Hakini Mudra – Meaning, How To Do, Benefits, Dosha Effect

By Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S
Hakini = power / rule / energy / female goddess / deity of 6th chakra
Mudra = gesture / pose / lock / seal / mark


This mudra is a hasta mudra i.e. hand gesture. Some have considered that Hakini is a female Hindu deity and others as a female demon with enormous power. This gesture is dedicated to her. When done regularly it is said to enhance one’s concentration and thinking capabilities. It is associated with the Third-Eye Chakra. At this chakra i.e. energy center is positioned your imaginations and instincts.
Read – Mudra – The Science Of Gesture: Benefits, Types, How To Practice

Hakini Mudra is also called as ‘Brain Power Mudra’ or ‘Mudra for the mind’ as it enhances the brain power. It is also called as ‘power gesture’ since it installs power in the mind. It is useful for those who are indulged in lot of mental works and multi tasking leading to stress and brain fatigue. This is good for those who have forgetfulness and enhances concentration, memory and focus. It is also a memory enhancing gesture.
Read – Chakra – Kundalini: Introduction, Meaning, Types, Location, Ayurveda View

Method of performing

  • Sit in a relaxing comfortable position. You can combine doing this gesture along with meditation yoga poses like Padmasana i.e. lotus pose or Vajrasana i.e. diamond pose.
  • Close your eyes. You can also keep your eyes open but closing your eyes will help you focus and concentrate on the gesture.
  • Control your breath and breathe easy. Let your focus divert towards your breathing.
  • Keep your hands on your thighs or knee such that your palms face upwards.
  • Now slowly lift your hands and bring them closer to each other such that your palms face each other.
  • Bring the fingertips of your right hand closer to those of your left hand. Allow each finger touch its corresponding finger of the opposite hand. 
  • You can lift the hands with joined fingers and keep it close to your forehead, the site of 6th chakra.
  • Now move your gaze upwards and focus it towards the third eye chakra.
  • Breathe in easily while you place your tongue against the roof of the mouth.
  • Allow the tongue to relax as you breathe out.
  • Follow these steps many times.

By keeping the fingertips of both hands together, touching each other, you connect the flow of energy between the two sides of your brain and body.
Read – Tips To Enhance Effect Of Mudra, 5 Mudra Groups, Rules Of Hasta Mudra


  • Slowly open your eyes.
  • Release your fingers from their contact.
  • Bring your hands back to your lap or knee, to the starting position.
  • Breathe free and relax.

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Time and duration

Hakini gesture can be done for 30-35 minutes at a stretch or for 12 minutes at a stretch for three times in a day. Practice the gesture in the early hours of the morning, at sunrise. This will provide optimum benefits.

It can be done on empty stomach or after eating food. But it should be preferably practiced on empty stomach for better results. If you are doing it after meals, give a time gap of 45-60 minutes.

It can be performed while standing, sleeping or walking. But it is beneficial and effective when you do it in yoga poses. Since this gesture is recommended for the brain power, concentration and memory, it is better to focus on the gesture as you perform it.

When you practice this mudra for at least 2 months you will get the desired results. You can chant mantras while doing this gesture or while listening to soothing music.
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Benefits of Hakini Mudra

  • Enhances the memory power
  • Improves concentration
  • Calms the mind and opens it towards clear thinking
  • Improves and deepens the breathing, enables good oxygenation to the brain and hence improves brain functions
  • It is a good gesture for the students, improves their academic performance
  • Promotes coordination between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, hence it coordinates creativity and logical thinking
  • Promotes clarity of thoughts and hence helps in making proper decisions
  • Develops one’s connection with the third eye chakra and promotes intuition
  • This mudra helps in reducing depression, anxiety and stress.
  • It helps balancing blood pressure.
  • It helps children suffering from autism.
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Relationship with Chakras

Hakini Mudra is related to the third eye chakra. It is the 6th energy center of our body. It is located in the forehead, in between our eyebrows. It is called Ajna Chakra or Bhru Madhya Chakra. The gesture is said to stimulate this chakra. It is the center of intuition and foresight. Hakini is the goddess of the third eye. It is depicted as a two petal lotus symbolizing two hemispheres of the brain. It helps balancing the mind and pranas.
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Impact on Doshas

Practicing Hakini Mudra balances the functions of higher centers like enhancing memory power, concentration, thinking and making decisions. It also improves brain functions and promotes coordination of both hemispheres of brain, and balances 6th chakra. It is a remedy for stress and mind related problems. This can be achieved only when there is a balance in Prana vata – Udana Vata – Sadhaka Pitta and Tarpaka Kapha axis coordination. This gesture helps in maintenance of equilibrium of this axis.

Since this mudra helps in balancing breathing and aeration to the brain, and also balances blood pressure, it is helpful for the heart and lung functions. In relation to this, the gesture balances the Prana vata – Udana vata – Vyana vata – Avalambaka kapha – Ranjaka pitta axis coordination.
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Hakini Mudra for Alzheimer’s disease?

Does Hakini mudra prevent Alzheimer’s disease? How does elders benefit with this mudra? 
Dr JV Hebbar 
Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills of a person. As Alzheimer’s progresses, the person forgets how to get out of the room, how to lock the door etc. 
Any Mudra helps in improving health and relieving some symptoms of a disease. But a Mudra practice itself cannot cure a full fledged disease. 
For Alzheimer’s disease, billions of dollars are spent every year on research by various pharma companies and institutes to find a solution. Numerous research efforts are also taking place even in Ayurveda to find a cure, but very little progress has been made thus far. How can Hakini Mudra alone cure / prevent it? 
Can it prevent a disease like Alzheimer’s? We cannot say conclusively. At the best we can say it is useful to some extent. 
Can it help to improve memory? Definitely yes. 
Mudra practice, along with Ayurvedic treatment, medicines, Yoga and Pranayama make a powerful combination to treat many diseases. 

Jnana Mudra vs Hakini Mudra

Jnana Mudra is ideal for acquiring Jnana – knowledge. It is suited, if you are a student and want to increase your reading and comprehending, analytical capacities. It is useful if you want to improve your brain’s RAM power, it is useful to think about one subject to its deepest point, it is useful if you are seeking new ideas, it is useful if you want to learn a new language or acquire a new skill. 
Read more about Jnana Mudra procedure and benefits

Hakini Mudra is ideal for multi-tasking, to improve brain power and memory, to decide on what to do next, in case of confusion, to arrive at conclusions, for focusing on only one thing, to keep distractions at bay. 
There is no rule that you should select and do only one type of Mudra. You can experiment with one Mudra every month. 
Mudras, by themselves, have limited power. Mudra practice, added with disciplined lifestyle and diet, application of oil to hair, head massage, meditation or Mantra chanting, with tireless efforts to improve your memory, focus etc. leads to fruitful results.
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