First Advice That I Would Give To Any Ayurveda Learner

Thanks to the online world, we can easily learn anything and everything by looking into our computer, tablets and smartphones. It has made the process of learning very easy. So, Ayurveda learning has also become quite easy. If you are starting out to learn Ayurveda by looking into the information available in the internet, I have one basic request  / suggestion for you.

That is, do not fall behind learning about home remedies. An extension of last sentence is – concentrate on basics. Let me explain.

ayurveda more than home remedies

Knowledge of home remedies is quite fashionable. With the click of a few buttons, you can get more than 100 remedies for pimples in 5 minutes. I too have discussed (and will be discussing) many home remedies and treatments for many diseases.
Knowledge of these home remedies gives us a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment. It enables us and makes us confident of helping others. But if you really want to help someone using Ayurveda, mere collection of home remedies listed in a book would not help.

I suggest you to invest a bit more of time and energy in learning basic concepts of Ayurveda.
How the disease progress sets in?
How the symptoms manifest?
How Doshas get involved and cause symptoms?
At what stage the current disease is?
For that particular stage of the disease, what are the herbs that I can use?
What are the ideal qualities of herbs that are desired in it?
So, a,b,c – these are the herbs best suited for this condition.
Now, how can I administer it, at what dose? at what time? For how long?
What is the benefit that we can expect in the patients? How much percentage of relief can be expected?
What if those herbs / remedies / medicines exhibit side effects?
How to handle those side effects?

So, I think this is the right way of learning Ayurveda.  –
Knowing clearly the aspects of health
Learning about the disease
Then deciding on herbs / remedies
Full knowledge of remedies including dose, side effects, usage and benefits etc.

Of course, learning all these in a systematic manner takes a lot of time and effort. When someone talks freely about home remedies and if you do not know about them, it hurts. But what is the use of home remedy, if you do not know the dose, side effects, right method of usage, usability in particular disease condition etc?
Please remember – home remedies can be, at the best, a part of treatment. They can not be the actual treatment itself.

11 comments on “First Advice That I Would Give To Any Ayurveda Learner

  • Johanna

    11/10/2013 - 7:15 pm

    Thank you for this. What is your recommendation toward a systematic learning approach? Books? online classes? If one is starting from the beginning, where does one begin and progress?

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    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)

      11/10/2013 - 10:13 pm

      Hi Johanna, like I have mentioned in the article, learning of Ayurveda (or any other health science) should start from its basic principles.
      Try to understand Tridosha first. Then how the body functions etc.
      Then about the disease process, then about the treatment principles and at last medicines and home remedies.
      If you start learning about home remedies without knowing the disease process or knowledge of herb used, it is of no use.
      Systematic learning –
      better to get enrolled in an Ayurveda college directly. If that is not possible, at least weekend classes, if not, books / online courses would help.

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    11/10/2013 - 10:57 pm


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    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)

      15/10/2013 - 9:44 am

      This is exactly what I wanted to convey. Thanks!

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  • Ramkrisna

    12/10/2013 - 10:01 am

    This is exactly true when we plan to use a medicine the side effects(wanted & unwanted), dose, time duration for intervention should consider first.

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  • Johanna

    13/10/2013 - 7:38 am

    Do you recommend an Ayurveda course of study/teacher study that can be online? There are no schools in my country and I am interested in studying for myself and my family. Thank you for your time!

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    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)

      22/10/2013 - 11:32 am

      Hi Johanna,
      I am not sure how far an online Ayurveda course will be useful. If you wish to learn Ayurveda from the basics, then signing up to my all e-books and e-magazine offer would be helpful – more details here –

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  • Gary

    06/11/2013 - 8:37 am

    Any reason diet isn’t included? Do you not think it is not first, along with perhaps bhūta vidyā, among recommendations? 🙂

    An unhealthy diet is the true cause of most sickness. – Caraka Samita, Sutrasthana XXV.31

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    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)

      06/11/2013 - 10:37 am

      I was concentrating on the topic of frenzy to collect home remedy information. I wish to convey that just having a bunch of home remedies with you is useless. Of course, diet plays a very important role in maintaining health and treating disease. Thanks for pointing out.

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