By Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.
The word Mutra Virechaneeya means that which expels out the vitiated urine. Or else the drugs which are helpful to cleanse the urine or urinary bladder are termed as Mutra virechaneeya.
Such drugs are indeed needed in cases of obstruction of the urine due to several factors; may be functional obstruction or mild structural defects too.If the vitiated urine is stagnated in the body it will further deterirate the bladder or site of origin(Kidneys) as well as its pathway(urinary tract).So it becomes essential to push out the vitiated or stagnated urine in time from its place of accumulation.
Such a function or action is possible only if the drugs are penetrative, quick acting, deep invading and diuretic in propery. The group referred here by name Mutra virechaneeya has several advantages and the details are furnished and analyzed with scientific rationality here below-
Table of Contents
Mutra Virechaneeya Gana
Let us review the quality and action of these drugs one by one in brief-
1. Vrukshadani (Dendrophthoe falcata Linn. f.)-Whole plant
Diuretic, anti inflammatory, lithotripsic, digestive, carminative etc.
2. Shvadamstra (Tribulus terrestris Linn.) -Seeds
Lithotripsic, diuretic, aphrodisiac, anti inflammatory, coolant etc.
3. Vasuka (Indigofera enneaphylla Linn.)-Whole plant
Anti inflammatory, diuretic, stabilizer, restorative etc.
4. Vasira (Gynandropsis gynandra Briquet)-Whole plant
Rejuvinative, replenisher, lithotripsic, minute channel invading etc.
5. Pashanabheda (Bergenia ligulata Engl.)-Whole plant
Lithotripsic, scraping, anti hyperlipidemeic, blood thinner etc.
6. Darbha (a variety of Desmostachya bipinnata Staff.)-Roots
Rejuvinative, urine purifier, diuretic, anti inflammatory etc.
7. Kusha (Desmostachya bipinnata)-Roots
Haemostatic, diuretic, anti microbial, rejuvinative etc.
8. Kasha (Saccharum spontaneum Linn.) – Roots
Diuretic, lithotripsic, anti inflammatory, wound healing etc.
9. Gundra (Saccharum sara) – Roots
Analgesic, anti inflammatory, diuretic, antacid, alkalizer etc.
10. Itkata – Sesbania bispinosa-Roots
Diuretic, anti inflammatory, rejuvinative, anti hyperglycemic, scraping etc.
Qualities, Therapeutic uses
Qualities in general and actions of Mutra virechaneeya Gana drugs:
The drugs referred in the above context are bitter mixed sweet in taste and few are astringent. These are unctuous-cooling-light-minute and motile in quality.They usually undergo pungent kind of metabolic change (Katu vipaka) and are cold in potency.
These drugs are coolants, diuretic, anti inflammatory, analgesic, lithotripsic and few are steptic too.
Therapeutic uses of Mutra virechaneeya Gana drugs:
Mutra virechaneetya drug containing formulations are useful in dysurea, urinary obstruction, mild cases of BPH, urinary calculi etc.
Ayurvedic medicines
Formulations containing Mutra virechaneeya drugs :
Trina panchamoola kashaya, Gokshurado kashaya, Gokshuradi guggulu, Itkatakadi kashaya, Pashanabheda kashaya, Ashmarihara kashaya etc are the important formulations of this group of herbs.
Disadvantages of Mutra virechaneeya Gana drugs:
The above said drugs are to be avoided in the dieresis patients who pass urine repeatedly in large quantity. In old aged patients who are not having ligamental control and who pass the urine in bed unknowingly due to organic defects or psychological disorders are also better to avoid the formulations derived out of these drugs.
Simple formulations
Simple formulations that can be made from the above drugs and their application in routine practice:
Fine powder of Gokshura in the dose of 2-3 gram can be administered along with tender coconut water or warm water in the cases of dysurea. Pashanabheda fresh juice or decoction has proven efficacy in cases of mild to moderate cases of Urinary calculi.
Formulation development opportunities:
Even though several classical and proprietary products are available containing these drugs in various combinations the alkali made out of these drugs is not yet came to market. So on proper research studies such an alkaline product can be brought to market which may act quite competitive manner in tackling the repeated complaints of dysurea, urinary calculi, burning during urination etc.
Similarly potent tablets, capsules and syrups can also be brought into practice after thorough clinical research studies.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD
2 comments on “Mutra virechaneeya Gana – Urine Detoxifying Group Of Herbs”
Bunty Gandhi
Vaidyratnam makes it in powder form as Vrikshadandyadi Kashayam choornam.
Is this safe in transplant patient with cr little up ?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
It can be said as safe. But it is better to consult a doctor directly.