Arshoghna Gana For Hemorrhoids: Review, Benefits, Formulations

This article is written by Dr M S Krishnamurthy MD(Ayu), PhD.
The herbs or drugs which are having the property to pacify the complaint of haemorroids/piles (Arsha) are called Arshoghna. Arsha is the result of constant indigestion and constipation. 

Arshoghna Gana

So, the medicaments used while treating the pile mass will have carminative, digestive and laxative effects.

Let us review the quality and action of these drugs one by one in brief-

1. Kutaja – Connessi (Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall.)-Stem bark
Anti diarrheal, carminative, wormicidal, anti hyperlipidimic, anti pyretic etc.

2. Digestive, absorbant, anti diarrhoeal, stimulant, anti inflammatory, anti arthritic, analgesic etc.

3. Chitraka – Leadwort – Plumbago zeylanica-Roots
Digestive, abortificient, absorbant, stimulant, scraping, diaphoretic etc.

4. Nagara (Zingiber officinale Rosc.)-Rhizome
Digestive, carminative, anti flatulent, appetizer, severe penetrative, stimulant etc.

5. Ativisa (Aconitum heterophyllum Wall.)-Roots
Anti pyretic, wormicidal, diaphoretic, anti flatulent etc.

6. Abhaya – Terminalia chebula-Fruit rind
Laxative, astringent tonic, anti flatulent, appetizer, tissue replenisher, eye tonic  etc.

7. Dhanvayasaka (Fagonia cretica Linn.)-Roots
Carminative, digestive, expectorant, soothing of the throat, anti tussive, immune modulator etc.

8. Daru Haridra – Tree Turmeric (stem) – Berberis aristataStem bark/Stem
Anti heyperlipidemic, complexion enhancer, anti diabetic, eye tonic etc.

9. Vacha (Acorus calamus Linn.) – Rhizome
Stimulant, digestive, wormicidal, memory enhancer, stimulant etc.

10. Chavya (Piper chaba Hunter.)-Stem
Liver stimulant, digestive, carminative, anti flatulent, uterine stimulant etc.

Qualities, Actions

Kshara Application on Arshas
By Dr Ashwin Shetty B.A.M.S., M.S. (Ayu)
Easy Ayurveda Hospital
Click to Consult Dr Ashwin

Qualities in general and actions of Arshoghna gana drugs:
The above specified drugs of Arshoghna group are light and hot in quality, pungent in taste, hot in potency and usually undergo pungent kind of metabolic transformation. They are deep penetrative, quick acting and have direct action over the digestive fire.

Therapeutic uses

Therapeutic uses of Arshogna drugs:
These drugs are highly beneficial in piles or haemoprroids. In addition they may be useful in diarrhea, sprue syndrome, chronic indigestion, abdominal worms, constipation etc.

Ayurvedic formulations

Formulations containing Arsogna drugs :
Kutajarishtha, Bilvarishtha, Bilvavaleha, Abhayarishtha, Abhayadi modaka, Chitrakasava, Chavyarishtha, Kutajavaleha, Chitrakadi vati etc are the important formulation s prepared out of the above said ingredients.


Disadvantages of Arshoghna gana drugs:
The above said drugs are hot in potency and hence they should be prescribed in appropriate dosage and with suitable after drink or else it may worsen the condition.

Simple formulations that can be made from the above drugs and their application in routine practice:
The drugs like Abhaya (Hareetaki) can be prescribed in the powder form along with butter milk in the cases like hemorrhoids. Dhanvayasa and Kutaja in the form of hot infusion found to be effective in the cases of piles.

Formulation development opportunities:
Above said drugs can be modified into syrups or medicated powders. If some more alkaline drugs are added (like Yavakshara, Sarjakshara) etc much competitive product can be developed which is efficient to cure I and II stage of piles.
Click to consult Dr MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD.

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