestive fire is active and the person is feeling hungry. Here, the medicine i.e. Sneha has to come into contact with agni and has to undergo transformation.

Madhya Matrah cha

The dosage of Shamana Sneha is Madhya matra i.e. moderate or medium dose. It is less than the quantity / dosage of Shodhana Sneha and more than Brimhana Sneha, the other form of Sneha given with a purpose of strengthening the person and tissues.

Madhya Matra of Sneha is that quantity of Sneha which should get digested in a time span of 4 yamas i.e. 12 hours.

Mode of Action of Shamana Sneha

Shamana Sneha will come in contact with agni, get digested, absorbed and is put into circulation. While in circulation the moderate quantity of Shamana Sneha would pacify moderately increased doshas in the seats of their aggravation.

Nitya Sneha & Shamana Sneha

In some cases, there is a practice of administering small quantities of Sneha every-day, once or twice in a day in moderate increase of doshas and diseases which are not really troublesome, moderately disturbing in nature and need Sneha as remedy. This can also be considered as Shamana Sneha if it is administered on an empty stomach when the person is feeling hungry. In some cases, small quantities of Sneha are administered with milk or any suitable vehicle during food or at bedtime. Though this dose form also pacifies the moderately aggravated doshas, they shall be considered as Vicharana Sneha since they are mixed with food substances and administered.

Summary of Shamana Sneha

In short, below mentioned are the features of Shamana Sneha –

–        It is administered with the purpose of pacifying / palliating the doshas or diseases, without eliminating the doshas out of the body.

–        It is administered in moderate doses.

–        It is administered on an empty stomach when the person is hungry.

–        It is administered in case of moderately aggravated doshas and moderately strong diseases.

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