Jalebi – Ayurvedic Method, Qualities, Health Benefits

Article by Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD.


Jalebi is most known name for the classical sweet – Kundalini. The name Kundalini is given due to ‘Kundala’ circular shape.  Baby Jalebi has become the most popular due to attractive and accepted form of it. Also, according to their liking different varieties are available like Khajoor Jalebi (date fruit pulp made), Anjoor jalebi (Fig pulp added), Angoor Jalabi (grape fruit added) etc. 

Probably in future days if the taste is exploreds Jalebis may be from other fruits also. Because, all the eatables are developed as per liking, acceptance and demand of the public.
Classical version of Jalebi as per Bhavaprakasha nighantu is explained here below –

Reference: Bhavaprakasha nighantu/Kritanna varga/132 – 142

Classical reference

Classical preparation

What is Jalebi – as per classical version?
A new earthen vessel/pot is taken and its inner wall is anointed with sour curd. Later, in a vessel1.500 Kg Maida and 750 ml sour curd and 375 ml of ghee are mixed together and placed in the above vessel for a period of approximately 1 – 1/2 hour. Further, in a small vessel or a cloth small hole is made of a little finger width and by taking the above mass it is dropped in circular manner to the boiling ghee. In this manner several circular masses are made and dropped over ghee and fried till it is crispy. Later these circular masses are dropped /placed in the sugar syrup and kept for 15 – 20 minutes.

As per ones desire camphor, cardamom, saffron etc can be added. Some add Gulkhand too in recent days.
When these absorb the sugar syrup it is taken out and shifted to a tray.
The product hence obtained is called Classical Jilebi or ‘Kundalini’ sweet.

Qualities, actions

Heavy (guru), coolant (sheetala), sweet (madhura), unctuous (snigdha), balances Vata and Pitta Dosha.

Nutritive (brimhana), complexion enhancer (kantivardhaka), energizer (balya), aphrodisiac (vrishya), appetizer/tasty (ruchya), nourisher of sense organs (indriya balya) etc.


As it is a complexion enhancer, tasty and energizer it is usually advised to the pregnant, especially in second and third trimester. Also, pregnant lady wants to have tasty food and jalebi is of that kind which nourishes the senses too.

Jalebi balances Vata and Pitta Dosha. Especially in migraine headache, gastritis, hyperacidity, gastritis, jalebi is dipped in lukewarm milk is administered in the early morning in empty stomach. Such a practice is abundantly found in Gujarat and Maharashtra states. Due to its high nutritive value, energizer and aphrodisiac qualities it is very much indicated in emaciated disorders and in sexually debility associated problems like oligospermia, reduced sexual libido etc.
Read related: Boondi Laddo, Motichoor Ladoo – Method, Ayurvedic Health Benefits

A sweet can also be a nutritional supplement, energy food, aphrodisiac and more over……a satisfying sweet for the sense organs!
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD. 

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